Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

Error(13264): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "s_wr_data[71][239]"

Honored Contributor II


when i compile following code,quartus reported a error—— "Error(13264): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "s_wr_data[71][239]" " 


this problem puzzled me some time,how do i to sovle this problem? 

Thanks in advance and best regards!  


the code is as following: 


parameter NUM_CE = 8; parameter NUM_BLOCK = 80; reg s_wr_data; reg s_wr_en; genvar i; generate for (i=0;i<NUM_CE;i=i+1) begin:WR_CTRL //write always @( *) begin case(I_conv_mod) 4'd0:begin if(loop_i==10'd0)begin s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data_c1; s_wr_en = s_wr_ofmap_en_c1; end else if(loop_i==10'd1)begin s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data_c1; s_wr_en = s_wr_ofmap_en_c1; end else if(loop_i==10'd2)begin s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data_c1; s_wr_en = s_wr_ofmap_en_c1; end else if(loop_i==10'd3)begin s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data_c1; s_wr_en = s_wr_ofmap_en_c1; end else if(loop_i==10'd4)begin s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data_c1; s_wr_en = s_wr_ofmap_en_c1; end else if(loop_i==10'd5)begin s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data_c1; s_wr_en = s_wr_ofmap_en_c1; end else begin s_wr_en = s_wr_en; end end 4'd1:begin if(loop4_3d==10'd0)begin s_wr_en = {s_wr_ofmap_en2,s_wr_ofmap_en1,s_wr_ofmap_en0}; //0~7 s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data0; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data1; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data2; end else if(loop4_3d==10'd1)begin s_wr_en = {s_wr_ofmap_en2,s_wr_ofmap_en1,s_wr_ofmap_en0}; //0~7 s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data0; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data1; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data2; end else if(loop4_3d==10'd2)begin s_wr_en = {s_wr_ofmap_en2,s_wr_ofmap_en1,s_wr_ofmap_en0}; //0~7 s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data0; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data1; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data2; end else begin s_wr_en = s_wr_en; end end 4'd2,4'd3,4'd4,4'd5:begin if(loop8_3d==10'd0)begin s_wr_en = {s_wr_ofmap_en4,s_wr_ofmap_en3,s_wr_ofmap_en2,s_wr_ofmap_en1,s_wr_ofmap_en0}; //0~7 s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data0; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data1; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data2; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data3; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data4; end else if(loop8_3d==10'd1)begin s_wr_en = {s_wr_ofmap_en4,s_wr_ofmap_en3,s_wr_ofmap_en2,s_wr_ofmap_en1,s_wr_ofmap_en0}; //0~7 s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data0; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data1; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data2; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data3; s_wr_data = s_wr_ofmap_data4; end else begin s_wr_en = s_wr_en; end end default: begin s_wr_en = s_wr_en; end endcase end end endgenerate
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I can only assume that some of the ranges for s_wr_data in the case statement overlap for different values of i. 

each value of i in the generate loop produce parallel always blocks. And assigning the same bit in two always blocks will produce multiple drivers. 


You havent posted the declarations of the following: i_conv_mod, NUM_BLOCK_k5_LOOP, NUM_BLOCK_k3_LOOP
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