Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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CIII programming problem.. newbie question

Honored Contributor II


I try to program Cyclone III for the very first time. I've already assembled the board (it was designed and soldered on my own).  

Quartus II recognizes the device correctly. I decided to start with something extremely easy, so I created the following: (

The problem is that it doesn't work :(  

When I change the input voltage from 0V to 3.3V (I use a microcontroller to do so), I expect the output pin (MyOut) would follow this change.. but it is 3.3V all the time. 

Pin 144 (MyOut) is not connected to any other devices, it is unused. 


What can I check? Maybe some settings of the CIII device or some other options?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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I try to program Cyclone III for the very first time. I've already assembled the board (it was designed and soldered on my own).  

Quartus II recognizes the device correctly. I decided to start with something extremely easy, so I created the following: (

The problem is that it doesn't work :(  

When I change the input voltage from 0V to 3.3V (I use a microcontroller to do so), I expect the output pin (MyOut) would follow this change.. but it is 3.3V all the time. 

Pin 144 (MyOut) is not connected to any other devices, it is unused. 


What can I check? Maybe some settings of the CIII device or some other options? 

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is it really driving 3.3 Volt or is it tristated ? In case of tristate I would assume the device is not succesfully programmed or the Pin Assignment is not correct . 


Kind regards 


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