Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)




I tried to implement Partially Reconfiguring Design

flow to my project, according to after Step 7: Compiling the Base Revision, I get bunch of errors that has no explanation,

Info(11171): Finished IP generation for the debug fabric: alt_sld_fab_0. 

Info(16821): Verilog HDL info at alt_sld_fab_0_alt_sld_fab_191_22dgnwq.v(144): going to vhdl side to elaborate module alt_sld_fab_0_altera_sld_jtag_hub_191_jqbwo4y 

Info(19337): VHDL info at alt_sld_fab_0_altera_sld_jtag_hub_191_jqbwo4y.vhd(13): executing entity "alt_sld_fab_0_altera_sld_jtag_hub_191_jqbwo4y(device_family="Arria 10",count=1,n_sel_bits=1,n_node_ir_bits=4,node_info="00010011100010000110111000000000",compilation_mode=0,broadcast_feature=0,force_pre_1_4_feature=0,negedge_tdo_latch=0,bridge_start_index=2)(1,8)(1,0)(1,32)" with architecture "rtl" 

Info(19337): VHDL info at sld_jtag_hub.vhd(89): executing entity "sld_jtag_hub(device_family="Arria 10",n_nodes=1,n_sel_bits=1,n_node_ir_bits=4,node_info="00010011100010000110111000000000",broadcast_feature=0,force_pre_1_4_feature=0,negedge_tdo_latch=0,bridge_start_index=2)(1,8)(31,0)" with architecture "rtl" 

Info(19337): VHDL info at sld_hub.vhd(1554): executing entity "sld_shadow_jsm(ip_major_version=1,ip_minor_version=5)" with architecture "rtl" 

Info(19337): VHDL info at sld_rom_sr.vhd(5): executing entity "sld_rom_sr(n_bits=64)" with architecture "INFO_REG" 

Info(16822): Verilog HDL info at alt_sld_fab_0_alt_sld_fab_191_22dgnwq.v(144): back to verilog to continue elaboration 

Info(11170): Starting IP generation for the debug fabric: alt_sld_fab_1. 

Warning(11175): Alt_sld_fab_1.alt_sld_fab_1.alt_sld_fab_1: SLD fabric agents are not connected as there are no hosts 

Error(11176): Alt_sld_fab_1.alt_sld_fab_1: add_instance: Can't create component type altera_sld_agent_endpoint_tieoff 

Info(11172):   invoked from within 

Info(11172): "add_instance sldfabric_t0 altera_sld_agent_endpoint_tieoff" 

Info(11172):   ("eval" body line 7) 

Info(11172):   invoked from within 

Info(11172): "eval $tcl" 

Info(11172):   (procedure "compose" line 36) 

Info(11172):   invoked from within 

Info(11172): "compose" 

Info(11172):   invoked from within 

Info(11172): "interp eval $slave { 

Info(11172): Compose 

Info(11172): }" 

Warning(11175): Alt_sld_fab_1.alt_sld_fab_1.alt_sld_fab_1.splitter.nodes: Interface has no signals 

Error(11176): Alt_sld_fab_1.alt_sld_fab_1.alt_sld_fab_1.ocpfabric.clock: ocpfabric.clock must be connected to a clock output 

Info(11172): *************************************************************** 

Info(11172): Quartus is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation in the 

Info(11172): US and other countries. Portions of the Quartus Prime software 

Info(11172): Code, and other portions of the code included in this download 

Info(11172): Or on this DVD, are licensed to Intel Corporation and are the 

Info(11172): Copyrighted property of third parties. For license details, 

Info(11172): Refer to the End User License Agreement at 

Info(11172): Http://

Info(11172): *************************************************************** 

Error(11176): Error opening /home/dovydas/Desktop/LTU_Rocket_Soc_up_190903/qdb/_compiler/LTU_SoC/_flat/19.2.0/partitioned/1/.temp/sld_fabrics/ipgen/alt_sld_fab_1/alt_sld_fab_1.ip. 

Info(11172): *************************************************************** 

Info(11172): Quartus is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation in the 

Info(11172): US and other countries. Portions of the Quartus Prime software 

Info(11172): Code, and other portions of the code included in this download 

Info(11172): Or on this DVD, are licensed to Intel Corporation and are the 

Info(11172): Copyrighted property of third parties. For license details, 

Info(11172): Refer to the End User License Agreement at 

Info(11172): Http://

Info(11172): *************************************************************** 

Info(11171): Finished IP generation for the debug fabric: alt_sld_fab_1. 

Error(19882): Automatic debug logic insertion has failed. 

Error: Flow failed:  

Info(144001): Generated suppressed messages file /home/dovydas/Desktop/LTU_Rocket_Soc_up_190903/output_files/LTU_SoC.syn.smsg 

Error: Quartus Prime Synthesis was unsuccessful. 5 errors, 109 warnings 

Error: Peak virtual memory: 2078 megabytes 

Error: Processing ended: Thu Dec 5 16:03:10 2019 

Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:35 

Error(293001): Quartus Prime Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 6 errors, 109 warnings 


This is the first time I encountered such errors. I did some internet research, however, was not able to find any solution to this problem. If anyone who has encountered this and was able to solve the problem successfully could guide me through this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.



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1 Reply

Is your design is the same as the document? If there is a signal tap file, please help to remove it. Let me know if it helps.

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