Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Incremental synthesis after a small constraint change?

New Contributor I


Just curious after a whole compile, if I changed only a little in .sdc (ie. change output delay). Do I have to rerun the whole compilation or I can just do Fitter and afterwards.

The Quartus II tool doesn't seem to detect .sdc file change and automatically mark which process is out-of-date.

: ), came back from Xilinx world after15+ years, can't recognized Quartus II any more.


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III

What's nice about the timing analyzer is that if you make a change to your .sdc without recompiling your design, you can run your timing reports as usual to see if the current post-fit (or post-synthesis) implementation from the compiler will still meet your updated timing requirements.

You do this by selecting the compilation netlist you want to use as the basis for the analysis in the analyzer.  In the Lite and Standard edition, you can only choose the post-synthesis (post-map) or post-fit stages of compilation.  In the Pro edition, the Fitter is broken up into different stages, so you can perform analysis at any of those stages, called snapshots, if you've enabled their generation.  Turn on the "Zero IC delays" option when creating a post-fit timing netlist to see if the post-fit design will still meet timing with changed constraints.

Unfortunately, I'd say that any changes to I/O constraints would require recompilation, but you can verify that with the timing analyzer.


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