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1360 Discussions

Intel Optain 32GB. Nach Installation keine HDD mehr...


Hallo liebes Intel-Support-Team,

Ich habe heute meine Intel Optain 32GB erhalten und hatte sie auch sofort fürs testen eingebaut. Nachdem ich in Windows angekommen war ist mir aufgefallen, das meine 2. Festplatte (HDD) nicht mehr erkannt wird. Ich dachte mir nichts weiter dabei und dachte, das das daran liegen könnte das die Treiber noch nicht installiert waren. Nach der Installation der Treiber habe ich den PC neu gestartet und es war immer noch keine HDD zusehen im Explorer / Gerätemanger / etc. Danach habe ich nochmal die Einstellungen im Bios überprüft und habe den SATA-Controler von AHCI (glaube das wird so geschreiben) auf den Intel Optain Premium... Modus gestellt. Als ich dann meine Einstellungen gespeichert habe und wieder nach Windows wollte, kam nach mehreren Neustart nur die Meldung von Windows "INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE". Nachdem ich die Optain wieder ausgebaut hatte und den SATA-Controler wieder auf AHCI zurückgestellt habe wird alles wieder erkannt und funktioniert. (Sobald ich im Bios den SATA-Controler auf den von Intel Optain stelle verschwindet die Festplatte in den Anzeigen bei den angeschlossenen SATA-Ports).


Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir Helfen


Mit freundlichen Grüßen



Anbei meine Hardware Informationen.

CPU: i7 8086KGPU:

GPU: PSY 1050 ti 4GB

RAM: Corsair DIMM 16GB DDR4-4000 Kit

Motherboard: Aorus Z370 Gaming 7 (Bios F7)

Festplatte 1: Samsung SSD 840 PRO (128GB, Boot)

Festplatte 2: WDC WD2002FAEX-007BA0 (2TB ; diese Verschwindet immer und soll beschleunigt werden)

0 Kudos
14 Replies

Hi LucasStar77,



Thank you for posting in the Intel® communities.



I understand that you are having issues setting up the Intel® Optane™ Memory.



Could you please download the Intel® System Support Utility (SSU) from the following site and run the full report to collect your system data: Please attach the report file in your response.



Additionally, please take a screenshot of the Disk Management window. To open Disk Management, press the Windows* key + x and then select Disk Management from the menu that will appear.



Please also run the following commands in the Command Prompt and take a screenshot too:



  1. Open the command prompt as Administrator.
  2. Run the command diskpart.
  3. Run the command list disk. Take a screenshot of this output.


I'll be waiting for your response.



Have a nice day.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

Danke für die schnelle Antwort, anbei erhalten Sie die geforderten Bilder "im Normalzustand" des PC (ohne Optain). Bilder im Zustand mit Opatin verbaut erübrigen sich da diese das selbe zeigen wie ohne Optain, nur das Anstatt das die HDD angezeigt wird nur die SSD und die Optain angezeigt.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen



# SSU Scan Information

Scan Info:




# Scanned Hardware


BaseBoard Manufacturer:"Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd."


BIOS Version/Date:"American Megatrends Inc. F7 , 05.07.2018 12:00"

CD or DVD:"Not Available"

Embedded Controller Version:"255.255"

Platform Role:"Desktop"

Processor:"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8086K CPU @ 4.00GHz , GenuineIntel"

Secure Boot State:"Off"

SMBIOS Version:"3.1"

Sound Card:"NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)"

Sound Card:"NVIDIA High Definition Audio"

Sound Card:"Razer Seiren"

Sound Card:"High Definition Audio-Gerät"

Sound Card:"ASUS Xonar DSX Audio Device"

Sound Card:"XSplit Stream Audio Renderer"

System Manufacturer:"Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd."

System Model:"Z370 AORUS Gaming 7"

System SKU:"Default string"

System Type:"x64-based PC"

- "Display"

Intel ® Graphics Driver Version:"Not Available"

- "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti"

Adapter Compatibility:"NVIDIA"

Adapter DAC Type:"Integrated RAMDAC"

Adapter RAM:"4,00 GB"

Availability:"Running or Full Power"

Bits Per Pixel:"32"

Caption:"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti"


Color Table Entries:"4294967296"

Dedicated Video Memory:"Not Available"


Driver Date:"10.02.2018 02:00"

Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvlddmkm.sys"

Driver Provider:"NVIDIA"

Driver Version:""


INF Section:"Section108"

Install Date:"Not Available"

Installed Drivers:"C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvldumdx.dll"

Last Error Code:"Not Available"

Last Error Code Description:"Not Available"

Last Reset:"Not Available"

Location:"PCI bus 1, device 0, function 0"


Microsoft DirectX* Version:"DirectX 12"


Number of Colors:"4294967296"

Number of Video Pages:"Not Available"

PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C82&SUBSYS_11C3196E&REV_A1\4&2DB3ECDA&0&0008"

Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available"

Power Management Supported:"Not Available"

Refresh Rate - Current:"60 Hz"

Refresh Rate - Maximum:"75 Hz"

Refresh Rate - Minimum:"60 Hz"

Resolution:"1920 X 1080"

Scan Mode:"Noninterlaced"

Service Name:"nvlddmkm"


Video Architecture:"VGA"

Video Memory:"Unknown"

Video Processor:"GeForce GTX 1050 Ti"

- "Memory"

Physical Memory (Available):"9,73 GB"

Physical Memory (Installed):"16 GB"

Physical Memory (Total):"15,94 GB"

- "BANK 0"

Capacity:"8 GB"


Configured Clock Speed:"4000 MHz"

Configured Voltage:"1200 millivolts"

Data Width:"64 bits"

Form Factor:"DIMM"

Interleave Position:"First position"


Maximum Voltage:"Not Available"

Memory Type:"Unknown"

Minimum Voltage:"Not Available"

Part Number:"CMW16GX4M2K4000C19"

Serial Number:"00000000"

Status:"Not Available"

Type:"Not Available"

- "BANK 2"

Capacity:"8 GB"


Configured Clock Speed:"4000 MHz"

Configured Voltage:"1200 millivolts"

Data Width:"64 bits"

Form Factor:"DIMM"

Interleave Position:"Second position"


Maximum Voltage:"Not Availa...

0 Kudos

Hi LucasStar77,



Thank you for the information.



According to the screenshots, I can see that your booting drive is using GPT as partition style which is fine, however the secondary drive is not. It's probably using MBR as partition style which is not compatible with the Intel® Optane™ Memory and it's not compatible either with the system once you change the settings to setup the module.



What you have to do is to format the drive and initialize it using GPT instead.



Alternatively, there is also a Windows* tool that you can use to make the conversion without the need of formatting the drive. The tool is called MBR2GPT.EXE. The process using MBR2GPT.EXE is described in the following Microsoft* article:



There are some examples at the end of the article, but basically, the command that you have to run from the Command Prompt as Administrator is the following:



mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:1 /allowfullOS



Please make sure to back up any important data you may have in the drive just in case.



Additionally, the reserved unallocated space at the end of the drive is necessary in the booting drive. I can see that you have that reserved space in the secondary drive, but you have to reserve it in the primary drive as well. Actually, there is no need of this space in the secondary drive.



Please try to do this and let me know the results.



I also recommend you to check the following Gigabyte* guide to check how the BIOS settings should be set for the module to work properly:



I'll be waiting for your response.



Have a nice day.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

Ich habe es gerade mal mit dem Befehl versucht wie beschreiben aber ich habe leider nur diese Meldung bekommen.

0 Kudos

Hi LucasStar77,



If that's the case, then you would have to format the drive and then initialize it using GPT.



You can use one of the free tools described in this article to perform a low level format on the secondary drive:



Once the drive is formatted, it will appear in Disk Management as unallocated. Right click on the unallocated space to initialize the drive and then create a new volume. Make sure you use GPT as partition style.



If you have any questions, please let me know.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

Ich würde nur ungerne meine etwa 800GB an Spielen und Software löschen, gibt es noch eine andere Möglichkeit das Format zu ändern ohne alle Daten zu löschen?

0 Kudos

Hi LucasStar77,



I understand you, however as your drive is using MBR partition style, the Intel® Optane™ Memory won't work with it as it's not compatible. The drive must use GPT as partition style.



Unfortunately, the only way to change the partition style is by formatting the drive and re-initializing it again using GPT partition style. As I mentioned, Windows* includes a tool to convert the drive without the need of formatting it, but this method didn't work according to your screenshot, so the only way would be formatting the drive.



I know there are free tools available to do this, but I haven't tested any of them, so I cannot recommend you a tool for this. However, considering that you prefer to not format the drive, you may want to search for some alternative tools than can convert your secondary drive from MBR to GPT. For example, the following tool may be helpful for you: I haven't tested that tool so I'm not sure if it'll work, so it's up to you if you want to try it. My recommendation is to back up your data before doing any changes in the drive.



Additionally, and just to confirm your drive is indeed using MBR partition style, please go to Disk Management again and double click on your secondary drive (Disk 1 according to previous screenshots) and select Properties. Then, on the Volumes tab, you can see which partition style your drive is using. You can take a screenshot of that information so that I can check it too.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

Ich habe jetzt beide Festplatten auf GPT, was muss ich danach versuchen?

0 Kudos

Hi LucasStar77,



If both drives are now using GPT, then you can try to enable the module.



Please follow this guide from your motherboard's manufacturer:



It explains which settings you should configure at BIOS. If you have any issues, please take screenshots of the BIOS settings.



You can take screenshots of the BIOS by pressing F12 or the Print Screen button. You will require a USB Flash memory connected because the images are saved there automatically. Please refer to this site for additional details about this:



Additionally, please take another screenshot of the Peripherals section in your BIOS.



I'll be waiting for your response.



Have a nice day.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

Hi LucasStar77,



I'd like to know if you were able to setup the Intel® Optane™ Memory, or if you still need help with it.





Diego V.


0 Kudos

Habe das Format der HDD geändert bekommen. Nachdem ich die Optain wieder eingebaut hatte musste ich feststellen das leider wieder meine HDD nicht aufgeführt wird.

Ich habe dann wieder einmal euer Diganosetool durch laufen lassen und kam zu folgenden Ergebnissen:

# SSU Scan Information

Scan Info:




# Scanned Hardware


BaseBoard Manufacturer:"Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd."


BIOS Version/Date:"American Megatrends Inc. F7 , 05.07.2018 12:00"

CD or DVD:"Not Available"

Embedded Controller Version:"255.255"

Platform Role:"Desktop"

Processor:"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8086K CPU @ 4.00GHz , GenuineIntel"

Secure Boot State:"Off"

SMBIOS Version:"3.1"

Sound Card:"NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)"

Sound Card:"NVIDIA High Definition Audio"

Sound Card:"Razer Seiren"

Sound Card:"High Definition Audio-Gerät"

Sound Card:"ASUS Xonar DSX Audio Device"

Sound Card:"XSplit Stream Audio Renderer"

System Manufacturer:"Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd."

System Model:"Z370 AORUS Gaming 7"

System SKU:"Default string"

System Type:"x64-based PC"

- "Display"

Intel ® Graphics Driver Version:"Not Available"

- "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti"

Adapter Compatibility:"NVIDIA"

Adapter DAC Type:"Integrated RAMDAC"

Adapter RAM:"4,00 GB"

Availability:"Running or Full Power"

Bits Per Pixel:"32"

Caption:"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti"


Color Table Entries:"4294967296"

Dedicated Video Memory:"Not Available"


Driver Date:"10.02.2018 02:00"

Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvlddmkm.sys"

Driver Provider:"NVIDIA"

Driver Version:""


INF Section:"Section108"

Install Date:"Not Available"

Installed Drivers:"C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_54bd1f10ac116cd5\nvldumdx.dll"

Last Error Code:"Not Available"

Last Error Code Description:"Not Available"

Last Reset:"Not Available"

Location:"PCI bus 1, device 0, function 0"


Microsoft DirectX* Version:"DirectX 12"


Number of Colors:"4294967296"

Number of Video Pages:"Not Available"

PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C82&SUBSYS_11C3196E&REV_A1\4&2DB3ECDA&0&0008"

Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available"

Power Management Supported:"Not Available"

Refresh Rate - Current:"60 Hz"

Refresh Rate - Maximum:"75 Hz"

Refresh Rate - Minimum:"60 Hz"

Resolution:"1920 X 1080"

Scan Mode:"Noninterlaced"

Service Name:"nvlddmkm"


Video Architecture:"VGA"

Video Memory:"Unknown"

Video Processor:"GeForce GTX 1050 Ti"

- "Memory"

Physical Memory (Available):"12,07 GB"

Physical Memory (Installed):"16 GB"

Physical Memory (Total):"15,94 GB"

- "BANK 0"

Capacity:"8 GB"


Configured Clock Speed:"4000 MHz"

Configured Voltage:"1200 millivolts"

Data Width:"64 bits"

Form Factor:"DIMM"

Interleave Position:"First position"


Maximum Voltage:"Not Available"

Memory Type:"Unknown"

Minimum Voltage:"Not Available"

Part Number:"CMW16GX4M2K4000C19"

Serial Number:"00000000"

Status:"Not Available"

Type:"Not Available"

- "BANK 2"

Capacity:"8 GB"


Configured Clock Speed:"4000 MHz"

Configured Voltage:"1200 millivolts"

Data Width:"64 bits"

Form Factor:"DIMM"

Interleave Position:"Second position"


Maximum Voltage:"Not Available"

Memory Type:"Unknown"

Minimum Voltage:"Not Available"</p...

0 Kudos

Hi Lucas,



If you changed the BIOS settings according to your motherboard's manufacturer and you are not able to see the secondary drive, that's most likely because your secondary drive may still be using MBR and not GPT. If the system is setup in UEFI mode and Legacy mode has been disabled, then MBR drives won't be recognized.



You can also notice that the first time you took the Disk Management screenshot, the Intel® Optane™ Memory didn't appear. That was because the system had the Legacy mode enabled, and therefore your secondary drive could be recognized. However, once the Legacy mode has been disabled and the BIOS properly configured, the Intel® Optane™ Memory is now visible but the drive that is still using MBR is not recognized because is not compatible with UEF mode.



You would have to format your secondary drive as I mentioned in a previous post so that you can initialize it using GPT instead. I understand that you don't want to format the drive to not lose your information, but that means that you won't be able to use the module with this drive because the partition style is not compatible.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

Hi Lucas,



I'm just wondering if you were able to convert your secondary drive from MBR to GPT so that your system can recognize the drive.





Diego V.


0 Kudos

Hi Lucas,



If you still need help on this, feel free to ask.





Diego V.
0 Kudos