Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Link Error 4098

Valued Contributor III

1>------ Build started: Project: Console1, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------


1>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library

1>Embedding manifest...


1>Build log written to "file://C:\Users\macne\Documents\Visual%20Studio%202017\Projects\Console1\Console1\Debug\BuildLog.htm"

1>Console1 - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)

========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Dear Fortran Forum Gurus:

I have been using DISLIN for a long time.  My computer decided to pass out and I had to get a new hard drive and reload everything.  I took the trouble to update to latest everything.  Now of course several of my Fortran programs are breaking.  DISLIN had also been updated so as I tried to get all the settings correct in VS 2017, I finally got the sample map program running, but I get the error above.

I used /NODEF  but I then got real errors not just a warning.  Anyone got any ideas on the thing I do not know to fix this please.



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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

4098 is a warning, not an error. This indicates "Mixed C Library Syndrome". If you are linking to a static library that was built to link with other static libraries, try changing your project property Fortran > Libraries > Use Runtime Library to "Multithreaded" rather than "Multithread DLL". There are other solutions but this is probably the easiest.

Ideally, if DISLIN was written in Fortran, it would have been built with the option to "Disable default library search rules". If it is written in C that would not be an option.

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Valued Contributor III


Thanks for the note.   I have two almost identical computers, they are configured identically - one at home and one at work.  The work one went south a few weeks ago and so I had to only work on the home laptop.  I had it running VS2017 and it was fine. 

Without thinking I installed the VS2017 Community Preview update 4 and the latest Intel Compiler 2019 and the latest DISLIN.

Last night I was running the program at home on the real VS2017 and it works and compiles fine.  I copied the entire folder onto a flash drive and tried it on the Preview on the work computer and it just goes into meltdown land with errors.

I am un-installing the preview -- if anyone is tempted to use the preview and 2019 - hold off.

PS:  Some times the bleeding edge can also be akin the stand of the 300 - brave but ultimately deadly.



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Honored Contributor III

"meltdown land with errors"? Please show us what you mean by this.

I'm not sure about "Community Preview update 4", since VS2017 Community is a released product, but I have no problems using the 2019 Intel compiler with the latest VS2017 update.

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