Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Quartus Prime issue


I'm learning Quartus Lite using the MAX II EPM240 CPLD.

I was able to compile successfully based on,   a simple  counter/divider  design.


I was also able to compile successfully based on

I'm waiting for hardware to test these.

In the meantime I decided that the counter could be used as a divider for the clock for the finite state machine, so I tried to create both of those in a single quartus file.  There were various difficulties, but I finally got something that might work, see the schematic picture attached.


The problem I ran into is that the pin planner wouldn't set a direction for the input (aclk) and output (out( on the counter, see the picture of the pin planner attached.

I tried to use the Assignment Editor, that didn't help.


Any thoughts?

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Honored Contributor I
Before assigning in- and outputs, the design schematic must be connected completely. Looks like counter is an empty box with no HDL code associated it, thus it doesn't show in- and outputs in pin planner.