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I've used this syntax to append arrays and it has given me unexpected results in some cases using Intel compilers (both ifx and ifort on both Ubuntu and macOS runners, not so using gfortran and nvfortran):
array = [array, obj]
I could reproduce it with ifort 2021.1 Beta 20201112 on a macOS runner (13.6.4) in the GitHub CI using this code:
module my_module
implicit none
type, public :: my_type_set
type(my_type), allocatable :: objects(:)
procedure :: set_objects
end type
type, public :: my_type
character(:), allocatable :: string
end type
subroutine set_objects(set)
class(my_type_set), intent(out) :: set
type(my_type) :: obj_1, obj_2
obj_1%string = 'one'
obj_2%string = 'two'
allocate (set%objects(0))
set%objects = [set%objects, obj_1]
set%objects = [set%objects, obj_2]
program my_program
use my_module, only: my_type_set, my_type
implicit none
type(my_type_set) :: set_of_objects
call set_of_objects%set_objects()
if (set_of_objects%objects(2)%string /= 'two') stop 1 ! Correct, does not stop
if (set_of_objects%objects(1)%string /= 'one') stop 1 ! Empty string, stops
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Can you please try the latest release of ifx or ifort? I cannot reproduce what you report using ifx 2024.0.0 or ifort 2021.11.0 on Linux.
The Intel Fortran compilers are no longer available for macOS. They were deprecated about a year ago and discontinued with the 2024.0 releases.
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Ok, I appended a slightly longer code example that reproduces the error on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS using both ifx (IFX) 2024.0.2 20231213 and ifort (IFORT) 2021.10.0 20230609. The example is a little bit more complex, but if I boiled it down even further, the error somehow goes away on a Linux machine (even if I just remove the allocatable fields within version_t). However, it's quite clear that the error appears during the array extension step. Please pay attention to lines 77 to 79.
module version_f
implicit none
public :: try_satisfy
type :: string_t
character(:), allocatable :: str
end type
type :: version_t
integer :: major
integer :: minor
integer :: patch
type(string_t), allocatable :: prerelease(:)
type(string_t), allocatable :: build(:)
end type
type :: comparator_t
character(:), allocatable :: op
type(version_t) :: version
end type
type :: comparator_set_t
type(comparator_t), allocatable :: comps(:)
procedure, private :: parse_comp_set
end type
type :: version_range_t
type(comparator_set_t), allocatable :: comp_sets(:)
procedure, private :: parse_version_range
end type
subroutine try_satisfy()
type(version_range_t) :: version_range
call version_range%parse_version_range()
if (version_range%comp_sets(1)%comps(1)%op /= '>') then
print *, 'Operator not >: ', version_range%comp_sets(1)%comps(1)%op; stop 1
end if
subroutine parse_version_range(this)
class(version_range_t), intent(out) :: this
type(comparator_set_t) :: comp_set
allocate (this%comp_sets(0))
call comp_set%parse_comp_set()
this%comp_sets = [this%comp_sets, comp_set]
subroutine parse_comp_set(this)
class(comparator_set_t), intent(out) :: this
type(comparator_t) :: comp
allocate (this%comps(0))
comp%op = '>'
comp%version%major = 1
comp%version%minor = 0
comp%version%patch = 1
this%comps = [this%comps, comp]
comp%op = '<'
comp%version%major = 2
comp%version%minor = 1
comp%version%patch = 0
print *, 'before array extension: ', this%comps(1)%op ! Prints '>'
this%comps = [this%comps, comp]
print *, 'after array extension: ', this%comps(1)%op ! Prints '0'
program test
use version_f
implicit none
call try_satisfy()
end program
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Works on a Linux but fails on Windows, is a flag that this may be a stack overflow issue. Windows defaults to a ~1MB and Linux is around 8MB if I recall correctly. The compiler may be doing a temp array on the stack to extend the array in your program. Might try setting increasing the exe stack size using /STACK linker flag.
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@minhdao, what output do you expect for a successful execution?
With ifx 2024.0.2 I get
$ a.out
before array extension: >
after array extension: 0
Operator not >: 0
However, with a preview version of 2024.1.0, I get
$ a.out
before array extension: >
after array extension: >
If the preview 2024.1.0 is correct, that is planned to be available in the next month or so.
The reproducer runs the same on Windows.
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That's interesting @Barbara_P_Intel. Yes, the preview 2024.1.0 gives the expected result. Looking forward to trying it out with the new release.

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