Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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can't get simple ipp example to work

I am completely new to using IPP and c++ and I need a hint on how to get a simple example to work. Below is the c++ code I would like to get working. Following that is the error message that I get. I thought all the environmental variable and such were set by including this in my .bashrc file: source /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/064/ipp/em64t/tools/env/
I have the Intel C++ 11.1 professional version for linux (rhel 5.2) installed and have checked that the ipp stuff works by running the scripts in perfsys.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks.

#include "ipp.h"

using namespace std;

void func_autocorr();

int main ()
return 0;

void func_autocorr()

Ipp32f pSrc[5] = {0.2, 3.1, 2.0, 1.2, -1.1};
const int dstLen = 10;
Ipp32f pDst[dstLen];
ippsAutoCorr_NormB_32f(pSrc, 5, pDst, dstLen);

Here is the error that I get:

/tmp/icc56FrxX.o: In function `main':
walker.cpp:(.text+0x29): undefined reference to `ippStaticInit'
walker.cpp:(.text+0x69): undefined reference to `ippsAutoCorr_NormB_32f'
/tmp/icc56FrxX.o: In function `func_autocorr()':
walker.cpp:(.text+0xc0): undefined reference to `ippsAutoCorr_NormB_32f'

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2 Replies
Quoting - Phil Stimac

I am completely new to using IPP and c++ and I need a hint on how to get a simple example to work. Below is the c++ code I would like to get working. Following that is the error message that I get. I thought all the environmental variable and such were set by including this in my .bashrc file: source /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/064/ipp/em64t/tools/env/
I have the Intel C++ 11.1 professional version for linux (rhel 5.2) installed and have checked that the ipp stuff works by running the scripts in perfsys.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks.

#include "ipp.h"

using namespace std;

void func_autocorr();

int main ()
return 0;

void func_autocorr()

Ipp32f pSrc[5] = {0.2, 3.1, 2.0, 1.2, -1.1};
const int dstLen = 10;
Ipp32f pDst[dstLen];
ippsAutoCorr_NormB_32f(pSrc, 5, pDst, dstLen);

Here is the error that I get:

/tmp/icc56FrxX.o: In function `main':
walker.cpp:(.text+0x29): undefined reference to `ippStaticInit'
walker.cpp:(.text+0x69): undefined reference to `ippsAutoCorr_NormB_32f'
/tmp/icc56FrxX.o: In function `func_autocorr()':
walker.cpp:(.text+0xc0): undefined reference to `ippsAutoCorr_NormB_32f'

OK, we figured this out. I was not linking to the necessary libraries during compile time. Thanks.
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Glad you found the problem. I was about to write a reply when you posted yours. The part that was confusing me was a lack of error regarding ipp.h. I was thinking about the compiler, not the linker...


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