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2 questions on UMC::DXVideoRender.

I am trying to render video from a UMC::H246VideoDecode using the UMC::DXVideoRender and am not meeting with much success...

1. The color format of the decoder is UMC::YUV420 none of the "color_format" values for the render params seem to match this output, are they supposed to match? What should I be doing here?
2. The render Init fails due to the lack of support for DDCAPS_OVERLAY and DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYYUV, what does this mean? is it a direct X version problem?
3. Is there any example code anywhere?

Sorry if these questions seem basic, but the documentation is very basic and there seems to be nothing on the Internet.
Thanks in advance,
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1 Reply
1. The color format of the decoder is UMC::YUV420 none of the "color_format" values for the render params seem to match this output, are they supposed to match? What should I be doing here?

I use YV12 as color_format. I think when you pass YV12 as colorformat through the video bufferto the decoder it will automaticly do a color conversion for you.

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