Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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IPP 9.4 cant find it



I'm facing a problem that may be of mine wrong doing so i would like some help.

I am developing an SGX application and i wanted to try the RemoteAttestationSample,following the installation guide i reached the section to download the IPP and Cryptography IPP. Unfortunately(this is my fault) after registering i downloaded and installed the 2017 Update 1 version of both IPP and CIPP. After failing to find why the Client Side of the Sample wasn't working i noticed that i needed the 9.xx versions.
I did the following:

Uninstalled both IPP and CIPP(SDK,PSW,ME etc. leading the system to a SGX free environment)

Deleted from the Serial Key Management page the Host(for the IPP)

Tried to download the version of those libraries.

I could only find(and downloaded) the CIPP 9.4 version but i couldn't find anywhere the IPP for versions other than 2017(original and Update 1).

In the Serial Numbers section the key for the Community Licensing for Intel® Performance Libraries says System Locked - No commercial. I suspect this has something to do with those libraries not be free? Is there anyway i can download the 9.4 version for the IPP as the 2017 is no use to me??

Thanks in advance

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3 Replies

Hi konstantinos k.

As community license for library only assure get the latest IPP version, it is expected you only see the 2017 update 1 version.  Do you have some early IPP license 

You mentioned, After failing to find why the Client Side of the Sample wasn't working i noticed that i needed the 9.xx versions. what is exact problem?  

If you are need some *.dll library, In general, the 2017 version are back-compatiable with IPP 9.0.4.   You should be able to replace them directly or consult SGX if 9.0.4 is needed. 

Best Regards,


P.S here is 2017 release notes

it should be added function and bug fix.  not API changed. 

Added the following new functions in the cryptography domain:

Added functions for the finite field GF(p) arithmetic, and the elliptic curves over the finite field GF(p).
Added ippsECCPBindGxyTblStd functions that allow to control memory size for the elliptic curves over GF(p)

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Taking what you told me,about backwards compatibility,as a base i installed everything again and played a little more with the configurations.

In Release mode the Client builds correctly(i cant run it obviously) but this proves that IPP was not indeed the problem. Should i take my problem to the Intel SGX subforum to try and find a solution to the problem regarding Debug/Prerelease????


Thanks in advance

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Hi Konstantinos, 

Right, iIf there are some issue about Intel SGX,please consult their support team.

Best Regards,



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