Intel® Fortran Compiler
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getsavefilename and ivf 2017 r2

New Contributor I

I've been using the following code:

character(*),parameter :: filter_spec = &
  "All Files"C//"*.*"C//""C
character(512) :: file_spec = ""C

    lnth = Strlen (myBuffer)
    if (lnth < 2) Then
       file_spec = "TempFile.txt"C
       file_spec = myBuffer
    end if

    lDlg = gdlg
    hwDlg = gdlg%HWND
    call getcwd(cdir)
    cd2 = trim(cdir)
    ofn%lStructSize = SIZEOF(ofn)
    ofn%hwndOwner = ghWndMain
    ofn%hInstance = ghInst
    ofn%lpstrFilter = loc(filter_spec)
    ofn%lpstrCustomFilter = NULL
    ofn%nMaxCustFilter = 0
    ofn%nFilterIndex = 1 ! Specifies initial filter value
    ofn%lpstrFile = loc(file_spec)
    ofn%nMaxFile = sizeof(file_spec)
    ofn%nMaxFileTitle = 0
    ofn%lpstrInitialDir = loc(cd2)
    ofn%lpstrTitle = loc(""C)
    ofn%lpstrDefExt = loc("txt"C)
    ofn%lpfnHook = NULL
    ofn%lpTemplateName = NULL

    file_spec = Trim(AdjustL(myBuffer)) // ""C
    lnth = StrLen(file_spec)

    bret = GetSaveFileName(ofn)     !<===== BOMB

in ivf 2016 with no problems. But now with 2017 r2 I get a break when calling it. This an x84 application and it is single threaded. I'm running in debug mode and my system has 32GB of RAM. My processor is an Intel i7-4770 running at 3.4GHz. I'm running within MS vs2013 Community Edition and my OS is Win 10 x64. I am using the Intel Parralel Studio XE Composer Edition.

Anyone have any ideas?



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10 Replies
Honored Contributor III

This is not a complete source. I suggest you try to construct a reproducer by starting with the GETOPENFILENAME sample (it's pretty clear your code is based on that), and gradually tweak it to match your current code. There's stuff you have left out that might be relevant, I tested the GETOPENFILENAME sample and it works fine.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

The snippet isn't compilable, so there may be other issues, but the parameter associated with the current working directory is not null terminated.  Different versions of the compiler will lay things out in memory in different ways, which means things like a missing null termination will result in different behaviour.  Perhaps `cd2 = trim(cdir) // ACHAR(0)` instead of your line 16.


0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

Don't know much about this, but a couple of things I would try are:

  1. Don't use an initializer for file_spec, rather set its value with an assignment statement. This only matters if the procedure is invoked twice. Hmm... there is some contradictory logic involving file_spec, so maybe this is irrelevant.
  2. As a named constant, filter_spec doesn't necessarily have a LOC. You might want to assign a variable with filter_spec and use the LOC of the variable.
  3. Hopefully you have checked that cd2 has something valid in it.
  4. I would set lpstrFileTitle to NULL rather than LOC(""C) and anyhow I would give the LOC of a variable rather than that of a literal.
  5. All of the above probably will have no effect, but certainly I would use keyword syntax to construct the structure in one statement. That way you know that all members are set to some known value. Some of them might have been set to zero in previous environments but are now set to garbage. This really could cause a crash.

I assume that you mean that the program crashes at that last line so you can't use GetLastError or CommDlgExtendedError to investigate the cause of the problem.


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Complete subroutine:

Subroutine Browse (myBuffer)
!$ Browse           is invoked by:
!$    Dlgchanged       Saveall
!$ Browse           invokes:
!$    Func   Adjustl        Func   Char           Module Comdlg32       Module Gdi32
!$    Subr   Getcwd         Func   Getsavefilena  Module Ifwin          Func   Index
!$    Func   Ior            Module Kernel32       Func   Loc            Module Mstrlen
!$    Module Pearsonglobal  Func   Sizeof         Func   Strlen         Func   Trim
!$    Module User32         Module Xtransf
use ifwin
use user32
use gdi32
use kernel32
use comdlg32
use mStrLen

Implicit None

Character(*),Intent(inout)::  myBuffer

integer(4)::      ilen, lnth
Integer(bool)::   bret
character(512)::  cdir, cd2
character(*),parameter :: filter_spec = &
  "All Files"C//"*.*"C//""C
character(512) :: file_spec = ""C

    lnth = Strlen (myBuffer)      ! lnth = 10   myBuffer = "Sample.Txt"C
    if (lnth < 2) Then
       file_spec = "TempFile.txt"C
       file_spec = myBuffer
    end if

    call getcwd(cdir)   ! ok
    cd2 = trim(cdir)    ! cd2 = 'C:\Users\Brooks\Desktop\Projects\Pearson\Pearson  '
    ofn%lStructSize = SIZEOF(ofn)       ! = 152
    ofn%hwndOwner = NULL
    ofn%hInstance = NULL
    ofn%lpstrFilter = loc(filter_spec)
    ofn%lpstrCustomFilter = NULL
    ofn%nMaxCustFilter = 0
    ofn%nFilterIndex = 1 ! Specifies initial filter value
    ofn%lpstrFile = loc(file_spec)
    ofn%nMaxFile = sizeof(file_spec)  
    ofn%nMaxFileTitle = 0
    ofn%lpstrInitialDir = loc(cd2)
    ofn%lpstrTitle = NULL
    ofn%lpstrDefExt = loc("txt"C)
    ofn%lpfnHook = NULL
    ofn%lpTemplateName = NULL

    bret = GetSaveFileName(ofn)
    if (bret == 0) then
    end if
    ilen = INDEX(file_spec,CHAR(0))
    myBuffer = file_spec(1:ilen-1)
End Subroutine Browse

I tested the getopenfilename sample and it works fine for a console app. This subroutine is part of a large app that has 70+ subroutines and a winmain program. I then added it to generic and it works, so I don't know what to do. I guess I have a lot of debugging before I can resolve this, but thank to all for your comments.


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

In your original post you said this was an "x84 application". Did you mean x86 or x64? If x86, did you try building it as x64?

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

As I said, I would try filling in all structure members first:

module mStrLen
   implicit none
   public StrLen
      function StrLen(str) bind(C,name='strlen')
         implicit none
         integer(C_SIZE_T) StrLen
         character(KIND=C_CHAR), intent(in) :: str(*)
      end function StrLen
   end interface
end module mStrLen

Subroutine Browse (myBuffer)
!$ Browse           is invoked by:
!$    Dlgchanged       Saveall
!$ Browse           invokes:
!$    Func   Adjustl        Func   Char           Module Comdlg32       Module Gdi32
!$    Subr   Getcwd         Func   Getsavefilena  Module Ifwin          Func   Index
!$    Func   Ior            Module Kernel32       Func   Loc            Module Mstrlen
!$    Module Pearsonglobal  Func   Sizeof         Func   Strlen         Func   Trim
!$    Module User32         Module Xtransf
use ifwin
use mStrLen
use ifport

Implicit None

Character(*),Intent(inout)::  myBuffer

integer(4)::      ilen, lnth
Integer(bool)::   bret
character(512)::  cdir, cd2
character(*),parameter :: Pfs = &
  "All Files"C//"*.*"C//""C
character(len(Pfs)) :: filter_spec = Pfs
character(*), parameter :: Pfx = 'txt'//achar(0)
character(len(Pfx)) :: lpstrDefExt = Pfx
character(512) :: file_spec

    file_spec = achar(0)
    lnth = Strlen (myBuffer)      ! lnth = 10   myBuffer = "Sample.Txt"C
    if (lnth < 2) Then
       file_spec = "TempFile.txt"C
       file_spec = myBuffer
    end if

    cdir = ''
    bret = getcwd(cdir)   ! ok
    cd2 = trim(cdir)//achar(0)    ! cd2 = 'C:\Users\Brooks\Desktop\Projects\Pearson\Pearson  '
    ofn = T_OPENFILENAME( &
       lStructSize = SIZEOF(ofn), &       ! = 152
       hwndOwner = NULL, &
       hInstance = NULL, &
       lpstrFilter = loc(filter_spec), &
       lpstrCustomFilter = NULL, &
       nMaxCustFilter = 0, &
       nFilterIndex = 1, & ! Specifies initial filter value
       lpstrFile = loc(file_spec), &
       nMaxFile = len(file_spec), &
       lpstrFileTitle = NULL, &
       nMaxFileTitle = 0, &
       lpstrInitialDir = loc(cd2), &
       lpstrTitle = NULL, &
       Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST, &
       nFileOffset = 0, &
       nFileExtension = index(file_spec,'.',BACK=.TRUE.), &
       lpstrDefExt = loc(lpstrDefExt), &
       lCustData = NULL, &
       lpfnHook = NULL, &
       lpTemplateName = NULL, &
       pvReserved = NULL, &
       dwReserved = 0, &
       FlagsEx = 0)

    bret = GetSaveFileName(ofn)
    if (bret == 0) then
    end if
    ilen = INDEX(file_spec,CHAR(0))
    myBuffer = file_spec(1:ilen-1)
End Subroutine Browse


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Dear Repeat Offender,

Thanks for the code. I tried it but still it didn't help. Here is what vs2013 debugger says after I hit continue, enter the directory and filer that I want and click save:

'PDC.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\xmllite.dll'
The thread 0x23f4 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
7376 0000000000000000 ENTER: DllCanUnloadNow
ShellStreams: Detach

VERIFIER STOP 0000000000000900: pid 0x256C: A heap allocation was leaked.

    0000025B216DAA10 : Address of the leaked allocation. Run !heap -p -a <address> to get additional information about the allocation.
    0000025B08F56570 : Address to the allocation stack trace. Run dps <address> to view the allocation stack.
    0000025B1F3F6FCC : Address of the owner dll name. Run du <address> to read the dll name.
    00007FFCC4D70000 : Base of the owner dll. Run .reload <dll_name> = <address> to reload the owner dll. Use 'lm' to get more information about the loaded and unloaded modules.

This verifier stop is continuable.
After debugging it use `go' to continue.


PDC.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

The program '[9580] PDC.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

Debug looks fine before and within subroutine Browse before the break. I've got everything turned on in debug checking, like zeroing arrays and array bounds checking but I haven't figured it out yet.


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Also, I'm on x64 not x86.


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have found using the T_OPENFILENAME structure a bit like swimming in mud. There are many options and permutations and also the behaviour varies dependent on which version of windows is running. Just as a matter of interest does it work if you set lpstrInitialDir=NULL?

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Andrew, done it both ways. Same resul;t.


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