Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16603 Discussions

OpenCL SDK with time-limited Megafunction

Honored Contributor II

Hello everyone. 


Does OpenCL SDK allow to use time-limited evaluation version of Megafunctions? Because I have an odd problem. 

I am using time-limited evaluation version of Triple-Speed-Ethernet Megafunction with OpenCL SDK 15.1 on Linux and a Cyclone V SoC. 


When I compile my kernel, I have the error : "Error : Compiler Error, not able to generate hardware". The file "quartus_sh_compile.log" tells me that the compiler is unable to find the binary file "top.sof". However, it has generated a file named "top_time_limited.sof". 

So I tried to trick the compiler by renaming "top_time_limited.sof" in "top.sof" and restarting the compilation. Now, the compiler finds this file. 

But I still have the problem "Error : Compiler Error, not able to generate hardware". At the end of the log file, a different message is written : 


info: running quartus prime convert_programming_file 

info: version 15.1.0 build 185 10/21/2015 sj standard edition 

info: processing started: mon may 2 09:39:12 2016 

info: command: quartus_cpf -c -o bitstream_compression=on top.sof top.rbf 

info: using ini file /home/hwt/altera/programs/eth_test/eth_test/device/bin/eth_test/quartus.ini 

info (210039): file top.sof contains one or more time-limited megafunctions that support the opencore plus feature that will not work after the hardware evaluation time expires. refer to the messages window for evaluation time details. 

info (210040): sram object file top.sof contains time-limited megafunction that supports opencore plus feature -- vendor: 0x6af7, product: 0x00bd 

error: quartus prime convert_programming_file was unsuccessful. 0 errors, 0 warnings 

error: peak virtual memory: 395 megabytes 

error: processing ended: mon may 2 09:39:13 2016 

error: elapsed time: 00:00:01 

error: total cpu time (on all processors): 00:00:01 

info: error generating rbf file! error: error(s) found while running an executable. see report file(s) for error message(s). message log indicates which executable was run last. 

error: flow compile (for project /home/hwt/altera/programs/eth_test/eth_test/device/bin/eth_test/top) was not successful 

error: error: error(s) found while running an executable. see report file(s) for error message(s). message log indicates which executable was run last. 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I found the answer here : 


It seems that I need a license for the Megacore.
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