Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17003 Discussions

Quartus 20.1 - tri state output bad generated code



I'm new in FPGA world. 
To learn a bit more fast, I bought one kit with Cyclone IV E EP4CE6E22C8.

I've found some software examples for that kit, but the programming language is Verilog. As I started with VHDL, I've found a converter software (Icarus Verilog ) to translate the Verilog tp VHDL, which seams to work fine (with some limitations, but it does the job).

One of the statements is translated to the following concurrent statements:


sda <= sda_r when sda_link = '1' else tmp_ivl_0;
tmp_ivl_0 <= 'Z';

The sda output should be a tri state.

With the lines above, Quartus will give the following warnings :

Warning (13009): TRI or OPNDRN buffers permanently enabled
Warning (13010): Node "sda~synth"

And generate the following hardware connections:




As the "sda" output must be tri state, in this conditions, the FPGA don't do the job as it should.


If I change the code lines to the following:


  sda <= sda_r when sda_link = '1' else 'Z'; --tmp_ivl_0;

 The warning goes away and the connections generated are:




In this situation the FPGA acts like it should.


My questions are:

Why those concurrent statements are not translated like it should and I need to assign the 'Z' value directly in the "else" part ?

Is this a bug of Quartus or a lack of my VHDL knowledge ?


Thanks for your feedback.



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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

The extra signal in there does not synthesize to a tri-state I/O correctly.  It depends on the device architecture, but assigning the Z directly like you do in the second example is required for Quartus to interpret it correctly, setting sda_link, in this case, as the OE.

View solution in original post

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

The extra signal in there does not synthesize to a tri-state I/O correctly.  It depends on the device architecture, but assigning the Z directly like you do in the second example is required for Quartus to interpret it correctly, setting sda_link, in this case, as the OE.

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Thanks for the clarification @sstrell .

I know there is a lot to learn in this stuff, but I was expecting less tricky things.



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