Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16606 Discussions

Qsys 15.1 IP porting Problem

Honored Contributor II

Hi y'all, 


MAX 10M08SAE144 device... 


I have a Qsys component that was written for ver 11 and it seems to be giving me some severe grief. It is, supposed to be an I2C master. The first issue I had was that I could not use multiple export signal types. I got around this by adding a new conduit interface and giving them unique signal types, It then all compiles correctly and all is good until I try to run my NIOS firmware. Nothing appears on the I2C bus, The I2C signals are connected to bidir pins on the device and external pull ups are in place. 


I have had a search on here for a solution the nearest being 


The file uploader appears not to be working so: I shall have to paste my tcl and vhd files here: 

# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 15.1# Sun Oct 16 12:48:51 BST 2016# DO NOT MODIFY 


# # I2CMaster "I2CMaster" v1.0# 2016.10.16.12:48:51# I2CMaster# # # request TCL package from ACDS 15.1#  

package require -exact qsys 15.1 

# # module I2CMaster#  

set_module_property DESCRIPTION I2CMaster 

set_module_property NAME I2CMaster 

set_module_property VERSION 1.0 

set_module_property INTERNAL false 

set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true 

set_module_property AUTHOR "" 

set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME I2CMaster 

set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true 

set_module_property EDITABLE true 

set_module_property REPORT_TO_TALKBACK false 

set_module_property ALLOW_GREYBOX_GENERATION false 

set_module_property REPORT_HIERARCHY false 

# # file sets#  


set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH TOP_LEVEL I2CMaster 



add_fileset_file I2CMaster.vhdl VHDL PATH IP/I2CMaster/I2CMaster.vhdl TOP_LEVEL_FILE 

# # parameters#  

add_parameter CLOCK_RATE INTEGER 100000000 

set_parameter_property CLOCK_RATE DEFAULT_VALUE 100000000 

set_parameter_property CLOCK_RATE DISPLAY_NAME CLOCK_RATE 

set_parameter_property CLOCK_RATE TYPE INTEGER 

set_parameter_property CLOCK_RATE UNITS None 

set_parameter_property CLOCK_RATE HDL_PARAMETER true 

add_parameter I2C_CLOCK_RATE INTEGER 100000 

set_parameter_property I2C_CLOCK_RATE DEFAULT_VALUE 100000 

set_parameter_property I2C_CLOCK_RATE DISPLAY_NAME I2C_CLOCK_RATE 

set_parameter_property I2C_CLOCK_RATE TYPE INTEGER 

set_parameter_property I2C_CLOCK_RATE UNITS None 

set_parameter_property I2C_CLOCK_RATE HDL_PARAMETER true 

# # display items#  

# # connection point clock#  

add_interface clock clock end 

set_interface_property clock clockRate 0 

set_interface_property clock ENABLED true 

set_interface_property clock EXPORT_OF "" 

set_interface_property clock PORT_NAME_MAP "" 

set_interface_property clock CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES "" 

set_interface_property clock SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP "" 

add_interface_port clock clk clk Input 1 

# # connection point reset#  

add_interface reset reset end 

set_interface_property reset associatedClock clock 

set_interface_property reset synchronousEdges DEASSERT 

set_interface_property reset ENABLED true 

set_interface_property reset EXPORT_OF "" 

set_interface_property reset PORT_NAME_MAP "" 

set_interface_property reset CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES "" 

set_interface_property reset SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP "" 

add_interface_port reset reset reset Input 1 

# # connection point avalon_slave_0#  

add_interface avalon_slave_0 avalon end 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 addressUnits WORDS 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 associatedClock clock 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 associatedReset reset 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 bitsPerSymbol 8 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 burstOnBurstBoundariesOnly false 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 burstcountUnits WORDS 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 explicitAddressSpan 0 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 holdTime 0 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 linewrapBursts false 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 maximumPendingReadTransactions 0 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 maximumPendingWriteTransactions 0 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 readLatency 0 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 readWaitTime 1 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 setupTime 0 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 timingUnits Cycles 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 writeWaitTime 0 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 ENABLED true 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 EXPORT_OF "" 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 PORT_NAME_MAP "" 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES "" 

set_interface_property avalon_slave_0 SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP "" 

add_interface_port avalon_slave_0 address address Input 1 

add_interface_port avalon_slave_0 writedata writedata Input 32 

add_interface_port avalon_slave_0 readdata readdata Output 32 

add_interface_port avalon_slave_0 write write Input 1 

add_interface_port avalon_slave_0 read read Input 1 

set_interface_assignment avalon_slave_0 embeddedsw.configuration.isFlash 0 

set_interface_assignment avalon_slave_0 embeddedsw.configuration.isMemoryDevice 0 

set_interface_assignment avalon_slave_0 embeddedsw.configuration.isNonVolatileStorage 0 

set_interface_assignment avalon_slave_0 embeddedsw.configuration.isPrintableDevice 0 

# # connection point I2C#  

add_interface I2C conduit end 

set_interface_property I2C associatedClock clock 

set_interface_property I2C associatedReset "" 

set_interface_property I2C ENABLED true 

set_interface_property I2C EXPORT_OF "" 

set_interface_property I2C PORT_NAME_MAP "" 

set_interface_property I2C CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES "" 

set_interface_property I2C SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP "" 

add_interface_port I2C SDA sda Bidir 1 

add_interface_port I2C SCL scl Bidir 1 





Thank you for any advice. 


BTW I think there something wrong with this page and possibly IE as it keeps missing typed characters.!!!
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