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The reuse pointer derived type causes free(): double free error (simple application of linkedlists)



I'm trying to reuse a linked list. The module used to construct the linked list is this:

module linkedlist
  implicit none


  public :: list_t
  public :: list_data
  public :: list_init
  public :: list_free
  public :: list_remove
  public :: list_insert
  public :: list_put
  public :: list_get
  public :: list_next
  public :: list_change
  ! A public variable to use as a MOLD for transfer()
  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: list_data

  ! Linked list node data type
  type :: list_t
     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: data => null()
     type(list_t), pointer :: next => null()
  end type list_t


  ! Initialize a head node SELF and optionally store the provided DATA.
  subroutine list_init(self, data)
    type(list_t), pointer :: self
    integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: data


    if (present(data)) then
       self%data = data
    end if
  end subroutine list_init

  ! Free the entire list and all data, beginning at SELF
  subroutine list_free(self)
    type(list_t), pointer :: self
    type(list_t), pointer :: current
    type(list_t), pointer :: next

    current => self
    do while (associated(current))
       next => current%next
       if (associated(current%data)) then
       end if
       current => next
    end do

  end subroutine list_free
    ! Remove element AFTER SELF
  subroutine list_remove(self)
    type(list_t), pointer :: self
    type(list_t), pointer :: current
    type(list_t), pointer :: next

    current => self
    next => current%next
    current%next = next%next
  end subroutine list_remove

  ! Return the next node after SELF
  function list_next(self) result(next)
    type(list_t), pointer :: self
    type(list_t), pointer :: next
    next => self%next
  end function list_next

  ! Insert a list node after SELF containing DATA (optional)
  subroutine list_insert(self, data)
    type(list_t), pointer :: self
    integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: data
    type(list_t), pointer :: next

    if (present(data)) then
       next%data = data
    end if
    next%next => self%next
    self%next => next
  end subroutine list_insert
! Change the NEXT node after a element CURRENT to after anOTHER (in other list for example).  
  subroutine list_change(current,other)
    type(list_t), pointer :: current
    type(list_t), pointer :: next
    type(list_t), pointer :: other
    next => current%next
    if (associated(next%next)) then
        current%next =>  next%next
        current%next => null()
    end if
    next%next => other%next
    other%next => next
  end subroutine list_change

  ! Store the encoded DATA in list node SELF
  subroutine list_put(self, data)
    type(list_t), pointer :: self
    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: data

    if (associated(self%data)) then
    end if
    self%data = data
  end subroutine list_put

  ! Return the DATA stored in the node SELF
  function list_get(self) result(data)
    type(list_t), pointer :: self
    integer, dimension(:), pointer :: data
    data => self%data
  end function list_get
!   function list_isnull(self) result(a)
!     type(list_t), pointer :: self = .false.
!     logical :: a
!     if 
end module linkedlist

The main program is

! A derived type for storing data.
module data
  implicit none

  public :: data_t
  public :: data_ptr

  ! Data is stored in data_t
  type :: data_t
     real :: x
  end type data_t

  ! A trick to allow us to store pointers in the list
  type :: data_ptr
     type(data_t), pointer :: p
  end type data_ptr
end module data

! A simple generic linked list test program
program list_test
  use linkedlist
  use data
  implicit none

  type(list_t), pointer :: ll => null(), node
  type(data_t), target :: dat_a
  type(data_t), target :: dat_b
  type(data_ptr) :: ptr

!    integer, pointer :: p1
!    integer, target :: t1, t2
!    p1=>t1
!    p1 = 1
!    Print *, p1
!    Print *, t1
!    print*, "A"
!    deallocate(p1)
!    print*, "B"
!    t2 = 2
!    p1 => t2
!    print*, p1
!    deallocate(p1)
!    print*, "C"
  ! Initialize two data objects
  dat_a%x = 17.5
  dat_b%x = 3.0

  ! Initialize the list with dat_a
  ptr%p => dat_a
  call list_init(ll, DATA=transfer(ptr, list_data))
  print *, 'Initializing list with data:', ptr%p

  ! Insert dat_b into the list
  ptr%p => dat_b
  call list_insert(ll, DATA=transfer(ptr, list_data))
  print *, 'Inserting node with data:', ptr%p

  ! Get the head node
  ptr = transfer(list_get(ll), ptr)
  print *, 'Head node data:', ptr%p

  ! Get the next node
  ptr = transfer(list_get(list_next(ll)), ptr)
  print *, 'Second node data:', ptr%p

  print*, associated(node)
  node => list_next(ll)
  ! Free the list starting on the secound node (after ll)
  call list_free(node)
  node => list_next(ll)
  print*, associated(node) ! It prints True, but it should be false since I deallocated the next node
  ! Initialize the list with dat_a
  ptr%p => dat_a
  call list_insert(ll, DATA=transfer(ptr, list_data))
  print *, 'Initializing list with data:', ptr%p

  ! Insert dat_b into the list
  ptr%p => dat_b
  call list_insert(ll, DATA=transfer(ptr, list_data))
  print *, 'Inserting node with data:', ptr%p

  ! Get the head node
  ptr = transfer(list_get(ll), ptr)
  print *, 'Head node data:', ptr%p

  ! Get the next node
  ptr = transfer(list_get(list_next(ll)), ptr)
  print *, 'Second node data:', ptr%p

  ! try to free it again
  node => list_next(ll)
  print*, associated(node), "capivara"
  call list_free(node) !The code breaks with double free here
  print*, "lalala"
  print*, associated(node)
end program list_test

When I try to free the list a second time, it crashes and I get double free error. For some reason, even after I deallocate the first time, if I test it, I get that the node still associated. But if I try to require the data that the node stores it  crashes.



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1 Solution
Valued Contributor I

Checked a bit closer: list_data has really never been allocated. No wonder that you cannot transfer it. Next programming error:

print*, associated(node)

Node has never been associated before. So the program stops with a runtime error.

View solution in original post

0 Kudos
4 Replies
Valued Contributor I

This is for sure a programming error:

Runtime Error: main.f90, line 62: ALLOCATABLE LIST_DATA is not currently allocated


0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I

Checked a bit closer: list_data has really never been allocated. No wonder that you cannot transfer it. Next programming error:

print*, associated(node)

Node has never been associated before. So the program stops with a runtime error.

0 Kudos

>Checked a bit closer: list_data has really never been allocated.

I don't know why it had to be allocated. It is just the mold of the transfer function.


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Honored Contributor III

>>I don't know why it had to be allocated. It is just the mold of the transfer function

list_data is an (unallocated) array. The mold requires the shape of this array. I suppose for some peculiar reason you might wish to have transfer to construct an unallocated array out of the input arg, but I suspect this was not your intention.

Also, I didn't review your code in depth. But on the surface, it appears that you are attempting to use transfer to convert a data_ptr object into an integer array object. This doesn't make sense. Did you intend to convert ptr%p (the scalar real) into an integer array?

Jim Dempsey

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