Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16595 Discussions

Different simulate result from quartus and modelsim

Honored Contributor II

I wrote a verilog program as follow 

UD_Cnt(CLK,UD_counter) is a Up-down counter module, 

CPS_PWM(CLK,Cx) is a PWM module, containing multiple UD_Cnt module with different initial value。 


UD_cnt is invoked in main module(CPLD5) and CPS_PWM. 


I used quartus II 15.1 to compile ( this project, then simulated in quartus. The simulate result shows that, only the UD_cnt of UDxx in CP1 is correct. The initial value of UDxx in CPLD5 and UD2 UD3 UD4 in CP1 in wrong. It seems that, only the counter which is finally output in CPLD5 is correct. 


Then I used modelsim to simulate the same project, and everything is fine, the initial value of every counter is correct. 



Did anyone knows what's wrong with my project?  


module CPLD5(CLK_150M,CS,RD,XA,XD,Aup,Adown,Bup,Bdown,Cup,Cdown,UD_counter,O1,O2,O3,o4,CLK1M,Cx);/*synthesis noprune*/ parameter cntini = 511; input CLK_150M,CS,RD; input XA; input XD; output Aup,Adown,Bup,Bdown,Cup,Cdown; output UD_counter,Cx; wire CC; output O1,O2,O3,o4; output CLK1M; UD_Cnt# (257) UDxx(CLK_150M,CC); CPS_PWM CP1(CLK_150M,UD_counter); endmodule module CPS_PWM(CLK,Cx);/*synthesis noprune*/ input CLK; output Cx; wire C1,C2,C3;/*synthesis noprune*/ UD_Cnt# (259) UDxx(CLK,Cx); UD_Cnt# (0,0) UD2(CLK,C1); UD_Cnt# ((500/2),1) UD3(CLK,C2); UD_Cnt# (500,0) UD4(CLK,C3); endmodule module UD_Cnt(CLK,UD_counter);/*synthesis noprune*/ parameter CNT_ini = 167,Dir_ini = 0; input CLK; output reg UD_counter; reg Dir; initial begin UD_counter = CNT_ini; Dir = Dir_ini; end always@ (posedge CLK) begin if(Dir == 0) UD_counter = UD_counter + 1; else UD_counter = UD_counter - 1; end always@ (posedge CLK) begin if((UD_counter == 500)&(Dir == 0)) Dir = 1; else if((UD_counter == 1)&(Dir == 1)) Dir = 0; end endmodule
0 Kudos
4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Don't you need to pass two parameters? If so, these lines are wrong: 


UD_Cnt# (257) UDxx(CLK_150M,CC); 


UD_Cnt# (259) UDxx(CLK,Cx); 


You're not including the direction parameter.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

yes, these tow paramters are needed to be passed, but I hope to correct the initial value at this moment. 



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Don't you need to pass two parameters? If so, these lines are wrong: 


UD_Cnt# (257) UDxx(CLK_150M,CC); 


UD_Cnt# (259) UDxx(CLK,Cx); 


You're not including the direction parameter. 

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0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Don't you need to pass two parameters? If so, these lines are wrong: 


UD_Cnt# (257) UDxx(CLK_150M,CC); 


UD_Cnt# (259) UDxx(CLK,Cx); 


You're not including the direction parameter. 

--- Quote End ---  



Not wrong. If you don't supply the parameter in the module instantiation it will use the default value supplied in the parameter statement. 


However, in the UD_Cnt module in a couple of IF statements you use the bitwise AND operator (&) instead of the logical AND (&&) operator to combine conditionals.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thank u for your reply. I think using AND operator instead of logical AND doesn't lead to the wrong initial value of UD2,UD3,UD4. Do you have any idea about waht may cause wrong initial value? 



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Not wrong. If you don't supply the parameter in the module instantiation it will use the default value supplied in the parameter statement. 


However, in the UD_Cnt module in a couple of IF statements you use the bitwise AND operator (&) instead of the logical AND (&&) operator to combine conditionals. 

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