Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16611 Discussions

SignalTap II: can't add Master Time Bar in Quartus Prime 15.1

Honored Contributor II



While trying to add a master time bar in the data tab, I see that nothing happens - none bar is added (at least I don't see any vertical line on waveforms). 

Is it a bug ? 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Yes, I had the same problem in 16.1 


The problem was caused by using a non-default font size. A workaround that "worked" for me is to go into the main Quartus (not SignalTap itself) and open the "Tools -> Options" dialog and select the "Fonts" category. Click the "Reset All Fonts" button and then run SignalTap.  


It's bizarre since none of the font sizes in SignalTap actually change, but the timebars show up (at least for me). Of course, now the tool fonts are too small to see anything.  


Quartus in general has alot of serious issues with GUI formatting that they really should fix. I'll pick Quartus over Vivado any day, but good grief they should get a grip on such basic things!
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