Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Passing 2D array to C# app results in memory access violation


I have two fortran modules. 

This module is a struct that simply holds data: 

module LoadChartOutput_Type
    TYPE :: LoadChartOutput_Data
        integer, Dimension(30,10)                     :: KWRCH
        integer, Dimension(30,10)                     :: KWRSCH
        integer, Dimension(30,10)                     :: KRCH
        integer, Dimension(30,10)                     :: KBACH
        CHARACTER (LEN=1), Dimension(30,10)           :: WRSYMB
    END TYPE LoadChartOutput_Data
end module


This Module provides a getter and setter to allow that data to be accessed from outside the dll: 

module LoadChartOutput_Mod
    use LoadChartOutput_Type

    implicit none
    TYPE :: LoadChartOutputs_Type
        type(LoadChartOutput_Data), Dimension(3)                            :: LoadCharts        
    END TYPE LoadChartOutputs_Type
    type(LoadChartOutputs_Type)                                             :: LoadChartOutputs
    SUBROUTINE GetLoadChartOutput(value)
        !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: GetLoadChartOutput
        !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS: 'GetLoadChartOutput' :: GetLoadChartOutput
        type(LoadChartOutput_Data), Dimension(3), INTENT(OUT)               :: value
        value = LoadChartOutputs%LoadCharts
    END SUBROUTINE GetLoadChartOutput
    SUBROUTINE SetLoadChartOutput(value)
        !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: SetLoadChartOutput
        !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS: 'SetLoadChartOutput' :: SetLoadChartOutput
        type(LoadChartOutput_Data), Dimension(3), INTENT(IN)                :: value
        LoadChartOutputs%LoadCharts = value
    END SUBROUTINE SetLoadChartOutput
end module

I then have two C# classes on the other side. 


This class imports the getter and setter from the fortran module: 

    public class LoadChartOutput_Data : ViewModelBase
        #region Imported Fortran Getters/Setters
        // Fortran DLL interface.
        [DllImport("Libraries\\FP1_Library.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        private static extern void GetLoadChartOutput([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3), Out] LoadChartOutput[] val);
        [DllImport("Libraries\\FP1_Library.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        private static extern void SetLoadChartOutput([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3), In] LoadChartOutput[] val);


        #region Bindable Properties
        public ObservableCollection<LoadChartOutput> LoadChartOutputs

        public LoadChartOutput_Data()
        public void PullFromFortran()
            LoadChartOutput[] loadChartOutput = new LoadChartOutput[3];

            catch(Exception ex)
                string stop = "here";

            foreach (LoadChartOutput output in loadChartOutput)

This class is a struct that matches that first fortran type that I listed. 


    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 8)]
    public struct LoadChartOutput
        //integer, Dimension(30)                     :: KWRCH
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 300)]
        private int[] kwrch;
        public int[] KWRCH
            get => kwrch;
            set => kwrch = value;

        ////integer, Dimension(30,10)                     :: KWRSCH
        //public int[,] KWRSCH
        //    get => kwrsch;
        //    set => kwrsch = value;
        //private int[,] kwrsch;

        ////integer, Dimension(30,10)                     :: KRCH
        //public int[,] KRCH
        //    get => krch;
        //    set => krch = value;
        //private int[,] krch;

        ////integer, Dimension(30,10)                     :: KBACH
        //public int[,] KBACH
        //    get => kbach;
        //    set => kbach = value;
        //private int[,] kbach;

        //CHARACTER(LEN= 1), Dimension(30,10)           :: WRSYMB
        //public char[,][] WRSYMB
        //    get => wrsymb;
        //    set => wrsymb = value;
        //private char[,][] wrsymb;

If I uncomment all of the properties in my class I get memory access violations when I call GetLoadChartOutput. I get memory access violations if I set SizeConst to anything greater than about 30 (it seems to vary from run to run). Sometimes it will crash without even throwing an exception when I call GetLoadChartOutput. Any tips on passing a 2D array from Fortran to C#?



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7 Replies
Valued Contributor III

This is a sample C# to Fortran progam - i used it several years ago - but gave up -- I know it works but you might have to play to set it up and get it running. 

If you are passing data - use a text file -- 

Just a suggestion 


0 Kudos

Thanks for the sample code. I got it working by creating a getter function that passes the 2D array to C#. For some reason I can do it that way without any trouble but passing a 2D array inside a complex type just wasn't working for me. 


0 Kudos
Valued Contributor III

No problem -- C# and Fortran are both good languages -- but mixing them is hard -- I tried and gave up

Interestingly it is quite simple to translate Fortran into C# and backwards



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Honored Contributor II

Bowman, Eric wrote:

.. For some reason .. passing a 2D array inside a complex type just wasn't working for me. ..

My comment here is more for other readers who are looking for example code and are open to advice that the robust and extensible approach to interoperate Fortran with C# .NET involves following Microsoft's recommendations with P/Invoke layer to interop .NET with unmanaged code (per Microsoft terminology, usually code generated using C, C++, Fortran compilers on Windows).  And then on the Fortran side, to make use of standard features of interoperability with C in current standard Fortran.

With the former involving P/Invoke in .NET to interop with unmanaged code, Microsoft Docs is a good starting reference:

Toward the latter i.e., modern Fortran and C interoperability, one can refer to the books in Dr Fortran blog:  And review Intel Fortran documentation online:

But now, with P/Invoke, Microsoft does the interoperation with "flattened" arrays i.e., rank-1 or 1D and it makes sense to use rank-1 arrays then in the .NET interop layer.

A simple example is shown below where the Fortran code works with rank-2 arrays (or higher rank) but the interop layer in .NET is rank-1.  And then with C# (or Visual Basic for that matter), one can easily define one's own 'class' or 'struct' that works with rank-2 (or higher) arrays which is all the consumers of said class/struct might see.

With 'char' data types and their arrays, the 'class' or 'struct' .NET might even work with StringBuilder class and the use the method in this class to manage the char array.   Alternately, one can use System.IntPtr as an opaque pointer to interop between C# and Fortran.  It's also possible to use a thin C layer to make use of extended interoperability features with C descriptors introduced in Fortran 2018.


module dat_m

   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int, c_char

   implicit none


   integer, parameter :: M = 30, N = 10

   type, bind(C) :: dat_t
      integer(c_int) :: idat(M,N) = 0
      character(c_char) :: cdat(M,N) = c_char_"0"
   end type dat_t

   integer, parameter :: NDIM = 3
   type, bind(C) :: b_t
      type(dat_t) :: d(NDIM)
   end type b_t

   type(b_t), save :: dat

   public :: get_dat
   public :: set_dat


   subroutine get_dat( vals, nval ) bind(C, name="get_dat")

      ! Argument list
      type(dat_t), intent(inout)        :: vals(*)
      integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: nval

      if (nval /= NDIM) then
         ! error handling elided
      end if
      vals(1:nval) = dat%d
      print *, "In get_dat:"
      print *, "vals(1)%idat(1,1) = ", vals(1)%idat(1,1) 
      print *, "vals(1)%cdat(1,1) = ", vals(1)%cdat(1,1) 
      print *, "vals(3)%idat(M,N) = ", vals(1)%idat(M,N) 
      print *, "vals(3)%cdat(M,N) = ", vals(1)%cdat(M,N)
      print *

   end subroutine get_dat

   subroutine set_dat( vals, nval ) bind(C, name="set_dat")

      ! Argument list
      type(dat_t), intent(in)           :: vals(*)
      integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: nval

      if (nval /= NDIM) then
         ! error handling elided
      end if
      dat%d = vals(1:nval)
      print *, "In set_dat:"
      print *, "vals(1)%idat(1,1) = ", vals(1)%idat(1,1) 
      print *, "vals(1)%cdat(1,1) = ", vals(1)%cdat(1,1) 
      print *, "vals(3)%idat(M,N) = ", vals(1)%idat(M,N) 
      print *, "vals(3)%cdat(M,N) = ", vals(1)%cdat(M,N)
      print *


   end subroutine set_dat

end module dat_m

C# .NET:


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Fortran

   static class Fdll

      internal const int N = 10;
      internal const int M = 30;
      internal const int NDIM = 3;

      [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
      internal struct dat_t
         [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = N*M)]
         internal int[] idat;
         [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = N*M)]
         internal char[] cdat;

      [DllImport("Fdll.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
      internal static extern void set_dat([In] dat_t[] vals, int nval);

      [DllImport("Fdll.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
      internal static extern void get_dat([In,Out] dat_t[] vals, int nval);


   static class TestFortran
      static void Main()

         Fdll.dat_t[] foo = new Fdll.dat_t[Fdll.NDIM];
         Fdll.dat_t[] bar = new Fdll.dat_t[Fdll.NDIM];


            int i;

            Console.WriteLine(" --- Test Fortran Program ---");

            for (i = 0; i < Fdll.NDIM; i++)
               foo.idat = new int[Fdll.N*Fdll.M];
               foo.cdat = new char[Fdll.N*Fdll.M];
               for (int j = 0; j < Fdll.N; j++)
                  for (int k = 0; k < Fdll.M; k++)
                     foo.idat[j * Fdll.M + k] = 42 + j * Fdll.M + k;
                     foo.cdat[j * Fdll.M + k] = char.Parse("$");
            Fdll.set_dat(foo, foo.Length);

            for (i = 0; i < Fdll.NDIM; i++)
               bar.idat = new int[Fdll.N*Fdll.M];
               bar.cdat = new char[Fdll.N*Fdll.M];
               for (int j = 0; j < Fdll.N; j++)
                  for (int k = 0; k < Fdll.M; k++)
                     bar.idat[j * Fdll.M + k] = -1;
                     bar.cdat[j * Fdll.M + k] = char.Parse("0");
            Fdll.get_dat(bar, bar.Length);
         catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Back in C# main");
            Console.WriteLine("bar[0].idat[0] = " + bar[0].idat[0].ToString() + "; expected is " + foo[0].idat[0].ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("bar[0].cdat[0] = " + bar[0].cdat[0].ToString() + "; expected is " + foo[0].cdat[0].ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("bar[2].idat[last] = " + bar[2].idat[Fdll.N*Fdll.M-1].ToString() + "; expected is " + foo[2].idat[Fdll.N * Fdll.M - 1].ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("bar[2].cdat[last] = " + bar[2].cdat[Fdll.N * Fdll.M - 1].ToString() + "; expected is " + foo[2].cdat[Fdll.N * Fdll.M - 1].ToString());


Upon execution, I get the following output which is only as expected:

 --- Test Fortran Program ---
 In set_dat:
 vals(1)%idat(1,1) =           42
 vals(1)%cdat(1,1) = $
 vals(3)%idat(M,N) =          341
 vals(3)%cdat(M,N) = $

 In get_dat:
 vals(1)%idat(1,1) =           42
 vals(1)%cdat(1,1) = $
 vals(3)%idat(M,N) =          341
 vals(3)%cdat(M,N) = $

Back in C# main
bar[0].idat[0] = 42; expected is 42
bar[0].cdat[0] = $; expected is $
bar[2].idat[last] = 341; expected is 341
bar[2].cdat[last] = $; expected is $


0 Kudos
New Contributor III

This does not compile(cs) as written on VS2022.


D:\c\vs2022\fdllcs\Fortran\Program.cs(50,29,50,33): error CS1061: 'Fdll.dat_t[]' does not contain a definition for 'idat' and no accessible extension method 'idat' accepting a first argument of type 'Fdll.dat_t[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
1>D:\c\vs2022\fdllcs\Fortran\Program.cs(51,29,51,33): error CS1061: 'Fdll.dat_t[]' does not contain a definition for 'cdat' and no accessible extension method 'cdat' accepting a first argument of type 'Fdll.dat_t[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
1>D:\c\vs2022\fdllcs\Fortran\Program.cs(56,37,56,41): error CS1061: 'Fdll.dat_t[]' does not contain a definition for 'idat' and no accessible extension method 'idat' accepting a first argument of type 'Fdll.dat_t[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
1>D:\c\vs2022\fdllcs\Fortran\Program.cs(57,37,57,41): error CS1061: 'Fdll.dat_t[]' does not contain a definition for 'cdat' and no accessible extension method 'cdat' accepting a first argument of type 'Fdll.dat_t[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
1>D:\c\vs2022\fdllcs\Fortran\Program.cs(65,29,65,33): error CS1061: 'Fdll.dat_t[]' does not contain a definition for 'idat' and no accessible extension method 'idat' accepting a first argument of type 'Fdll.dat_t[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
1>D:\c\vs2022\fdllcs\Fortran\Program.cs(66,29,66,33): error CS1061: 'Fdll.dat_t[]' does not contain a definition for 'cdat' and no accessible extension method 'cdat' accepting a first argument of type 'Fdll.dat_t[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
1>D:\c\vs2022\fdllcs\Fortran\Program.cs(71,37,71,41): error CS1061: 'Fdll.dat_t[]' does not contain a definition for 'idat' and no accessible extension method 'idat' accepting a first argument of type 'Fdll.dat_t[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
1>D:\c\vs2022\fdllcs\Fortran\Program.cs(72,37,72,41): error CS1061: 'Fdll.dat_t[]' does not contain a definition for 'cdat' and no accessible extension method 'cdat' accepting a first argument of type 'Fdll.dat_t[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

I had to change the c# code to get it to compile:

namespace Fortran

        static class Fdll

            internal const int N = 10;
            internal const int M = 30;
            internal const int NDIM = 3;

            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
            internal struct dat_t
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = N * M)]
                internal int[] idat;
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = N * M)]
                internal char[] cdat;

            [DllImport("d:\\c\\vs2022\\fdllcs\\FDll1\\x64\\Debug\\FDll1.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
            internal static extern void set_dat([In] dat_t[] vals, int nval);

            [DllImport("d:\\c\\vs2022\\fdllcs\\FDll1\\x64\\Debug\\FDll1.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
            internal static extern void get_dat([In, Out] dat_t[] vals, int nval);


        static class TestFortran
            static void Main()

                Fdll.dat_t[] foo = new Fdll.dat_t[Fdll.NDIM];
                Fdll.dat_t[] bar = new Fdll.dat_t[Fdll.NDIM];


                    int i;

                    Console.WriteLine(" --- Test Fortran Program ---");

                    for (i = 0; i < Fdll.NDIM; i++)
                        foo[i].idat= new int[Fdll.N * Fdll.M];
                        foo[i].cdat = new char[Fdll.N * Fdll.M];
                        for (int j = 0; j < Fdll.N; j++)
                            for (int k = 0; k < Fdll.M; k++)
                                foo[i].idat[j * Fdll.M + k] = 42 + j * Fdll.M + k;
                                foo[i].cdat[j * Fdll.M + k] = char.Parse("$");
                    Fdll.set_dat(foo, foo.Length);

                    for (i = 0; i < Fdll.NDIM; i++)
                        bar[i].idat = new int[Fdll.N * Fdll.M];
                        bar[i].cdat = new char[Fdll.N * Fdll.M];
                        for (int j = 0; j < Fdll.N; j++)
                            for (int k = 0; k < Fdll.M; k++)
                                bar[i].idat[j * Fdll.M + k] = -1;
                                bar[i].cdat[j * Fdll.M + k] = char.Parse("0");
                    Fdll.get_dat(bar, bar.Length);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Back in C# main");
                    Console.WriteLine("bar[0].idat[0] = " + bar[0].idat[0].ToString() + "; expected is " + foo[0].idat[0].ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("bar[0].cdat[0] = " + bar[0].cdat[0].ToString() + "; expected is " + foo[0].cdat[0].ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("bar[2].idat[last] = " + bar[2].idat[Fdll.N * Fdll.M - 1].ToString() + "; expected is " + foo[2].idat[Fdll.N * Fdll.M - 1].ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("bar[2].cdat[last] = " + bar[2].cdat[Fdll.N * Fdll.M - 1].ToString() + "; expected is " + foo[2].cdat[Fdll.N * Fdll.M - 1].ToString());

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor III

Brilliant - thank you 

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