Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16821 Discussions

Megawizard plugin manager freezes all versions since 14.0 Lubuntu, part fixed

New Contributor I

Using ALT_PLL and typing any character for example to change the input clock or clicking a different speed grade causes the window to freeze (no buttons operative) only way out is X and wait for Linux to intervene (no response message).


Intel Core Duo 64 bit 3.16Ghz, 4Gb ram , Linux 5.2.19, Lubuntu 18.04.3 LTS

Cyclone IV E: EP4CE15F23C8

Web edition of both quartus & modelsim


Another potentially related problem is Quartus seems unable to find the internet Warning (291002): Can't connect to the Intel FPGA website to check for license file updates. Verify that you have an active internet connection. To prevent the Quartus Prime software from connecting to the internet to check for updates, in the Options dialog box, on the Internet Connectivity page, turn off the options under Startup.


I have no other problems on this machine and Firefox works fine.

I also cannot get Modelsim to work with the free licence, could be the internet problem again.


Sorry I have not used Quartus for around 10 years so a bit rusty maybe!



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1 Solution
New Contributor I

I am so sorry there is another thread and that contains the answer to the megawizard lockup problem, simply resize the window bigger BEFORE typing ANYthing into it.

My problems with internet connectivity & Modelsim remain.

View solution in original post

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1 Reply
New Contributor I

I am so sorry there is another thread and that contains the answer to the megawizard lockup problem, simply resize the window bigger BEFORE typing ANYthing into it.

My problems with internet connectivity & Modelsim remain.

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