Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Deliberate problems developing high-performance vision, signal, security, and storage applications.

Custom DLL Linking Issue


We are struggling with strange issue related to IPP lib linking.

We have one .Net Exe which uses managed (C#) DLL which interns calls intel custom DLL (C++ unmanaged) through pInvoke.

If we use intel custom DLL with ‘Multi-thread Static Lib’ or ‘Single Thread Static Lib’ it works fine.

But when we use intel custom DLL with ‘Multi-threaded DLL’ or ‘Default Linking Method (which is /MD)’  it does not work as expected.

Following project setting we are using -

Include path: ‘$(INTEL_DEF_X64_INSTALL_DIR)ipp\include’

Lib path: $(INTEL_DEF_X64_INSTALL_DIR)ipp\lib\intel64

No lib name has been added in input lib path.


Could you please tell what exactly we need to do for intel custom lib compile for dynamic lib? 

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