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It is Not possible to run latest versions of SDE, for example 7.49.0, on 32-bit Windows platforms

Valued Contributor II
It is Not possible to run latest versions of SDE, for example 7.49.0, on 32-bit Windows platforms
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27 Replies
Valued Contributor II
My understanding is that 32-bit versions are no longer supported by the SDE development team. Is that correct? I need the last 32-bit version of SDE between versions 5.38 ( 32-bit & 64-bit support ) and 7.49 ( only 64-bit support ). At the moment I use three versions of SDE: - 5.38 ( 32-bit ) - on Windows XP SP3 32-bit - 7.49 ( 64-bit ) - on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit - 7.49 ( 64-bit ) - on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit 32-bit version of SDE is needed for some R&D on a 32-bit Windows XP. I address my post to Intel SDE team because there is inconsistency and a folder with 32-bit modules ( ..\ia32 ) is still included ( with version 7.49, for example ). It looks like you've compiled sde.exe for 64-bit only and now it is not possible to execute it on 32-bit platforms. Ideally, support for 32-bit platform should not be removed and sde-binaries should look as follows: sde.exe - 32-bit version of SDE ( uses modules from ..\ia32 folder / support of new Intel ISAs could be stopped ) sde64.exe - 64-bit version of SDE ( uses modules from ..\intel64 folder ) It is OK if you don't want to support some new Intel ISAs for 32-bit platforms but, once again, it should not be removed completely.
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Valued Contributor II
>>Ideally, support for 32-bit platform should not be removed and sde-binaries should look as follows: >> >>sde.exe - 32-bit version of SDE ( uses modules from ..\ia32 folder / support of new Intel ISAs could be stopped ) >>sde64.exe - 64-bit version of SDE ( uses modules from ..\intel64 folder ) >> >>It is OK if you don't want to support some new Intel ISAs for 32-bit platforms but, once again, it should not be removed completely. I also reviewed all SDE release notes ( after version 5.38 ) and didn't find any statements related to removing support for 32-bit Windows platforms. Please restore 32-bit support for Windows in SDE version 7.58 ( Not available yet for download ).
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Valued Contributor II
One more note... >>... >>sde.exe - 32-bit version of SDE ( uses modules from ..\ia32 folder / support of new Intel ISAs could be stopped ) >>sde64.exe - 64-bit version of SDE ( uses modules from ..\intel64 folder ) On Linux you follow that rule ( sde - for 32-bit applications and sde64 - for 64-bit applications ) but by some reason it is broken for Windows.
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All SDE kits supports both 32 and 64 bit applications. You can use the same sde.exe (on Windows) for both.

But SDE no longer support Windows XP, you should use Windows 7 or newer.

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Valued Contributor II
>>...All SDE kits supports both 32 and 64 bit applications. You can use the same sde.exe (on Windows) for both. You have a problem and don't want to admit it. I've described it in Post #2! Did you read it? For Windows you should have: sde.exe - to run 32-bit version of SDE and 32-bit applications sde64.exe - to run 64-bit version of SDE and 64-bit applications. I also don't see any reason why you don't support Windows XP any longer. Is that because Microsoft forced you?
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Valued Contributor II
>>...All SDE kits supports both 32 and 64 bit applications.... That is Not true because it is Not possible use SDE version 7.49.0 ( and SDE versions 6.xx.0 as well ) on a 32-bit Windows 7 editions. A problem was created after release of SDE version 5.38.0.
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What is not working for you on 32bits Windows?

Can you please write the error you see or attach a print screen?



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Valued Contributor II
>>What is not working for you on 32bits Windows? >> >>Can you please write the error you see or attach a print screen? Michael, Are you an Intel employee and working on Intel SDE project? I don't think that anybody else but Intel software engineers could resolve that problem. Let me repeat what was already posted: It is Not possible to run latest versions of SDE, for example 7.49.0, on 32-bit Windows platforms because sde.exe is compiled as a 64-bit application. An error message is "Not a valid Win32 application..." and it is a standard error message for cases when there is an attempt to execute a 64-bit Windows application on a 32-but Windows OS.
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I am indeed SDE developer.

We are running sde.exe version 7.49 on Windows 7 32 bits and it works well.

Can you please send me the screen shot of the error you are seeing?

are you running command line or Cygwin?


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Valued Contributor II
>>We are running sde.exe version 7.49 on Windows 7 32 bits and it works well. I've been talking about a problem on Windows XP 32-bit. >>Can you please send me the screen shot of the error you are seeing? I'll do it tomorrow. >>are you running command line or Cygwin? No. As I've already mentioned it is a Windows XP 32-bit environment.
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Valued Contributor II
Michael, I see that older versions of SDE are removed from a download webpage. My question is if I could get all released 6.x versions of SDE? Could you upload these zip-files to a website, for example? Thanks in advance.
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As we already told you before:We do not support Windows XP at all.

Please upgrade to Windows 7/8/10



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Valued Contributor II
Intel guys, Do you read questions from IDZ Community members or no? In a Post #12 I had two questions and you simply ignored them. >>...if I could get all released 6.x versions of SDE? >>Could you upload these zip-files to a website...? If you Do Not read questions why are you looking at IDZ posts at all? I didn't ask for an advise on if I need to upgrade some Windows XP computers and I know that SDE supported Windows XP. Your statement that "...We do not support Windows XP at all..." is Not correct and older versions of SDE, I mean 6.x, 5.x, etc, supported Windows XP perfectly. The problem with SDE version 7.49.0 is identified and I will upload pictures to prove it.
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Valued Contributor II
Three pictures are uploaded as you've requested: WinXP32bit.SDEv7.49.0.ErrorMessage.jpg - error message SdeDependencyInfo1.jpg - MS Dependency screenshot for sde.exe versions 5.38 and 7.49.0 on Windows XP ( list of modules ) SdeDependencyInfo2.jpg - MS Dependency screenshot for sde.exe versions 5.38 and 7.49.0 on Windows XP ( problem is seen ) You've compiled SDE version 7.49.0 for Windows 7 exclusively ( OS version 6.x ) and that is why Windows XP is no longer supported ( OS version 5.x ). It means, that 64-bit versions of Windows XP are Not supported as well. As I've already told SDE should work on legacy Windows XP OSs without any limitations unless you impose some ISAs constraints related to Intel CPUs. I've been using Intel Emulators since 2007 and I couldn't imaging that you would start doing such things.
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New Contributor III

Sergey, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with these posts. You've been told that SDE (the newer versions of it) do not support Windows XP (32 or 64-bit). Obviously, this won't change, and no screenshots from XP will change that. If you want to keep using XP then you'll have to stick with the older versions of SDE as well, with all the consequences.

If you have problems in 32-bit Windows 7 or later, as your initial post and the title suggests, then I think it would be beneficial to post screenshots from Windows 7.

PS: Also, the tone of your messages is certainly not helpful. You may not like that your platform is no longer supported, but that is hardly unexpected for a platform that has long reached EOL. You can't expect it to be supported forever.


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Valued Contributor II
Intel guys, Are you OK? Do you Read Questions or Not? You're escalating things instead of trying to work with a person to solve the problem! This is Not a matter of my tone and this is a matter of your technological indifference. I've asked already twice where could I get older versions of SDE ( I mean v6. x, and older ). You've removed these versions and it doesn't make any sense because these versions are considered as Digital Legacy of Intel Corporation. Let me download these older versions and it is my business what to do next and how to deal with all the rest technological problems. I want to solve the problem created by Intel software engineers because they do not understand how Windows OS versions numbers saved in a PE format of Windows binaries affect all the rest things. That is why SDE version 7.49.0 stopped working in a 32-bit Windows XP! I see that you're absolutely Not helpful and by some reason you've marked Post #16 as a 'Best Reply'. I absolutely disagree with that. Please explain why did you do that? In order to technologically humiliate me instead of telling me: ...Here all downloads of SDE released between versions 5.38.0 and 7.49.0 and check them out if some version will help you'?.. I regret to see that you're escalating things instead of helping IDZ Community Members to solve problems.
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New Contributor III

Just to be clear, I'm not an "Intel guy", and I was not trying to escalate or humiliate anyone.

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Valued Contributor II
>>...Just to be clear, I'm not an "Intel guy", and I was not trying to escalate or humiliate anyone. This exactly what happened from my point of view. Such things are always taking place when somebody doesn't listen an opponent, or doesn't read simple questions. I'm a not a small boy to allow anybody to treat me disrespectfully. Technical matters continue... Now, I address my message to Intel SDE team software engineers. Where could I download all versions 6.x of SDE? Unfortunately, they are removed from a download page of SDE. I patched the version 7.49.0 and it works on a Windows XP 32-bit OS. That is, PE header updated ( OS version lowered to 5.0 ) and verifications of SSE3 ISA support disabled ( NOPed ).
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Intel SDE is built upon Pin. Pin no longer supports WinXP as it was EOL’d long ago. We have to prioritize our development activities and this is not a priority unfortunately.  Sometimes we do weaken checks with the “-p -ifeellucky” knob to allow users to make progress on unsupported platforms; I don’t know if the check you refer to is covered by that knob currently but possibly we could consider putting the WinXP check under that knob in some future release.  No promises. I cannot comment about making the old download available. The person who could address that is away and can comment when they return, possibly next week. 
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Valued Contributor II
>>...Sometimes we do weaken checks with the “-p -ifeellucky” knob to allow users to make progress on unsupported platforms... I'll check it and let you know results if it works for version 7.49.0 on Windows XP SP3 32-bit. >>...possibly we could consider putting the WinXP check under that knob in some future release... Yes, please consider for a next version ( I see that 7.58.0 for Windows is still not released ): - Disable verifications that SDE is executed on Windows XP 32-bit ( you need to consider to lower OS requirements from 6.x to 5.x / see pictures in a Post #15 ) - Disable verifications for SSE3 ISA ( if it is possible ) >>...The person who could address that is away and can comment when they return, possibly next week... Please forward my request and thank you in advance. I'd like to request three last 6.x versions of SDE: 6.22.0, 6.20.0 and 6.12.0. In overall, I need to "equalize" software development environments for several legacy computer systems to support AVX-512 ISA in an emulated mode ( with a -knl switch of SDE ). Ideally, I would prefer to check SDEs versions 6.x first and then I would better use the most up-to-date version of SDE that allows to disable some verifications as I've already described.
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