Intel® FPGA University Program
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1197 Discussions

[Question] TCL script with Altera Monitor Program

Honored Contributor II



I'm an electrical engineering student, and i'm currently doing a project with the DE0-Nano SoC. I was asked to do a TCL script, which will automatically execute several times an application on the ARM Cortex A9 of this board.(I'll need to kill the application at some point, and execute it again) 


To do so, I need to program the processor with an ELF file, which can be made with a makefile or directly by compiling the C-code with Altera Monitor Program. I'm using Altera Monitor Program to load the ELF file on the board. 


I also have Quartus Prime Lite Edition, to develop an FPGA module. Currently, i'm using the DE0-Nano SoC Computer, available with University program. I don't know if I may use the Nios II processor or not, to control,with the FPGA-HPS bridges, the HPS (Cortex A9) 


I was wondering, if there is a way to launch Altera Monitor Program with a command in a shell ( Maybe with the Embedded Command Shell), and to compile and load a program on the board. 


Does anyone already tried to do something similar ? I cannot found anything on the web about it... 


Thank you a lot if you have anything for me ! :)
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I think there is a version of system console that will support loading applications over JTAG using the command line. I don't use the command line version, so I don't know the details.

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Honored Contributor II


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I think there is a version of system console that will support loading applications over JTAG using the command line. I don't use the command line version, so I don't know the details. 

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Thanks for your reply ! :) 


Yes I saw the system console User guide, there is a lots of stuffs that are interresting. However, it's to use the Nios II processor (inside the FPGA), and I would to do the same (Debuging JTAG interface) with the HPS (ARM Cortex A9) 


The command line to download the application on the Nios II processor typed in the NIOS II SHELL is: $ nios2-download -g <name_of_file>.elf  


I can use the Altera Monitor Program graphic interface to download the system through the JTAG, but I would like to do it in a script, or find an other way to do so.
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