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I have a design which is unchanged since years, and the update to a new Quartus version was normally painless - rerun the synthesis script, that's it. However with Quartus 2020.1 it suddenly does not fit anymore. The map.rpt files (see below) show a massive increase in resource usage, but slightly reduced memory. Possibly, some memory has been converted to logic.
I tried area optimization and also several of the detailed synthesis options, but no success. Any idea how to get the old behavior back?
; Analysis & Synthesis Summary ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Status ; Successful - Sun Jan 3 19:32:53 2021 ;
; Quartus Prime Version ; 20.1.1 Build 720 11/11/2020 SJ Lite Edition ;
; Revision Name ; vrfX ;
; Top-level Entity Name ; vrfX ;
; Family ; Cyclone IV E ;
; Total logic elements ; 141,594 ;
; Total combinational functions ; 96,628 ;
; Dedicated logic registers ; 68,622 ;
; Total registers ; 68622 ;
; Total pins ; 8 ;
; Total virtual pins ; 0 ;
; Total memory bits ; 2,063,670 ;
; Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements ; 300 ;
; Total PLLs ; 1 ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Summary ;
; Analysis & Synthesis Status ; Successful - Sun Jan 3 19:06:12 2021 ;
; Quartus Prime Version ; 19.1.0 Build 670 09/22/2019 SJ Lite Edition ;
; Revision Name ; vrfX ;
; Top-level Entity Name ; vrfX ;
; Family ; Cyclone IV E ;
; Total logic elements ; 87,847 ;
; Total combinational functions ; 74,929 ;
; Dedicated logic registers ; 36,574 ;
; Total registers ; 36574 ;
; Total pins ; 8 ;
; Total virtual pins ; 0 ;
; Total memory bits ; 2,096,438 ;
; Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements ; 300 ;
; Total PLLs ; 1 ;
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Hi Dirk,
Could you provide the qar of your design if possible to replicate? Can send it via private message if it confidential.
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meanwhile I found the problem. About 15 years ago, I modeled a simple RAM after an Altera-Megafunction using registered inputs. I remember finding this a bit weird, but that way Quartus managed to infer RAM instead of logic - at least until 2019.
It seems as of 2020 Quartus refuses to infer RAM for the code below. Is there any way to get the old behavior back? I have tried changing the RAM model to use registered outputs, but that changes the behavior in some rare cases.
Kind regards
module spRam1(q, d, adr, we, clk);
// define parameters
parameter m = 10; // Address width
parameter n = 1024; // Number of elements
parameter w = 8; // Data width
// define inputs and outputs
output [w-1:0] q; // Data output
input [w-1:0] d; // Data input
input [m-1:0] adr; // Read/write address
input we; // Write enable
input clk; // Clock
// define internal states
reg [w-1:0] mem[n-1:0]; // Memory
reg weD; // Delayed read enable
reg [m-1:0] adrD; // Delayed address
reg [w-1:0] dD; // Delayed data
// synchronous memory operation - input is registered (as in Altera Megafunction)
always @(posedge clk) begin
weD <= we;
adrD <= adr;
dD <= d;
if (weD)
mem[adrD] <= dD;
// assign output
assign q = mem[adrD]; // Output if read enable in
// the previous cycle
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The Quartus template for an inferred RAM is:
always @ (posedge clk)
if (we)
ram[addr] = data;
// Read returns OLD data. To return
// NEW data, use = (blocking write) rather than <= (non-blocking write)
// in the write assignment. NOTE: NEW data requires extra bypass
// logic around the RAM on Stratix10.
q <= ram[addr];
I'm not sure what behavior change you are referring to, but the read side of the RAM should be in the same process. It's been like this for as long as I can remember.
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Hi Dirk,
You can refer below doc related to Inferring RAM using coding styles.
https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/programmable/us/en/pdfs/literature/ug/ug-qps-design-recommendations.pdf - Design Recommendations (pg45)
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