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I am attempting to instantiate a signal tap core using the megafunction flow. Quartus generates the IP but when I instantiate it in my project and compile I get the following error.
Error(13785): VHDL Use Clause error at signal_tap.vhd(47): design library "altera_signaltap_ii_logic_analyzer_170" does not contain primary unit "sld_signaltap" It works fine using .stp files but this approach doesn't fit into the flow that I'm attempting to use.Link Copied
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Can you show your code? The message implies an issue with your instantiation or the libraries you've pointed to with USE.
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Here is my code. I don't think it has anything to do with the instantiation because if I generate the IP as a Verilog module things work. Why do I get this error generating the IP core in VHDL?
library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity adder_top is port( clock : in std_logic; resetn : in std_logic; oready : out std_logic; ivalid : in std_logic; idata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); ovalid : out std_logic; iready : in std_logic; odout : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) ); end adder_top; architecture Behavioral of adder_top is component signal_tap is port ( acq_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk acq_data_in : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- acq_data_in acq_trigger_in : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => 'X') -- acq_trigger_in ); end component signal_tap; signal s_sum : unsigned(32 downto 0); signal s_trigger : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); begin ovalid <= '1'; odout <= std_logic_vector(s_sum(31 downto 0)); oready <= '1'; s_trigger(0) <= ivalid; process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then if (resetn='0') then s_sum <= (others=>'0'); else s_sum <= s_sum + X"00000001"; end if; end if; end process; signal_tap_inst : component signal_tap port map ( acq_clk => clock, acq_data_in => idata(31 downto 0) & std_logic_vector(s_sum(31 downto 0)), acq_trigger_in => s_trigger ); end Behavioral;- Mark as New
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For one thing, your instantiation is incorrect. You have the word "component" in there. It should just be:
signal_tap_inst: signal_tap port map ( What happens when you remove "component"?- Mark as New
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--- Quote Start --- For one thing, your instantiation is incorrect. You have the word "component" in there. It should just be: signal_tap_inst: signal_tap port map ( What happens when you remove "component"? --- Quote End --- Yes, you had to remove the component. Even though Quartus does not error on this.
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I having this same error in quartus 18.0, and the suggestions here have not solved it. Is there anything else I should try?
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When generating the IP make sure to chose Verilog as the output. The module can be instantiated as either Verilog or VHDL but when generating the IP, if choosing VHDL instead of Verilog as the output I get this error. Using Verilog as output fixed the issue for me.
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We'd have to see your code.
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Attached is my code. I followed the tips posted here, but I get these errors:
Error(13785): VHDL Use Clause error at signaltap.vhd(47): design library "altera_signaltap_ii_logic_analyzer_180" does not contain primary unit "sld_signaltap"
Error(13827): Ignored construct rtl at signaltap.vhd(76) due to previous errors
Error(13806): VHDL syntax error at stratix10Test_top.vhd(44) near text ;
Error(13806): VHDL syntax error at stratix10Test_top.vhd(51) near text variable
Error(13806): VHDL syntax error at stratix10Test_top.vhd(57) near text elsif
Error(13806): VHDL syntax error at stratix10Test_top.vhd(59) near text if
Error(13806): VHDL syntax error at stratix10Test_top.vhd(61) near text if
Error(13806): VHDL syntax error at stratix10Test_top.vhd(69) near text if
Error(13806): VHDL syntax error at stratix10Test_top.vhd(71) near text if
Error: Flow failed:
Error: Quartus Prime Synthesis was unsuccessful. 10 errors, 0 warnings
Error: Peak virtual memory: 1137 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Wed Feb 6 14:40:56 2019
Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:12
Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:12
I think the 'Error (13806)' messages are from quartus not knowing what to do after the signaltap instance fails.
Strangely, I get this error if the signaltap .ip file is included in the quartus project, even if it's not instantiated in the top module..
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Did you enable Signal Tap and point to your .stp file in the Settings dialog box (Assignment menu)?
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Do I need to do that if I'm using the signaltap ip file instead of the GUI signaltap?
I still get this error if I enable signaltap in the settings.
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Always. You still need a .stp file for control. That's why, in most cases, it doesn't make sense to use the Signal Tap IP instantiation flow because you need the .stp file anyway.
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Ah. I was hoping to use this as a workaround, since I can't get signaltap to work at all (as in my other post: https://forums.intel.com/s/question/0D50P00004DnM9wSAF/signaltap-problem-with-stratix-10-production-kit)
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