Intel® FPGA University Program
University Program Material, Education Boards, and Laboratory Exercises

pong game

Honored Contributor II

i tried to run pong game in fpga prototyping with vhdl examples book chapter 13 but i couldn't run that can you help me

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

not without knowing whats wrong.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

i used codes in the book i want to write in the vga pau logo but i couldn't that

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Please post the code you're trying to get working, and tell us the errors.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

these are codes  


library ieee; 

use ieee. std_logic_1164. all ; 

use ieee. numeric_std. all ; 

entity pong_graph_animate is 

port ( 

clk, reset : std_logic ; 

btn: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0 ) ; 

video_on: in std_logic; 

pixel_x , pixel_y : in std_logic_vector ( 9 downto 0) ; 

graph_rgb : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); 

hit:out std_logic; 

gra_still: in std_logic; 

miss: in std_logic; 

graph_on : in std_logic 

) ; 

end pong_graph_animate ; 

architecture arch of pong_graph_animate is 

signal refr_tick : std_logic; 

--x , y c o o r d i n a t e s (0,0) to ( 639 , 479 ) 

signal pix_x,pix_y : unsigned ( 9 downto 0) ; 

constant MAX_X: integer :=640; 

constant MAX_Y: integer:=480; 

-- w a l l l e f t , r i g h t b o u n d a r y 

constant WALL_X_L : integer :=32 ; 

constant WALL_X_R: integer :=35; 

-- b a r l e f t , r i g h t b o u n d a r y 

constant BAR_X_L: integer :=600; 

constant BAR_X_R: integer :=603; 

--b a r t o p , b o t t o m b o u n d a r y 

signal bar_y_t , bar_y_b : unsigned ( 9 downto 0) ; 

constant BAR_Y_SIZE: integer :=72; 

-- reg t o t r a c k t o p b o u n d a r y ( x p o s i t i o n is f i x e d ) 

signal bar_y_reg , bar_y_next : unsigned ( 9 downto 0) ; 

-- b a r moving v e l o c i t y when a b u t t o n i s p r e s s e d 

constant BAR_V: integer:=4; 

-- s q u a r e b a l l 

constant BALL_SIZE: integer:=8; -- 8 

-- b a l l l e f t , r i g h t b o u n d a r y 

signal ball_x_l, ball_x_r : unsigned ( 9 downto 0) ; 

-- b a l l t o p , b o t t o m b o u n d a r y 

signal ball_y_t , ball_y_b : unsigned (9 downto 0) ; 

-- reg t o t r a c k l e f t , t o p b o u n d a r y 

signal ball_x_reg , ball_x_next ,ball_vx_reg : unsigned ( 9 downto 0) ; 

signal ball_y_reg , ball_y_next ,ball_vy_reg : unsigned ( 9 downto 0) ; 

--reg t o t r a c k b a l l s p e e d 

signal x_delta_reg , x_delta_next : unsigned ( 9 downto 0 ) ; 

signal y_delta_reg , y_delta_next : unsigned ( 9 downto 0 ) ; 

-- b a l l v e l o c i t y c a n be p o s o r neg 

constant BALL_V_P : unsigned ( 9 downto 0 ) 

:= to_unsigned ( 2,10) ; 

constant BALL_V_N: unsigned ( 9 downto 0) 

:= unsigned ( to_signed (-2,10)); 

-- r o u n d b a l l i m a g e ROM 

type rom_type is array (0 to 7 ) 

of std_logic_vector ( 0 to 7 ) ; 

-- ROM d e f i n i t i o n 

constant BALL_ROM: rom_type := 

"00111100" , -- * * * * 

"01111110", -- * * * * * * 

"11111111", -- * * * * * * * * 

"11111111", -- * * * * * * * * 

"11111111", -- * * * * * * * * 

"11111111", -- * * * * * * * * 

"01111110", -- * * * * * * 

"00111100" --* * * * 

) ; 

signal rom_addr , rom_col : unsigned ( 2 downto 0 ) ; 

signal rom_data : std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0) ; 

signal rom_bit : std_logic ; 

-- o b j e c t o u t p u t s i g n a l s 

signal wall_on ,bar_on , sq_ball_on , rd_ball_on : std_logic ; 

signal wall_rgb,bar_rgb , ball_rgb : 

std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0) ; 


-- r e g i s t e r s 

process ( clk , reset) 


if reset = '1' then 

bar_y_reg <= ( others => '0' ) ; 

ball_x_reg <= ( others => '0' ) ; 

ball_y_reg <= ( others => '0' ) ; 

x_delta_reg <= ( "0000000100" ) ; 

y_delta_reg <= ( "0000000100") ; 

elsif( clk'event and clk = '1' ) then 

bar_y_reg <= bar_y_next ; 

ball_x_reg <= ball_x_next ; 

ball_y_reg <= ball_y_next ; 

x_delta_reg <= x_delta_next ; 

y_delta_reg <= y_delta_next ; 

end if ; 

end process; 

pix_x <= unsigned ( pixel_x ) ; 

pix_y <= unsigned ( pixel_y ) ; 

refr_tick <= '1' when ( pix_y = 481 ) and (pix_x=0) else 


wall_on <='1' when (WALL_X_L <= pix_x ) and (pix_x<=WALL_X_R) else 


wall_rgb <= "001"; -- b l u e 

-- b o u n d a r y 

bar_y_t <= bar_y_reg ; 

bar_y_b <= bar_y_t + BAR_Y_SIZE - 1; 

-- p i x e l w i t h i n b a r 

bar_on <= 

'1' when (BAR_X_L<=pix_x) and (pix_x<=BAR_X_R) and 

(bar_y_t <= pix_y ) and ( pix_y <= bar_y_b ) else 

'0' ; 

-- b a r r g b o u t p u t 

bar_rgb <= "001" ; --green 

-- new b a r y - p o s i t i o n 

process ( bar_y_reg , bar_y_b , bar_y_t , refr_tick , btn) 


bar_y_next <= bar_y_reg ; -- no move 

if refr_tick = '1' then 

if btn (1) = '1' and bar_y_b<(MAX_Y-1-BAR_V) then 

bar_y_next <= bar_y_reg + BAR_V; -- move down 

elsif btn ( 0 ) = '1'and bar_y_t > BAR_V then 

bar_y_next <= bar_y_reg - BAR_V ; -- move up 

end if;  

end if; 

end process; 

-- s q u a r e b a l l 

-- b o u n d a r y 

ball_x_l <= ball_x_reg ; 

ball_y_t <= ball_y_reg ; 

ball_x_r <= ball_x_l + BALL_SIZE - 1; 

ball_y_b <= ball_y_t + BALL_SIZE - 1; 

-- p i x e l w i t h i n b a l l 

sq_ball_on <= 

'1' when ( ball_x_l <= pix_x ) and ( pix_x <= ball_x_r ) and 

( ball_y_t <= pix_y ) and ( pix_y <= ball_y_b ) else 

'0' ; 

-- map c u r r e n t p i x e l l o c a t i o n t o ROM a d d r / c o l 

rom_addr <= pix_y(2 downto 0) - ball_y_t(2 downto 0 ) ; 

rom_col <= pix_x(2 downto 0 ) - ball_x_l(2 downto 0 ) ; 

rom_data <= BALL_ROM(to_integer(rom_addr)); 

rom_bit <= rom_data(to_integer(rom_col)); 

-- p i x e l w i t h i n b a l l 

rd_ball_on<='1'when (sq_ball_on='1') and (rom_bit='1') else 

'0' ; 

ball_rgb <= "100" ; -- red 

ball_x_next <= 

to_unsigned((MAX_X)/2,10) when gra_still='1' else 

ball_x_reg + ball_vx_reg when refr_tick='1' else 

ball_x_reg ; 

ball_y_next <= 

to_unsigned((MAX_Y)/2,10) when gra_still='1' else 

ball_y_reg + ball_vy_reg when refr_tick='1' else 

ball_y_reg ; 

process ( ball_vx_reg , ball_vy_reg , ball_y_t,ball_x_l, ball_x_r , 



hit <= '0' ; 

miss <= '0' ; 

ball_vx_next <= ball_vx_reg; 

ball_vy_next <= ball_vy_reg; 

if gra_still= '1' then -- i n i t i a 1 v e 1 o c i t y 

ball_vx_next <= BALL_V_N; 

ball_vy_next <= BALL_V_P; 

elsif ball_y_t < 1 then  

ball_vy_next <= BALL_V_P; 

elsif ball_y_b > (MAX_Y-1) then -- r e a c h b o t t o m 

ball_vy_next <= BALL_V_N; 

elsif ball_x_1 <= WALL_X_R then -- r e a c h w a l l 

ball_vx_next <= BALL_V_P; -- b o u n c e b a c k 

elsif (BAR-X-L <=ball-x-r) and (ball-x-r <=BAR-X-R) and 

(bar_y_t<=ball_y_b) and (ball_y_t<=bar_y_b) then 

-- r e a c h x of r i g h t b a r , a h i t 

ball_vx_next <= BALL_V_N; -- b o u n c e b a c k 

hit <= '1'; 

elsif (ball_x_r>MAX_X) then --r e a c h r i g h t b o r d e r 

miss <= '1' ; -- a mi s s 

end if ; 

end process ; 

graph_on <= wall_on or bar_on or rd_ball_on; 


wall_rgb, bar_rgb, ball_rgb) 


if video_on='0' then 

graph_rgb <= "000" ; --blank 


if wall_on = '1' then 

graph_rgb <= wall_rgb; 

elsif bar_on = '1' then 

graph_rgb<= bar_rgb ; 

elsif rd_ball_on = '1' then 

graph_rgb <= ball_rgb; 


graph_rgb <= "110"; -- y e l l o w background 

end if ; 

end if ; 

end process ; 

end arch; 



can't write to interface object ''miss'' of mode IN 

interface object ''hit''of mode out cannot be read.change object mode to buffer 


i added the hit:out std_logic, gra_still: in std_logic, miss: in std_logic, graph_on : in std_logic 

error can be from this
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I think your error is self explanitory. 


You cannot write to an input port. You need to make it an output. 


Also, outputs cannot be read internally. Either make it a buffer (like it suggests) or use an internal signal.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I think your error is self explanitory. 


You cannot write to an input port. You need to make it an output. 


Also, outputs cannot be read internally. Either make it a buffer (like it suggests) or use an internal signal. 

--- Quote End ---  



" I have tried to run the above code but and they are executing successfully , the problem that is not that how do I assign the pins, auto assigning the pin gives a wrong output and when using the DE1 pin assignment how do i change the name as there is discrepancy in naming system "
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