Intel® High Level Design
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DevCloud: OneAPI vector-add example parallel execution is much slower than the scalar one




I tried the BaseKit-code-samples/DPC++Compiler/vector-add example as suggested in the DeveloperZone get started page:


I measured the execution time of add_arrays_scalar() and add_arrays_parallel() functions with my RTM_START() and RTM_STOP() macros.


double getCPUFreq() { #define BUFLEN 110   FILE* sysinfo; char* ptr; char buf[BUFLEN]; char key[] = "cpu MHz"; int keylen = sizeof(key) - 1; double freq = -1;   sysinfo = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r"); if (sysinfo != NULL) { while (fgets(buf, BUFLEN, sysinfo) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(buf, key, keylen)) { ptr = strstr(buf, ":"); freq = atof(ptr + 1) * 1000000; break; } } fclose(sysinfo); } fprintf(stderr, "Freq = %f GHz\n", freq / 1000000000); return freq; }   #define RTM_START() start = (double)_rdtsc()   #define RTM_STOP() stop = (double)_rdtsc(); \ secs = ((double)(stop - start)) / (double)getCPUFreq();

and my main function, where I took the measurements:


int main() { double start = 0.0, stop = 0.0, secs = 0.0;   IntArray addend_1, addend_2, sum_scalar, sum_parallel;   // Initialize arrays with values from 0 to array_size-1 initialize_array(addend_1); initialize_array(addend_2); initialize_array(sum_scalar); initialize_array(sum_parallel);   printf("CPU Freq = %10.2lf\n", (double)getCPUFreq());   start = (double)_rdtsc(); // Add arrays in scalar and in parallel add_arrays_scalar(sum_scalar, addend_1, addend_2); stop = (double)_rdtsc(); secs = ((double)(stop - start)) / (double)getCPUFreq(); printf("Scalar execution time = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);   add_arrays_parallel(sum_parallel, addend_1, addend_2);   // Verify that the two sum arrays are equal for (size_t i = 0; i < sum_parallel.size(); i++) { if (sum_parallel[i] != sum_scalar[i]) { std::cout << "fail" << std::endl; return -1; } } std::cout << "success" << std::endl;   std::cout << "MGUNAL TEST 5 DONE" << std::endl; return 0; }

And finally my results:


######################################################################## # Date: Wed Mar 11 06:14:01 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 542630.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add CPU Freq = 954182000.00 Scalar execution time = 0.000085 seconds Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO Parallel execution time = 3.516770 seconds success MGUNAL TEST 5 DONE   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 542630.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Wed Mar 11 06:14:03 PDT 2020 ########################################################################

As seen above, parallel execution time is much more greater than the scaler execution time. So, I decided to use a SYCL host device instead of an accelerator.


/* // FPGA device selector: Emulator or Hardware #ifdef FPGA_EMULATOR intel::fpga_emulator_selector device_selector; #elif defined(FPGA) intel::fpga_selector device_selector; #else // Initializing the devices queue with the default selector // The device queue is used to enqueue the kernels and encapsulates // all the states needed for execution default_selector device_selector; #endif */   host_selector device_selector;

Parallel execution is still significantly slower than the scaler one..


######################################################################## # Date: Thu Mar 12 00:34:12 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 542971.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add CPU Freq = 1000065000.00 Scalar execution time = 0.000077 seconds Device: SYCL host device Parallel execution time = 0.318517 seconds success   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 542971.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Thu Mar 12 00:34:14 PDT 2020 ########################################################################

I have no idea why the parallel execution takes so long? Am I doing something wrong?

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8 Replies

Instead of measuring the add_arrays_parallel() function as a whole, I separated it to chunks as shown below:


void add_arrays_parallel(IntArray &sum, const IntArray &addend_1, const IntArray &addend_2) { double start = 0.0, stop = 0.0, secs = 0.0;   RTM_START(); std::unique_ptr<queue> q = initialize_device_queue(); RTM_STOP(); printf("Init device queue = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);   RTM_START(); // The range of the arrays managed by the buffer range<1> num_items{ array_size };   // Buffers are used to tell DPC++ which data will be shared between the host // and the devices because they usually don't share physical memory // The pointer that's being passed as the first parameter transfers ownership // of the data to DPC++ at runtime. The destructor is called when the buffer // goes out of scope and the data is given back to the std::arrays. // The second parameter specifies the range given to the buffer. buffer<cl_int, 1> addend_1_buf(, num_items); buffer<cl_int, 1> addend_2_buf(, num_items); buffer<cl_int, 1> sum_buf(, num_items); RTM_STOP(); printf("Buffer creation = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);   RTM_START(); // queue::submit takes in a lambda that is passed in a command group handler // constructed at runtime. The lambda also contains a command group, which // contains the device-side operation and its dependencies q->submit([&](handler &h) { // Accessors are the only way to get access to the memory owned // by the buffers initialized above. The first get_access template parameter // specifies the access mode for the memory and the second template // parameter is the type of memory to access the data from; this parameter // has a default value auto addend_1_accessor = addend_1_buf.template get_access<dp_read>(h); auto addend_2_accessor = addend_2_buf.template get_access<dp_read>(h);   // Note: Can use access::mode::discard_write instead of access::mode::write // because we're replacing the contents of the entire buffer. auto sum_accessor = sum_buf.template get_access<dp_write>(h);   // Use parallel_for to run array addition in parallel. This executes the // kernel. The first parameter is the number of work items to use and the // second is the kernel, a lambda that specifies what to do per work item. // The template parameter ArrayAdd is used to name the kernel at runtime. // The parameter passed to the lambda is the work item id of the current // item. // // To remove the requirement to specify the kernel name you can enable // unnamed lamdba kernels with the option: // dpcpp -fsycl-unnamed-lambda h.parallel_for<class ArrayAdd>(num_items, [=](id<1> i) { sum_accessor[i] = addend_1_accessor[i] + addend_2_accessor[i]; }); }); RTM_STOP(); printf("Queue submission + Accessors + parallel execution time = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);   RTM_START(); // call wait_and_throw to catch async exception q->wait_and_throw(); RTM_STOP(); printf("Q wait_and_throw() execution time = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);   // DPC++ will enqueue and run the kernel. Recall that the buffer's data is // given back to the host at the end of the method's scope. }

When I build & run this for a SYCL host device, my results are:


######################################################################## # Date: Thu Mar 12 03:55:56 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 543019.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add CPU Freq = 939189000.00 Scalar execution time = 0.000086 seconds Init device queue = 0.253235 seconds Buffer creation = 0.000001 seconds Queue submission + Accessors + parallel execution time = 0.000085 seconds Q wait_and_throw() execution time = 0.000002 seconds success   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 543019.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Thu Mar 12 03:55:57 PDT 2020 ########################################################################

Then I found out that the initialize_device_queue() function is the slowest one. And the Queue submission + Accessors + parallel execution time is almost the same with the Scalar execution time...


Then I build & run this for a GPU device, and my results are:


######################################################################## # Date: Thu Mar 12 04:00:45 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 543025.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add CPU Freq = 1000062000.00 Scalar execution time = 0.000077 seconds Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO Init device queue = 0.422673 seconds Buffer creation = 0.000004 seconds Queue submission + Accessors + parallel execution time = 1.751712 seconds Q wait_and_throw() execution time = 0.001086 seconds success   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 543025.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Thu Mar 12 04:00:47 PDT 2020 ########################################################################

and the Queue submission + Accessors + parallel execution time is 1.75 seconds


What takes so long?



0 Kudos


There is some overhead when using an accelerator, so you have make the array size much larger to see the advantage of parallel operation. 

In the file vector_add.cpp: Change the following, rebuild and rerun the example.

static const size_t ARRAY_SIZE = 10000;


static const size_t ARRAY_SIZE = 10000000;

and let us know the results



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When I try to increase the array size as suggested, I get a seg-fault on the cloud and a stack overflow exception, on my computer using intel oneapi base toolkit (Windows) (FPGA Emulator)

// Problem size for this example //constexpr size_t array_size = 10000; constexpr size_t array_size = 100000000;

I could not find a way to increase the stack size and then decided to use a vector instead of an array.

// Define the ARRAY type for use in this example // typedef std::array<cl::sycl::cl_int, array_size> IntArray; typedef std::vector<cl::sycl::cl_int> IntArray;

and, create vectors using the v(size, val) constructor.

IntArray addend_1(array_size, 0), addend_2(array_size, 0), sum_scalar(array_size, 0), sum_parallel(array_size, 0);

I tried for the same size, and checked my result vector is filled as expected. Then, I increased the array_size to 100M, and this is the result:

######################################################################## # Date: Mon Mar 30 06:10:14 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 560373.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add Vector Size = 100000000 CPU Freq (GHz)= 4.000 Scalar execution time = 0.063809 seconds Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO Parallel execution time = 1.711407 seconds success   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 560373.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Mon Mar 30 06:10:20 PDT 2020 ########################################################################

The code blocks I measured here:

RTM_START(); // Add arrays in scalar and in parallel add_arrays_scalar(sum_scalar, addend_1, addend_2); RTM_STOP(); printf("Scalar execution time = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs); RTM_START(); add_arrays_parallel(sum_parallel, addend_1, addend_2); RTM_STOP(); printf("Parallel execution time = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);

Finally, I measured it again partially and this is the result:

######################################################################## # Date: Mon Mar 30 06:45:23 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 560414.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add Vector Size = 100000000 CPU Freq (GHz)= 4.000 Scalar execution time = 0.063832 seconds Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO Init device queue = 1.273701 seconds Buffer creation = 0.000002 seconds Queue submission + Accessors + parallel execution time = 0.504512 seconds Q wait_and_throw() execution time = 0.063734 seconds Parallel execution time = 3.893053 seconds success   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 560414.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Mon Mar 30 06:45:29 PDT 2020 ########################################################################

The blocks I measured above, inside the add_arrays_parallel() function:

RTM_START(); std::unique_ptr<queue> q = initialize_device_queue(); RTM_STOP(); printf("Init device queue = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);   RTM_START(); // The range of the arrays managed by the buffer range<1> num_items{ array_size };   // Buffers are used to tell DPC++ which data will be shared between the host // and the devices because they usually don't share physical memory // The pointer that's being passed as the first parameter transfers ownership // of the data to DPC++ at runtime. The destructor is called when the buffer // goes out of scope and the data is given back to the std::arrays. // The second parameter specifies the range given to the buffer. buffer<cl_int, 1> addend_1_buf(, num_items); buffer<cl_int, 1> addend_2_buf(, num_items); buffer<cl_int, 1> sum_buf(, num_items); RTM_STOP(); printf("Buffer creation = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);   RTM_START(); // queue::submit takes in a lambda that is passed in a command group handler // constructed at runtime. The lambda also contains a command group, which // contains the device-side operation and its dependencies q->submit([&](handler &h) { // Accessors are the only way to get access to the memory owned // by the buffers initialized above. The first get_access template parameter // specifies the access mode for the memory and the second template // parameter is the type of memory to access the data from; this parameter // has a default value auto addend_1_accessor = addend_1_buf.template get_access<dp_read>(h); auto addend_2_accessor = addend_2_buf.template get_access<dp_read>(h);   // Note: Can use access::mode::discard_write instead of access::mode::write // because we're replacing the contents of the entire buffer. auto sum_accessor = sum_buf.template get_access<dp_write>(h);   // Use parallel_for to run array addition in parallel. This executes the // kernel. The first parameter is the number of work items to use and the // second is the kernel, a lambda that specifies what to do per work item. // The template parameter ArrayAdd is used to name the kernel at runtime. // The parameter passed to the lambda is the work item id of the current // item. // // To remove the requirement to specify the kernel name you can enable // unnamed lamdba kernels with the option: // dpcpp -fsycl-unnamed-lambda h.parallel_for<class ArrayAdd>(num_items, [=](id<1> i) { sum_accessor[i] = addend_1_accessor[i] + addend_2_accessor[i]; }); }); RTM_STOP(); printf("Queue submission + Accessors + parallel execution time = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);   RTM_START(); // call wait_and_throw to catch async exception q->wait_and_throw(); RTM_STOP(); printf("Q wait_and_throw() execution time = %2.6lf seconds\n", secs);

There is still a big difference between Scalar execution time = 0.063832 seconds and Queue submission + Accessors + parallel execution time = 0.504512 seconds blocks.


Parallel exec seems 10 times slower than the scalar one. Did I miss something here?



0 Kudos

In addition to this,


I found this about the sycl profiling events,


void profile(event_list& eventList, const time_point_list& startTimeList) { if (startTimeList.size() != eventList.size()) { std::string errMsg = "The number of events do not match the number of starting time " "points."; throw std::runtime_error("Profiling Error:\n" + errMsg); }   T cgSubmissionTime = 0; T kernExecutionTime = 0; T realExecutionTime = 0; const auto eventCount = eventList.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < eventCount; ++i) { auto curEvent =; curEvent.wait(); auto curStartTime =;   const auto end = wall_clock_t::now(); time_interval_t<T, std::milli> curRealExecutionTime = end - curStartTime; realExecutionTime += curRealExecutionTime.count();   const auto cgSubmissionTimePoint = curEvent.template get_profiling_info< cl::sycl::info::event_profiling::command_submit>(); const auto startKernExecutionTimePoint = curEvent.template get_profiling_info< cl::sycl::info::event_profiling::command_start>(); const auto endKernExecutionTimePoint = curEvent.template get_profiling_info< cl::sycl::info::event_profiling::command_end>();   cgSubmissionTime += to_milli(startKernExecutionTimePoint - cgSubmissionTimePoint); kernExecutionTime += to_milli(endKernExecutionTimePoint - startKernExecutionTimePoint); }   set_command_group_submission_time(cgSubmissionTime); set_kernel_execution_time(kernExecutionTime); set_real_execution_time(realExecutionTime); }

And applied the steps to my vector addition code:

void VectorAddInDPCPP_2(const IntArray &VA, const IntArray &VB, IntArray &VC, queue deviceQueue) {   // print out the device information used for the kernel code std::cout << "Device: " << deviceQueue.get_device().get_info<info::device::name>() << std::endl;   // set up profiling data containers using wall_clock_t = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock; using time_point_t = std::chrono::time_point<wall_clock_t>;   int profiling_iters = 1;   std::vector<cl::sycl::event> eventList(profiling_iters); std::vector<time_point_t> startTimeList(profiling_iters);   // create the range object for the arrays managed by the buffer range<1> num_items{ array_size };   buffer<int, 1> bufferA(, num_items); buffer<int, 1> bufferB(, num_items); buffer<int, 1> bufferC(, num_items);   // Submit a kernel to the queue, returns a SYCL event for (size_t i = 0; i < profiling_iters; ++i) { = wall_clock_t::now(); = deviceQueue.submit([&](handler &cgh) { auto accessorA = bufferA.get_access<dp_read>(cgh); auto accessorB = bufferB.get_access<dp_read>(cgh); auto accessorC = bufferC.get_access<dp_write>(cgh);   cgh.parallel_for(num_items, [=](id<1> j) { accessorC[j] = accessorA[j] + accessorB[j]; }); }); }   // exec profile example_profiler<double> my_profiler(eventList, startTimeList); std::cout << "Kernel exec: " << my_profiler.get_kernel_execution_time() << " msec" << std::endl; std::cout << "Cmd Group submission: " << my_profiler.get_command_group_submission_time() << " msec" << std::endl; std::cout << "Real exec: " << my_profiler.get_real_execution_time() << " msec" << std::endl; }

Finally, this is the result for a 10K array, on the cloud:

######################################################################## # Date: Wed Apr 1 08:26:52 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 561887.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO Kernel exec: 0.150332 msec Cmd Group submission: 2.66203 msec Real exec: 167.013 msec VectorAddInDPCPP exec: 232.501 msec Scalar exec: 0.095 msec success   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 561887.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Wed Apr 1 08:26:57 PDT 2020 ########################################################################

As you can see above, the queue submission + kernel execution time is much less than the real execution time. What is the reason for waiting that long and is there a way to improve/get rid of this waiting time?



0 Kudos


Hope things are going fine there.


For processing the loop efficiently in the FPGA in parallel fashion , loop unrolling can be applied. This ensures that different execution units are created to handle the summation. Without using this the parallel and scalar operation performance will not differ much , and parallel will also involve setup and related time.

So to extract performance out of the FPGA please perform a loop unrolling

      #pragma unroll UNROLL_FACTOR

before the for loop exection.

You can try with different UNROLL_FACTORS , as twos multiples like 2 , 4 ,8 ,16 etc

and then compare the performance with the scalar version.

Please find an example below

cgh.single_task<class covariance>(



           /* Accessor related code HERE */

           #pragma unroll UNROLL_FACTOR

           For (int j=0;j<num_items, j++)


         accessorC[j] = accessorA[j] + accessorB[j];



Thanks and Regards


0 Kudos


Everything is fine for now, I hope it's the same there..


I have some experience on DSP programming and I am familiar with some of the low level optimization methods.. At the last example I gave in the prev. post you can see that the CPU exec time is about 1600+ times faster. In this case, I think our problem is not that low level. I think the main problem here is the JIT Compiler overhead.





This picture is from the book:



On the cloud, I will try Ahead-Of-Time compiling, as suggested in here:


I will notify you with the results. And maybe we need to move this subject into another topic.





0 Kudos

Hi again, it seems like ahead-of-time compiling drastically reduced our run-time performance for the device. On the other hand, it increased the host execution time..


This is the result for AOT compiling:

######################################################################## # Date: Tue Apr 14 05:18:06 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 573459.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add Vector Size: 100000 ------------------------------------------- Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO Kernel exec: 0.088999 msec Cmd Group submission: 3.9869 msec Real exec: 9.85082 msec VectorAddInDPCPP exec: 17.543 msec Scalar exec: 1.785 msec success   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 573459.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Tue Apr 14 05:18:12 PDT 2020 ########################################################################

And this is the result for JIT compiling:

######################################################################## # Date: Tue Apr 14 05:36:10 PDT 2020 # Job ID: 573469.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # User: u38134 # Resources: neednodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2,walltime=06:00:00 ########################################################################   :: setvars has already been run. Skipping any further invocation. To force its re-execution, pass --force ./vector-add Vector Size: 100000 ------------------------------------------- Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO Kernel exec: 0.149666 msec Cmd Group submission: 3.13661 msec Real exec: 175.897 msec VectorAddInDPCPP exec: 243.523 msec Scalar exec: 0.099 msec success   ######################################################################## # End of output for job 573469.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud # Date: Tue Apr 14 05:36:15 PDT 2020 ########################################################################


And finally this my makefile for AOT:

CXX = dpcpp #CXXFLAGS = -O2 -g #LDFLAGS = -lOpenCL -lsycl EXE_NAME = vector-add SOURCES = src/vector-add.cpp   all: main   main: $(CXX) -fsycl-targets=spir64_gen-unknown-unknown-sycldevice -Xsycl-target-backend '-device skl' -o $(EXE_NAME) $(SOURCES)   run: ./$(EXE_NAME)   clean: rm -rf $(EXE_NAME)


Did I skip something here? We increased the device kernel exec performance but why the host performance (Scalar exec above) is suffering now?



0 Kudos


Hope you are staying safe.

Can you incorporate the loop unrolling as mentioned previously , along with the ahead of time compilation and check the results.

Thanks and Regards


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