Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Solution for Programmer problems on 64 bit windows in Quartus 12

Honored Contributor II



I have a new solution for those of you who cannot get it to work: 


This applies to you if: 

  • You have the Altera USB blaster or other programmer drivers installed as expected, and it shows up in device manager under USB without a yellow mark. 

  • You have a 64 bit version of Windows 

  • You have a 32 bit version of quartus 



The symptoms are that a USB blaster (or any other type of programmer) does not show up in the programmer in Quartus II version 12.  


The problem is the programmer service (jtagserver.exe) cannot be installed because it is missing tbbmalloc_proxy.dll and tbbmalloc.dll. There is no good reason the jtag server should need tbb - it isn't exactly a performance critical component! This problem occurred during installation of quartus, but no warning was shown. 


To fix it, grab the required files from here: 


Extract to C:\altera\12.0\quartus\bin64 


Next, install the jtag server as it should have been during installation: 

Start > search for "command prompt" > right click it and "run as administrator" > type the following commands: 


cd C:\altera\12.0\quartus\bin64 jtagserver --install jtagserver --start 


Now all should work as expected!
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Yes, this is utterly lame. 


Can I make a small suggestion though. Rather than installing files from a random zip file it may be safer to install the 64 bit programmer install and use the files from there. (It's not that I don't trust you, but it's probably bad practice to install files pointed to from forum posts) 


I would also recommend that you specify a full path to jtagserver.exe when installing it - I often see issues where the wrong jtagserver.exe has been installed because the path has been set up wrong. The commands would be: 

jtagserver --uninstall c:\altera\12.0\quartus\bin64\jtagserver --install jtagserver --start(Technically you shouldn't need to start it as the debug tools will start jtagserver automatically if it is installed but stopped, but it doesn't hurt) 


With any luck the 12.1 release will do a better job.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Can you please point to the 64 bit programmer download? I have the exact problem you two are discussing. 


Thank you, 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi there, 

just download the programmer from ALTERA download section as there is no dedicated 32Bit/64Bit version and install this programmer with Quartus already installed (to overwrite the Quartus' installed files)
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I want to download the 34bit programmer... .. Help me in downloading...

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi there,  

as mentioned one post above (SCNR) there is no dedicated 32Bit or 64Bit Version of the Stand-Alone Programmer. Thus there is only one link to the stand-alone programmer. The installer will install the Version required according to your's operating System...
0 Kudos

Hi, I am having the same problem as here :


So, I downloaded and installed Quartus II web edition on Windows 10 64 bits machine, I installed properly the USB Blaster cable and its drivers.


All seems to work except that going into "Hardware Setup" will not find any hardware cause "error 82" which means the jtag server is not running, in fact it's not.


Going into the BIN64 directory and trying to launch jtagserver --install opens an error window saying "The code execution cannot proceed because the tbbmalloc_proxy.dll was not found" ..


In fact it's NOT in the same directory.


Trying to launch the 32 bits version says :


"The 32 bit jtagserver does not run on 64 bit windows.

Please run the version from the bin64 directory instead."


Copying the dll form the "bin" folder in the "bin64" folder and trying to launch the server again gives "error 0x0c0000f7" ..


OK clearly is missing the 64 Bits version of that DLL .. how can we fix this ?


There was a LINK in a web page of yours that in theory was pointing to a .zip with that DLL to download but that link goes to an empty "Error 404" page.


So is this solution/files you uploaded "validated by Intel", I mean can I try to use those files in that .zip safely ?


Thanks in advance.




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