Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Having trouble with a 'real' floating point parameter.

New Contributor I

I'm having trouble with my code which is designed to generate an integer look-up table, however, the formula requires a few numbers which a real/floating point.


The code simulates properly in Modelsim, however, within Quartus, all the results return '0' except for the last entry.


Example working Modelsim output:

# ** Warning: ******************************************************
# ** Warning: *** BrianHG's BHG_jt49_exp.v dlut table generator. ***
# ** Warning: *********************************************************************
# ** Warning: *** dlut[0:31]='{    0,    1,    2,    3,    4,    6,    7,    9, ***
# ** Warning: ***                 11,   13,   16,   19,   22,   26,   30,   34, ***
# ** Warning: ***                 39,   45,   51,   59,   67,   76,   86,   97, ***
# ** Warning: ***                110,  124,  140,  158,  178,  201,  226,  255} ***
# ** Warning: *********************************************************************

Example Quartus output:

Warning (10977): SystemVerilog $warning at BHG_jt49_exp.v(66): ******************************************************
Warning (10977): SystemVerilog $warning at BHG_jt49_exp.v(67): *** BrianHG's BHG_jt49_exp.v dlut table generator. ***
Warning (10977): SystemVerilog $warning at BHG_jt49_exp.v(68): *********************************************************************
Warning (10977): SystemVerilog $warning at BHG_jt49_exp.v(69): *** dlut[0:31]='{   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, ***
Warning (10977): SystemVerilog $warning at BHG_jt49_exp.v(70): ***                 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, ***
Warning (10977): SystemVerilog $warning at BHG_jt49_exp.v(71): ***                 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, ***
Warning (10977): SystemVerilog $warning at BHG_jt49_exp.v(72): ***                 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, 255} ***
Warning (10977): SystemVerilog $warning at BHG_jt49_exp.v(73): *********************************************************************


The Quartus lookup table is all empty until the last byte which has the correct 256.


Here is the source code:

module BHG_jt49_exp #(

parameter       DAC_BITS   = 8,        // The number of DAC bits for each channel of the YM2149 PSG.  Supports 8 thru 12.
parameter       VOL_ATT_DB = 0         // The decibel attenuation volume at 1 of 31.  Range = -10 to 20*log(1/(2^DAC_BITS-1)).
                                       // Use 0 for the optimum dynamic range based on parameter 'YM2149_DAC_BITS'.

    input                     clk,
    input      [1:0]          comp,  // *** NO LONGER USED
    input      [4:0]          din,
    output reg [DAC_BITS-1:0] dout = 0

// Make a lookup table with this LOG computation which defines the DAC's LSB SNR.
// 20*log(1/(2^DAC_BITS-1))
//localparam real       DAC_LSB_DB [8:12] =  '{ -48.1308,-54.1684,-60.1975,-66.2224,-72.2451 } ;
localparam int        DAC_LSB_DB [8:12] =  '{48,54,60,66,72} ;

// Select either the user set volume attenuation or,
// automatically select from the DAC_LSB_DB lookup table -15db
// so that the minimum volume bits actually increment at volumes 0,1,2,3...
// without repeats.  IE: More DAC bits, the better the dynamic range.

localparam int  VOL_ATT    = (VOL_ATT_DB==0) ? -(DAC_LSB_DB[DAC_BITS]-15) : VOL_ATT_DB ;
localparam real VOL_factor = VOL_ATT/31     ; // factor the decibel range over the 5bit volume range.

// Volume attenuation to linear amplitude formula with -infinity/basement mute correction.
`define atten_db(x)     ( (10**(((31-x)*VOL_factor)/20) *(2**DAC_BITS-1))  ) 
`define gain_fix        ( (2**DAC_BITS-1) / (`atten_db(31) - `atten_db(0)) )
`define dac_out(z)      ( (`atten_db(z) - `atten_db(0)) * `gain_fix        )

// Convert the 'real' floating point number into an integer table for Quartus compatibility.
integer dlut [0:31] ;
initial for (int i=0;i<32;i++) dlut[i] = ( `dac_out(i) );

initial begin
$warning("*** BrianHG's BHG_jt49_exp.v dlut table generator. ***");
$warning("*** dlut[0:31]='{%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d, ***",12'(dlut[ 0]),12'(dlut[ 1]),12'(dlut[ 2]),12'(dlut[ 3]),12'(dlut[ 4]),12'(dlut[ 5]),12'(dlut[ 6]),12'(dlut[ 7]));
$warning("***              %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d, ***",12'(dlut[ 8]),12'(dlut[ 9]),12'(dlut[10]),12'(dlut[11]),12'(dlut[12]),12'(dlut[13]),12'(dlut[14]),12'(dlut[15]));
$warning("***              %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d, ***",12'(dlut[16]),12'(dlut[17]),12'(dlut[18]),12'(dlut[19]),12'(dlut[20]),12'(dlut[21]),12'(dlut[22]),12'(dlut[23]));
$warning("***              %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d} ***",12'(dlut[24]),12'(dlut[25]),12'(dlut[26]),12'(dlut[27]),12'(dlut[28]),12'(dlut[29]),12'(dlut[30]),12'(dlut[31]));

// Clock the look-up table.
always @(posedge clk) dout <= (DAC_BITS)'( dlut[din] );



Lines 28,29,30 are where the floating point calculation takes place.

The portion ' 10**(((31-x)*VOL_factor)/20) ' is an exponent which is a fraction, so fixed justification tricks wont work.


I would like this table to be calculated depending on user parameter inputs.


Is there anything I can do?


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