Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Confused by JTAG tdi constraint in Intel Quartus Prime Timing Analyzer Cookbook


I found the Intel Quartus Prime Timing Analyzer Cookbook here at


I tried using the jtag constraints found on p18 However noticed some items that confused me. In the procedure set_tdi_timing_spec_when_driven_by_device it sets the tdi delay by:


set tdi_in_max [expr $previous_device_tdo_tco_max + $tdi_trace_max - [get_tck_delay_min]]

set_input_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock altera_reserved_tck -max $tdi_in_max [get_ports {altera_reserved_tdi}]


However I am confused by the use of [get_tck_delay_min]. This ends up results in very large negative delays passed to the set_input_delay command.


If this is a system synchronous interface normally the skew between the JTAG clock TCK arriving at the driving device and the FPGA would be used, not the actual delay from the header to the FPGA. For example earlier in the cookbook on p9-10 this example is given and the difference between clock delay to source and clock delay to destination is used, as expected:

set_input_delay -clock clkA_virt \

-max [expr $CLKAs_max + $tCOa_max + $BDa_max - $CLKAd_min] \

[get_ports {data_in[*]}]



Is it possible the tdi set_input_delay is incorrectly calculated in the cookbook or is there something I am missing?





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3 Replies



If this is a system synchronous interface normally the skew between the JTAG clock TCK arriving at the driving device and the FPGA would be used, not the actual delay from the header to the FPGA.


May I understand more about the comment above? Could you elaborate in details?



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The JTAG tdi input is getting sourced from the prior device in the jtag chain tdo output and both the source and destination are getting the common jtag clock tck routed from the jtag header although with differing trace delays to arrive at . This seems to match up exactly with the figure 10 on page 9 setup on the lefthand side of the diagram.

Page 10 then gives for this scenario for the formula passed to the set_input_delay constraint -max as:

$CLKAs_max + $tCOa_max + $BDa_max - $CLKAd_min


rewriting this it is tCOa_max + BDa_max + (CLKAs_max -CLKAd_min)

Note that CLKAs_max -CLKAd_min is the difference in the delay for the clock to arrive at the source vs destination, NOT just the delay to the Destination(FPGA).




However on page20 for the JTAG constraints in the proc called set_tdi_timing_spec_when_driven_by_device the formula passed to set_input_delay -max is:


$previous_device_tdo_tco_max + $tdi_trace_max - [get_tck_delay_min]] 

where the get_tck_delay_min procedure only includes the delay of the tck clock to get to the destination device (FPGA) but does no take into account the delay of the tck to the sourcing device.


Based on the p9 scenario forumula I would have instead expected the jtag formula used for the set_input_delay to be something like:

$previous_device_tdo_tco_max + $tdi_trace_max - [tck_delay_to_source_device_max -tck_delay_to_FPGA_min ]] 



So I am trying to understand the discrepancy of why the proc set_tdi_timing_spec_when_driven_by_device only uses the delay of tck clock to the destination( FPGA) and not to the sourcing device.



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The tck and tms are driven directly from JTAG hardware, it is hard cell in the FPGA. Figure 7 in explains the timing constraints for the Intel FPGA Download Cable II.




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