Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16824 Discussions

Is anybody else completely dissatisfied with this new forum?

New Contributor II

This used to be a robust forum, lots of new questions everyday and, most impotantly, lots of responses. This new forum is clunky and time consuming to navigate. Nobody seems interested anymore. I used to check-in everyday to see what's new. Not any more.

114 Replies

​Hi @corestar​ , looks like the forums handle the insert of the long code correctly now. Can you please double check and let me know if this is still an issue?

0 Kudos

Hi NRaml and MaryT,


Thanks for the feedback, even though I think the current integration of the Altera Website to the Intel website is a disaster, I agree that you should not just jump to hasty changes. (Yes, it is not only the forum that is affected)


Either responsiveness has really improved, or I got used to it...

I sometimes wonder why they call this kind of website design "responsive design" when these websites are usually unresponsive and slow...


Can you would give a time frame when we can expect some improvements, I promise not to complain about it anymore until then ;-)



I think continuous delivery is only great if your delivery has continuity.

Continuous delivery is not at all great when the interface to the application is re-invented . This has to be done right the first time, or at least not more often than once every 

two years.


That said, you I guess no one would be sad if you always showed the whole post, or at least massively incresed the limit for the "show more" link (Is it just me, or do others also click on the "Translate" button when they want to show more ?)

New Contributor II

Hello NRaml and MaryT, and other forum users,


On different PC's, with different browsers I see that entering "DE2115" (example) in the search box makes my browser hang in many cases. Then I have to restart the browser. (A list box is displayed with several search results, then it is gone and everything hangs.)


The take over of Altera by Intel had one definite positive point for the forums: The fact that Intel specialists also participate in the discussions and try to help (paying customer or not).


The old forum did not look as nice but as far as functionality is concerned was much better. One could have the impression that the old forum was made by and engineer and the new one was made by a web designer. I think both aspects have their importance but the focus on functionality should prevail given the target group the forum focuses on.


Best Regards,


New Contributor I

@HazlinaR_Intel​ & @MaryT_Intel​ 


  • If I type [at]NRami & [at]MaryT, Chrome hangs after I try to type the 'M' of Mary (Firefox doesn't)
  • if I upload a .vhd file using Chrome, the forum has no file attachment preview for .vhd extension. This appears to be the same for Verilog (.v) extensions. A NoNo for an FPGA related forum
  • if I upload a .vhd file using Firefox, Firefox hangs when I click on the attachment link
  • if I type [Tab] in the code snippets window, the window loses focus instead of an indent appearing
  • in the code snippets window, I'm missing line numbers and syntax highlighting (both suddenly appear out of nowhere after posting)
  • if I hit the translate button after posting and select 'German' (my native language), German words appear, but they do not make least sense. If you can't do that any better, better leave it away. This way, it's just embarassing
  • the 'Show More' thing has been mentioned already. Awkward. It says 'hey, we have DHTML. But didn't understand it'


This is the result of less than 10 minutes testing; really frustrating.

QA testing should have been done upfront by paid individuals. Not (paying) customers.


[applications engineering team]

I'm really sorry to say that, but this made me laugh. If I'd 'engineer' like Intel does, I would have probably lost my job long ago ...

New Contributor I

I was much happier with Altera site. Easier to navigate, more friendly and much faster response. Also my Altera credentials stopped working, and I got in an endless loop requesting password reset (account doesn't exist and such) yet I wasn't able to create new username. Resolved later - don't even ask me how.

So far the biggest improvement (and probably huge effort) was to remove the "A-word".

Let's hope that from now all will be better and better ;-)

Thanks - martin


@corestar​ Thank you for your feedback. ​I will provide your inputs "to add a scroll bar when code is inserted" to the developer team for consideration. For the new thread suggestion on "Planned improvement to forums" this sounds like a good idea. But I will need the forums community manager @MaryT_Intel​ to assess this and decide the next steps since she will be the right person to create this thread and supplement the required information if she deemed appropriate.


@schendel_nsf​ Yes, we have made some improvements on the page loading issue or slowness which what you may have noticed. In terms of the improvements time-line, @MaryT_Intel​ is a better fit to answer this. I will defer this to Mary.


@JOHI​ Thank you for the feedback. We are also looking at search engine improvements. We have received several feedback from other users on this and the web team is working to improve this. Thank you for letting us know on the feedback about the older Altera forums platform vs. this new one. We are looking to learn as we go on how to can improve this new forums platform to provide you a better forums experience compared to the older forums platform. Please continue to work with us on this.


@mfro​ I agree that there were a few functionalities that was missed during our testing. Again, we are learning and looking to improve the forums platform. I will channel your feedback to the forums team for improvements consideration.


@MV​ Can you please elaborate more on your login issue? When you see the issue, does the password reset function works? We have another user reporting similar issue so I want to  know if the symptoms are matched between your observation and the other user.



0 Kudos
New Contributor I

The whole web site needs to fix the search function. I had to get an answer from the Arrow FAE( since they are now your only support option...) Even given the answer, a search on the forum and website didn't come up with the answer! If I have a problem/question and a search of the answer doesn't yield any results, how can you expect the question to even begin to be answered by a search on your web site??


And the help on quartus is like reading a circular argument!! If you an even find the results for your version of help(standard help comes up as pro help), the help function just repeats the error that the software stated!!! It needs to say something HELPFUL about the error, not blindly repeat the error!!!


And don't get me started on the hundreds of crashes of Quartus 18.xx.....unstable alpha release....


Hello all,

This is Mary, the Community Manager. Thank you for your inputs, we have been working to address them! We will have a new release by the end of November or December with the improvements, some others may come later. Here is a list off the top of my head that we're working on:

  • Show More - remove this. We agree!
  • Need to fix all the questions/responses on the left side of the screen and the right side is empty. This should be fixed in the next release.
  • Ability to see latest activity across all forums and make it sticky, it should not default back to Top Contents.
  • Slowness - if you're still experiencing this, email me at .
  • Need date/time stamp
  • Ability to jump to latest reply, back to top
  • Improve Search
  • Broken links - this is a tough one as the Altera site content was moved to Intel but redefined.

We're adding the latest requests to our list as well. If you have more, send them to me directly at Thank you!

Mary T.

0 Kudos

@MaryT_Intel I've tried to send an email to - the e-mail bounced?? Instead I'll post requests here:


1) Sign in page not returning to the page you clicked it from - only returning home. For example, if I'm on a thread and want to post but haven't signed in - I click on "sign in" on the top right. Once I've signed in it re-directs me to the forum home - not the thread I was at. Given how bad search is its difficult to get back to the thread.


2) This was mentioned by several others - but the forum topics need more granularity. Specifically openCL. So many topics are lumped into the "FPGA Design Tools Forum" it's hard to use. I can't fathom why Intel thought it was a good idea to switch up forum topics and groupings of an active community at the SAME TIME as switching the entire platform to a new setup. Just go back to the same groupings as Altera forums had. Or at least configure sub-topics. Instead of just "FPGA Design Tools" have sub topics for quartus, HLS, openCL, etc.




Hi, We did see the ‘many topics lumped under FPGA Design Tools’ and are looking into it. I like your subtopic ideas and will talk to the engineering team it. I’ll take the Sign-in page not returning to the page you clicked it from back to the development team and see what they can do, thanks for letting me know! And I apologize the addressed bounced. I thought I set up a mailbox but apparently made a mistake, I’ll take that action item to fix it. Thank you for your patience with me and our team! Mary Taylor Intel Support Community Manager<> | 503-696-7049
0 Kudos

I am completely dissatisfied with Intel support, since they won't answer a question and just tell you to goto a forum and hope somebody there can answer your question.


I have 4 frozen chrome windows just trying to read this post.

I'm amazed I am able to post a response.

0 Kudos

Hello RMees, I'm sorry to hear of this issue. Let's connect offline to solve this problem. A couple of us tried to replicate the issue and don't experience it so we will have our lead developer work with you on it. I'll send a separate note to you. Thanks,

Mary T.

Community Manager

0 Kudos
Hello Mary, How do you want to proceed? I am using Chrome on a Mac. I tried Safari, it also freezes but in a different way/situation. Chrome : Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) Mac High Sierra Version 10.13.6 (17G65) My test sequence : Open new page at<>. Goto FPGA design tools Goto post: I trying to generate seriallite_iii_a10 example design. When I use Quartus Prime Pro the design is generated. When I use Quartus Prime Standard the IP Parameter Editor stops responding and I am forced to kill Quartus. Hit the BACK button. Frozen. However, If I am NOT signed in, the browser doesn’t freeze. Regards, Rene
As another topic I called the Intel support number over a dozen times today, an Intel hung up pn all of ghem, before I could describe my problem. So support is non-existant Lee
0 Kudos

HI @LLars​ 

Sorry to hear about your trouble in getting support from Intel. May I know which product are you looking to get the support on? FYI, for FPGA, CPLD and Enpirion power related products, we do not provide a Hotline or phone-call support. The first line of support for us is these forums where over 25 Intel engineers are working to help customers directly. You can identify them through "Intel" tag in their userID.


For FPGA, CPLD and Enpirion power related products support, my recommendation to you is to post your questions on the forums and we will be able to assist you accordingly.


Look forward to supporting you on these forums!



Sr. Manager

Applications Engineering

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New Contributor I

>> The first line of defense


you managed to make this fortress impregnable


>> these forums where over 25 Intel engineers are working to help customers directly


how come these engineers didn't recognize this forum unusable?

Or did they, and it was ignored?


Never mind, you promised improvement already. I'll exercise myself in patience.


​@mfro, I apologize for the wrong word used in my reply. That is not what I meant to write. I meant "first line of SUPPORT" :). Just to let you know, we are providing feedback internally as well. Yes, please be patient as we work through the feedback and improve the forums.



Sr. Manager

Applications Engineering

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New Contributor I

Just a thought, but why not just restore the old forums and use that as a starting point? The new ones are so broken, it does not seem like there is anything about them worth keeping.


Porting any new messages back to the old forum should not be too difficult. There has been essentially no traffic since the switch (see attached). If you exclude messages complaining about the forums, there are only a couple of hundred in the months since the change.



0 Kudos
New Contributor I

New bug introduced: everytime I open a conversation, I get a window with an error message in it:


Non-serializable class: java.util.ArrayList$SubList


Browser=Firefox 60.2.1esr 64bit on Debian.


It's nice you guys are working on the code, but wouldn't it be better to fix bugs instead of introducing new ones?


Hint: if you want to introduce agile programming, you first need agile coders. Do you ever test before deployment?


Hi mfro, my developer team says they took care of this Friday so I believe it should be addressed now but please let me know if you still get an error.



Mary T.

Community Manager

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