Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17010 Discussions

SIGSEGV when executing vcover merge command to merge .ucdb files


I am trying to merge three .ucdb files that contain coverage data for the same DUT, which is exercised with different stimulus each time.

When I am trying to merge the files (either with command line or using GUI), I get the message "SIGSEGV: segmentation violation".

Tool: Modelsim DE 10.7

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1 Solution
Valued Contributor II

Segmentation faults are tricky and difficult to debug. I suggest you raise a ticket with ModelSim support and have them look at it. This may have issues with Coverage utilities in ModelSim. If you can why not try using QuestaSim as most issues are already addressed and resolved in the latest version of Questa. I don't think MentorGraphics/Siemens are working on ModelSim that much. May have moved full dev and support from ModelSim to Questa.

View solution in original post

4 Replies
Valued Contributor II

Is this version supplied along with the Intel Quartus tools? I think only ModelSim SE 10.5b Intel FPGA edition is provided by Intel. For all other ModelSim versions, please get in touch with ModelSim support staff as Intel do not support other versions.


That being said, a SIGSEGV segmentation fault can occur if the system in question runs out of memory or if the same memory location is being accessed by another program. Check to see if no other program is running or if another copy of the tools are not running in the background.

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That's correct, the version 10.7 is not supplied along the Intel Quartus tools.

Thank you for your information.

Executing the command : vcover merge -64 merge_coverage.ucdb *.ucdb

Failed to open executable ../mentor/modelsim_dlx/linuxpe/../linux_x86_64pe/vcover in execute mode needed for the option -64.


Executing the command: vcover merge merge_coverage.ucdb *.ucdb

Model Technology ModelSim DE vcover 10.7 Coverage Utility 2017.12 Dec 6 2017

Segmentation fault (core dumped)


When I try to merge using the GUI:

# Merge in Process......

# SIGSEGV: segmentation violation



As far as I checked there is no other copy of tool running in the background.


vcover diff, vcover report commands are working.


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Valued Contributor II

Segmentation faults are tricky and difficult to debug. I suggest you raise a ticket with ModelSim support and have them look at it. This may have issues with Coverage utilities in ModelSim. If you can why not try using QuestaSim as most issues are already addressed and resolved in the latest version of Questa. I don't think MentorGraphics/Siemens are working on ModelSim that much. May have moved full dev and support from ModelSim to Questa.

Hi, That's correct please raise a ticket with Mentor graphics for any support with Modelsim DE. Intel provides/ support Modelsim Intel FPGA edition. Thanks, Arslan
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