Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Need Help with Sequence detector Code errors

Honored Contributor II

Hello All, 


I am trying to create a finite state machine which detects the input sequence 1011. I have written the code however I am getting about 21 errors. I am new to VHDL so what looks syntactically correct to me may be totally wrong. I would greatly appreciative if there is anybody who could take a look at my code and offer some advice as to what is creating the errors. My code is attached. Thanks
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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Hello All, 


I am trying to create a finite state machine which detects the input sequence 1011. I have written the code however I am getting about 21 errors. I am new to VHDL so what looks syntactically correct to me may be totally wrong. I would greatly appreciative if there is anybody who could take a look at my code and offer some advice as to what is creating the errors. My code is attached. Thanks 

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The simplest way to detect a sequence is to use delay to remember past values(shift register): 

in a clocked process use signal temp of 4 bits then 

temp(3) <= data; temp(2) <= temp(3); temp(1) <= temp(2); temp(0) <= temp(1); if temp = "1011" then sequence <= '1'; else sequence <= '0'; end if; 


you can also just code 

temp <= data & temp(3 downto 1); 


you may reverse the shift direction depending on which way suits your sequence sense. 

temp <= temp(2 downto 0) & data;
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Honored Contributor II

good to go.Thank you!!!!

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