Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Mr. William Baya


Dear Intel Engineers and Friends.

I installed Intel Fortran XE 2016 trial version with Update 4 in order to link with VS 2013 and Abaqus 2017 for running Abaqus subroutines. The installation was succesful accept for Tosca which failed to install. The problem is that I have tried loading a subroutine but I end up with an error indicating a Problem during compilation. Information on this forum indicates that such a problem can be caused by failure of ifort to be properly installed.

when I run 

C:\Users\Baya>mpiifort.bat D:\test1\test2.f90
mpifc.bat for the Intel(R) MPI Library 5.1.3 for Windows*
Copyright(C) 2007-2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

I get the following message.

'ifort' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
ERROR in the compiling/linking [1]

And when I run ifortvars.bat on cmd, it brings the following information:

 ifortvars.bat [-arch] <arch> [vs] [-platform <platform>]

   <arch> must be is one of the following
       ia32         : Set up for IA-32 host and target
       ia32_intel64 : Set up for IA-32 host and Intel(R)64 target
       intel64      : Set up for Intel(R) 64 host and target
   If specified, <vs> must be one of the following
       vs2010      : Set to use Microsoft Visual Studio* 2010
       vs2010shell : Set to use Microsoft Visual Studio* Shell 2010
       vs2012      : Set to use Microsoft Visual Studio* 2012
       vs2013      : Set to use Microsoft Visual Studio* 2013
       vs2013shell : Set to use Microsoft Visual Studio* Shell 2013
       vs2015      : Set to use Microsoft Visual Studio* 2015
   If <vs> is not specified, the version of Visual Studio* detected at install
   time is used.
   <platform> must be of the following.
       linux          : Set to Linux* target.
       android        : Set to Android* target.

This is the point where am stuck now and I do not know how to proceed to resolve the issue.

I kindly need help 

Thanks in advance.

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2 Replies
New Contributor II

ifortvars.bat ia32

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Thanks gib

It has worked

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