Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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OpenCL project works fine in emulation but weirdly in fpga run

Honored Contributor II

I am currently working on an OpenCL project. The output matrix is correct on emulation, but all 0 in hardware run.  

I used channels for my kernels' communication (some of them are conditional, which mean I don't read or write to some certain channel in every loop iteration). To debug, I added printf functions and counter after my channel read/write and ran on FPGA again. The code is below (memRd kernel is a kernel I use to read data from global memory and put it in altera channel):  





void memRd ( float *data, ......) { 




for (......) { 


data_in = data [index]; 


if (......) { 

write_channel_altera(data_in_ch, data_in); 

printf("For the %dth write of kernel memRd, write %0.f to channe data_in_chl\n", chn_cnt, data_in); 

cnh_cnt += 1; 






So in my FPGA run, this is what got printed out: 


For the 0th write of kernel memRd, write 0 to channel data_in_ch 

For the 0th write of kernel memRd, write 0 to channel data_in_ch 

For the 0th write of kernel memRd, write 0 to channel data_in_ch 

For the 0th write of kernel memRd, write 0 to channel data_in_ch 



The entire printed text is just a replication of the 0th writing to channel operation!! I don't understand it why the same code is repeatedly executed in the same place?? ( the 1st write is supposed to appear after the 0th write)  


I'll appreciate it very much if someone can give me a help!!!!
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