Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16604 Discussions

QSYS simulation error when using VHDL testbench simulation model

Honored Contributor II



I'm running a simulation on a simple QSYS system. 


The QSYS system is the same as the one used in the AN351 application "Simulating Nios II Embedded Processor Designs", having a clock source, Nios II Processor, On-chip RAM and JTAG UART. 



The "Create testbench Qsysy system" is set to: Simple, BFMs for clocks and resets". 


The "Hello World" SW application is created in Eclipse SBT and used as stimulus for the QSYS system.  


As long as I select Verilog for the "Create testbench simulation model", the simulation runs as it should, the JTAG UART prints out "Hello World" to the console durring the simulation. 



If I change the "Create testbench simulation model" to VHDL in QSYS and try to start the ModelSim simulation from Eclipse, I'm getting the following error message: 

# -- Compiling entity niosii_system_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent# ** Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open library file "C:\an351_design\software\hello_world_an351\obj\default\runtime\sim\mentor\libraries\niosii_system_tb_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent/niosii_system_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent" in read/write/execute mode.# No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT)# ** Error: C:/an351_design/niosii_system/testbench/niosii_system_tb/simulation/submodules/niosii_system_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent.vho(58): VHDL Compiler exiting# C:/altera/11.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/vcom failed. 



Does anyone know whats going on here? 


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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi, I have a similar issue: when I try to simulate with Verilog, everything is ok, while with VHDL there is some problem. 

I think the problem is related to Altera Avalon BFM, that only support Verilog. 

Did you find any alternatives? 



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Honored Contributor II



in my case the problem was related to the window paths exceeding the ~260 limit.  


Make sure the path name for the Quartus project, QSYS output generation directory and Nios II project name are as short as possible so that the total path name will not exceed window path limit. 


Also, Quartus 13.0 now has a key new feature, it now (finally) supports VHDL bus functional models (BFMs) 


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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  



in my case the problem was related to the window paths exceeding the ~260 limit.  


Make sure the path name for the Quartus project, QSYS output generation directory and Nios II project name are as short as possible so that the total path name will not exceed window path limit. 


Also, Quartus 13.0 now has a key new feature, it now (finally) supports VHDL bus functional models (BFMs) 



--- Quote End ---  



Yes, thank you very much. This was the annoying problem :-) 

Very stumbling! 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



What were Altera thinking? 


They don't do this to the Verilog users. 

Looking at the ERROR on:- 

Half way down the page. 


This appears to be caused by:- 

# ** Error: (vcom-1935) Unable to move temporary file  

That is why vcom can't find it. 


I think that this doesn't happen with ModelSim ASE. 

Not for me anyway.  

(So far, fingers crossed etc.) 


ASE may be unaffected due to the PREcompiled VHDL Libraries. 

I don't know about ModelSim AE. 


I was thinking of upgrading to Mentor ModelSim for mixed Language Simulation of existing IP but the stupidly LONG PathNames & even just the MASSIVE FileNames give me great doubts. 


Look at the Error Msg posted by saber890. 


Part of the problem is that the name that is given to the QSYS System appears THREE times in the PathName 


So with the name that was chosen which was niosii_system, that adds 39 chars to the PathName because it is 13 chars by itself. 


But that is not the WORST part, you also get:- 



This is an EIGHTY NINE char FileName. 


The resulting PathName is 165 chars LONG. 



Anyway, back to the other example:- 


is 213 chars LONG 





is 278 chars LONG 



The command to move that file is about  

500 chars LONG  


so you can't be surprised when on Windows you get:- 

# ** Error: (vcom-1935) Unable to move temporary file 


I suppose it may be possible to PREcompile the QSYS VHDL Libraries if I get the full version of ModelSim from Mentor. 


(The Simulation Lib Compiler in Quartus obviously DOESN'T PREcompile the QSYS files that are causing the problems) 


Does anyone reading this know how to do that? 

Please let us know. 


The PREcompiled VHDL Libs that come with ModelSim ASE have worked so far for me. 



Altera, you have gone mad with these LONG PathNames. 

Where were your minds when you did this? 


No more EIGHTY NINE char FileNames please. 

You didn't do this to the Verilog users so why do it to the VHDL users? 



In the meantime, post a TCL File to PREcompile Generated QSYS VHDL Files into Libraries for whatever version of Mentor ModelSim your customers are using. 


AND a TCL File to make use of them in your customers projects.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You would almost think they hadn't tried this before releasing the tools! 





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Honored Contributor II

Here is a Workaround from Altera:- 



1. Backup the msim_setup.tcl file which is located at ~an351_design\software\hello_world_an351\obj\default\runtime\sim\mentor ditectory. 



2. Open niosII 13.0 command shell and change the directory to <project directory>/an351_design 



3. Type the following command and hit enter to compile the BFM source files into single library. 




ip-make-simscript --spd=niosii_system_tb.spd --outputdirectory=./software/hello_world_an351/obj/default/runtime/sim --compile-to-work 





Check page 7-37 of QSYS user guide for details about ip-make-simscript option: 




4. Next, copy line 58 and 59 of backup msim_setup.tcl and paste it into the new generated msim_setup.tcl file. 




For example: 

file copy -force H:/CustomerDesign_2010/SR10960794/an351_design/software/hello_world_an351/mem_init/hdl_sim/niosii_system_ram.dat ./ 

file copy -force H:/CustomerDesign_2010/SR10960794/an351_design/software/hello_world_an351/mem_init/niosii_system_ram.hex ./ 





5. Right click on the hello _world_an351 in project explorer. Point to run as and then click Nios II Modelsim to rerun the simulation. I have verified. It works now. I attach my project as your reference. Please go to ~\an351_design\software\hello_world_an351\obj\default\runtime\sim\mentor\ directory to view the msim_setup.tcl file for details.
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Honored Contributor II

Altera say that they will improve the file name length issue with the new file name structure in Version 14.0

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