Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16596 Discussions

Problem with Verilog to VHDL code porting

Honored Contributor II

Hello all forum users. 


I have Verilog code (for example). 


module exclusive_or_gate_on_verilog ( input SW, output LEDR, LEDG ); wire a,b,not_a,not_b,o1,o2,out_1,out_2; // Default Qartus II logig gate for "Exclusive OR gate" XOR my_1_xor( .OUT (out_1), .IN1 (a), .IN2 (b) ); // Combination of other gates for "Exclusive OR gate" NOT my_1_not( .OUT (not_b), .IN (b) ); NOT my_2_not( .OUT (not_a), .IN (a) ); AND2 my_1_and2( .OUT (o1), .IN1 (a), .IN2 (not_b) ); AND2 my_2_and2( .OUT (o2), .IN1 (not_a), .IN2 (b) ); OR2 my_1_or2( .OUT (out_2), .IN1 (o1), .IN2 (o2) ); assign a = SW; assign b = SW; assign LEDR = SW; assign LEDG = out_1; assign LEDG = out_2; endmodule  


and I can't porting this code to VHDL corretly (without Quartus II errors). 


library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use ieee.numeric_std.ALL; entity exclusive_or_gate_on_vhdl is port ( SW : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); LEDR : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); LEDG : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) ); end exclusive_or_gate_on_vhdl; architecture BEHAVIORAL of exclusive_or_gate_on_vhdl is signal a,b,not_a,not_b,o1,o2,out_1,out_2 : std_logic; component XOR port ( IN1 : in std_logic; IN2 : in std_logic; OUT : out std_logic); end component; component NOT port ( IN : in std_logic; OUT : out std_logic); end component; component AND2 port ( IN1 : in std_logic; IN2 : in std_logic; OUT : out std_logic); end component; component OR2 port ( IN1 : in std_logic; IN2 : in std_logic; OUT : out std_logic); end component; begin -- Default Qartus II logig gate for "Exclusive OR gate" my_xor_1 : XOR port map (IN1=>b, IN2=>a, OUT=>out_1); -- Combination of other gates for "Exclusive OR gate" my_not_1 : NOT port map (IN=>a, OUT=>not_a); my_not_2 : NOT port map (IN=>b, OUT=>not_b); my_and2_1 : AND2 port map (IN1=>a, IN2=>not_b, OUT=>o1); my_and2_2 : AND2 port map (IN1=>not_a, IN2=>b, OUT=>o2); my_or2_1 : OR2 port map (IN1=>o1, IN2=>o2, OUT=>out_2); a <= SW(1); b <= SW(0); LEDR <= SW; LEDG(0) <= out_1; LEDG(1) <= out_2; end BEHAVIORAL;  


I specially use built-in default Quartus II logic gates (XOR, NOT, AND2, OR2). Please, don't say me about that I can use VHDL bitwise operators (y <= a or b). 


Problem is that built-in default Quartus II logic gates (XOR, NOT, AND2, OR2) has name as VHDL bitwise operators (XOR = xor, NOT = not) and IN and OUT in VHDL portmaps has name as VHDL keywords (IN = in, OUT = out) 


I tried rename this port names but it is not work correctly. 


What must be changed in VHDL code for correctly work with built-in default Quartus II logic gates (XOR, NOT, AND2, OR2). 


Thanks in advance for any help.
0 Kudos
2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

xor, not, etc are reserved words, so you cannot call your components those names. I also think and2 is an altera primative, so you probably cant use that either. You need to call in the altera primitives library. 


But why the aversion to using the and, xor etc functions?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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xor, not, etc are reserved words, so you cannot call your components those names. I also think and2 is an altera primative, so you probably cant use that either. You need to call in the altera primitives library. 

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How I can call Altera primitives library in VHDL? Or i can't use built-in primitives in VHDL code never altogether? 



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But why the aversion to using the and, xor etc functions? 

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It is not adversion - it is only educational tasks. I read VHDL specification but I can't found information about using Altera Quartus II built-in primitives in VHDL code? 




But my VHDL code work in Xilinx ISE, because Xilins ISE has other names for built-in gates (see screenshot in attachment) and for gate-ports (I0,I1,O instead IN1,IN2,OUT).
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