Intel® FPGA University Program
University Program Material, Education Boards, and Laboratory Exercises
1206 Discussions

Need a little help getting started...

Honored Contributor II

I've a class project involving a keyboard input with sound output with the altera de2 board. I've spent several hours researching and looking at examples, but still feel a bit overwhelmed with it all. Could someone please point me in the right direction? I'm sure I could figure this stuff out if I can just get past this initial stage. I want to code in C which I apparently use the NIOS II IDE for. Any resources for me to read would be appreciated as well. I suppose my questions are along the lines of, how do you send code from the NIOS IDE to the board (directly or through quartus software?), and how do you get keyboard inputs (do you have to do pin assignments or just use C's interpretation of keys?)... 


As you can see, I'm rather lost at the moment. Thanks for any input! Cheers~
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi,I'm working on DE1,encountered the same problems of getting started,I programmed in Verilog,I'll appreciate it if we can talk together on that,my

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Honored Contributor II

have a look at the getting started type documents on the altera website.

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Honored Contributor II

This may be a little late...I "discovered" Prof. Jim Hamblem text, "Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems". This is a gem as he writes the text covering all the different evaluation boards thru DE2. He has basic tutorials and advanced tutorials for the IP cores and Nios II. You can download a free 30-day digital copy at his textbook's website and get a desk copy from Springer Publishing. Right now, I'm in the sixth week of classes and have handed out about 2" thick of manuals and other information. I too, have intentions of working on the keyboard input but rather the text go to the LCD.

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