Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_XXX in Quartus 18.1.2 for partial reconfig




I met this error while trying to fitter my partial reconfig design with Quartus:

Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_AV25 (IOPAD_X233_Y12_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(0)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_AV25 (IOPAD_X233_Y12_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA0~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AV25 (IOPAD_X233_Y12_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_AW25 (IOPAD_X233_Y11_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(1)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_AW25 (IOPAD_X233_Y11_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA1~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AW25 (IOPAD_X233_Y11_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_BA25 (IOPAD_X233_Y10_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(2)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_BA25 (IOPAD_X233_Y10_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA2~ is assigned to pin location Pin_BA25 (IOPAD_X233_Y10_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_BB25 (IOPAD_X233_Y9_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(3)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_BB25 (IOPAD_X233_Y9_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA3~ is assigned to pin location Pin_BB25 (IOPAD_X233_Y9_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_AW26 (IOPAD_X233_Y8_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(4)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_AW26 (IOPAD_X233_Y8_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA4~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AW26 (IOPAD_X233_Y8_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_AY26 (IOPAD_X233_Y7_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(5)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_AY26 (IOPAD_X233_Y7_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA5~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AY26 (IOPAD_X233_Y7_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_AY24 (IOPAD_X233_Y6_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(6)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_AY24 (IOPAD_X233_Y6_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA6~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AY24 (IOPAD_X233_Y6_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_AW24 (IOPAD_X233_Y5_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(7)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_AW24 (IOPAD_X233_Y5_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA7~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AW24 (IOPAD_X233_Y5_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_AV24 (IOPAD_X233_Y4_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(8)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_AV24 (IOPAD_X233_Y4_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA8~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AV24 (IOPAD_X233_Y4_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_AV23 (IOPAD_X233_Y3_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(9)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_AV23 (IOPAD_X233_Y3_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA9~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AV23 (IOPAD_X233_Y3_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_BA23 (IOPAD_X233_Y2_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(10)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_BA23 (IOPAD_X233_Y2_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA10~ is assigned to pin location Pin_BA23 (IOPAD_X233_Y2_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_BA24 (IOPAD_X233_Y1_N61) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(11)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_BA24 (IOPAD_X233_Y1_N61) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA11~ is assigned to pin location Pin_BA24 (IOPAD_X233_Y1_N61) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_BC25 (IOPAD_X233_Y12_N46) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(12)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_BC25 (IOPAD_X233_Y12_N46) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA12~ is assigned to pin location Pin_BC25 (IOPAD_X233_Y12_N46) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_BD25 (IOPAD_X233_Y11_N46) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(13)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_BD25 (IOPAD_X233_Y11_N46) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA13~ is assigned to pin location Pin_BD25 (IOPAD_X233_Y11_N46) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_BF25 (IOPAD_X233_Y10_N46) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(14)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_BF25 (IOPAD_X233_Y10_N46) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA14~ is assigned to pin location Pin_BF25 (IOPAD_X233_Y10_N46) Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_BG25 (IOPAD_X233_Y9_N46) Info (18109): Pin DMBI_H2F(15)~pad is assigned to pin location Pin_BG25 (IOPAD_X233_Y9_N46) Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA15~ is assigned to pin location Pin_BG25 (IOPAD_X233_Y9_N46)


DMBI_H2F is a port in my design, which uses pin AV25, AW25, ... etc .


The original design without partial reconfig settings and using the same pin assignments worked well. The original design contains the same rtl code (including a stratix 10 partial reconfig controller IP using Avalon MM interface) and uses same constraints. The only difference is I added these PR settings in my tcl script :

set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION pr_partition -to counter_0 set_instance_assignment -name PARTIAL_RECONFIGURATION_PARTITION ON -to counter_0 set_instance_assignment -name PLACE_REGION "X19 Y3 X38 Y22" -to counter_0 set_instance_assignment -name ROUTE_REGION "X18 Y2 X39 Y23" -to counter_0 set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PLACE_REGION ON -to counter_0 set_instance_assignment -name CORE_ONLY_PLACE_REGION ON -to counter_0 set_global_assignment -name REVISION_TYPE PR_BASE set_instance_assignment -name EXPORT_PARTITION_SNAPSHOT_FINAL blinking_led_static.qdb -to | -entity top set_global_assignment -name RESERVE_AVST_DATA15_THROUGH_DATA0_AFTER_CONFIGURATION "USE AS REGULAR IO"  


The FPGA I use is stratix10 1SG280H. Quartus version is Quartus Prime Pro Edition 18.1.2, which has been updated recently.


And I have checked in Quartus GUI that the AVST pins are set as "use as regular IO".


Also I found this info Error (18108): Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_XXX (IOPAD_X224_Y12_N61), Info (18109): Pin ~ALTERA_AVST_DATA0~ is assigned to pin location Pin_XXX (IOPAD_X224_Y12_N61) , which declares a similar problem has been resolved in 18.0 Update1, but it seems to remain to me, although I'm not very sure if they are the same bug.


Did I do anything wrong or it's a problem of Quartus? Any help will be appreciated!! Thx in advance!


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