Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16835 Discussions

Strange issues on FPGA


Hi All,


I wrote a simple finite state machine Verilog code and ran it on the FPGA, but it never runs stably.


My environment:

- MAX10 10m08 EVB

- Quartus Prime Lite 23.1.1


My Verilog Code:





module top (
	input wire clk,            // Clock signal
	input wire rst,            // Reset signal
//	input wire enable_1,
//	input wire enable_2,
	input wire DIO_Tick,
	output reg Tick_FPGA_1,
//	output reg Tick_FPGA_2,
//	input wire rx_1,
//	input wire rx_2,
	input wire data_valid,
	input wire [11:0] data_in,
	output reg [11:0] data_out,
//	output wire gpio_1,
//	output wire gpio_2,
	output reg led_1, led_2, led_3, led_4
	reg [2:0] state;
	reg [3:0] counter;
	parameter IDLE = 3'b000;
	parameter START = 3'b001;
	parameter WAIT = 3'b010;
	parameter BUSY_1 = 3'b011;

	always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
		if(!rst) begin
			Tick_FPGA_1 <= 1;
//			Tick_FPGA_2 <= 1;
			state <= IDLE;
		else begin
				IDLE: begin
					led_1 <= 0;
					led_2 <= 1;
					led_3 <= 1;
					led_4 <= 1;
					if(!DIO_Tick) begin
						state <= START;
				START: begin
					Tick_FPGA_1 <= 0;
//					counter <= counter + 4'h1;
					led_1 <= 1;
					led_2 <= 0;
					led_3 <= 1;
//					if(counter == 4'h4) begin
//						counter <= 0;
						state <= WAIT;
//					end					
				WAIT: begin
					state <= BUSY_1;
				BUSY_1: begin
					led_1 <= 1;
					led_2 <= 1;
					led_3 <= 0;
					Tick_FPGA_1 <= 1;
					if(!data_valid) begin
						data_out <= data_in;
						state <= IDLE;







It encounters two issues:

1. Tick_FPGA cannot return to a high level; based on the LED status, it does not correctly transition to the BUSY_1 state.


2. It does not correctly receive data_valid, causing it to get stuck in the BUSY_1 state and unable to return to the IDLE state.



I've tested many methods, such as:

For Issue 1, I originally used a counter to maintain Tick_FPGA = 0 for a while before transitioning states, but I changed it to not use a counter.

For Issue 2, I extended the duration of data_valid, switched to edge detection, and implemented debouncing to wait for stability, but it still cannot run stably.

I'm out of options and need your help.


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12 Replies
New Contributor III


Firstly, could you add the snippets a bit close-up ? It's really hard to see the details, therefore to debug. Regarding the issues:

1) If the Tick_FPGA is staying low, your FSM might be stuck at the IDLE state, waiting for Dio_tick. In the second snippet I see that there's a rapid transition of Dio_tick to 0  and then back to 1,  maybe this transition happens when the FSM is not in the IDLE state but in another state. But since there's no state signal in the waveforms, I cannot be sure. Maybe you can add that one and the counter signals to the waveform ?

2) What is DATA in A4 ? data_in or data_out ? If it's data_in, it could be the same as 1), getting the data_valid transition to 0 in another state. But if it's data_out, it should be stuck in the BUSY_1 state indeed, but that shouldn't be the case given that the data_valid is wide enough for the clock to catch.

My idea is that you're stuck at the reset state for the most of the time, and when it's out of that, the FSM barely has time to do anything (I assume A4 is data_in)

Honored Contributor I
I agree with above post that shown timing recordings don't give much information to debug the issue, except for the simple fact that the state machine is stuck.

That's not strange but a well-known effect of state machines reading asynchronous input signals without necessary synchronizer chain. If the input changes simultaneous with clock edge, the FSM can jump to an illegal state and possibly never leave it.

@FvM wrote:
I agree with above post that shown timing recordings don't give much information to debug the issue, except for the simple fact that the state machine is stuck.

I've added additional explanations in the previous response.


@FvM wrote:
That's not strange but a well-known effect of state machines reading asynchronous input signals without necessary synchronizer chain. If the input changes simultaneous with clock edge, the FSM can jump to an illegal state and possibly never leave it.

Yes, I learned after working with FPGA that if the input changes simultaneously with the clock edge, it can cause errors. That's why I tried adding synchronization to wait for the external signal to stabilize, but it seems to not resolve the issue of not receiving the external data_valid signal.

		data_valid_sync1 <= data_valid;
		data_valid_sync2 <= data_valid_sync1;
0 Kudos

Let me explain the process of this FPGA:

  1. IDLE: After receiving the DIO_Tick signal, it transitions to the START state.
  2. START: It sends a low-level Tick_FPGA signal, then enters a delay state (originally using a counter), and transitions to the BUSY state.
  3. BUSY: It returns the Tick_FPGA signal to high level and waits for the data_valid signal, before going back to IDLE.

(CNVST, BUSY, CS, SCK, and DATA are mainly used to confirm whether the local side has received the Tick_FPGA signal and can be ignored.)

The following is the correct timing:

(This data_valid signal has been modified in both sending and receiving)



@anonimcs wrote:


Firstly, could you add the snippets a bit close-up ? It's really hard to see the details, therefore to debug. Regarding the issues:

1) If the Tick_FPGA is staying low, your FSM might be stuck at the IDLE state, waiting for Dio_tick. In the second snippet I see that there's a rapid transition of Dio_tick to 0  and then back to 1,  maybe this transition happens when the FSM is not in the IDLE state but in another state. But since there's no state signal in the waveforms, I cannot be sure. Maybe you can add that one and the counter signals to the waveform ?

It encounters two issues:

1. Tick_FPGA cannot return to a high level:

Overview of the timing diagram:


Zoom In(LEDs to IO to observe the state):


Here, the Tick_FPGA signal suddenly goes low.

According to the FSM's LEDs I set for each state, it has jump to an illegal state.


2. FPGA does not correctly receive data_valid


It can be seen that the preceding timing is correct, but sometimes data_valid is not received, causing the FPGA to get stuck.

According to the FSM's LED indicators, it is stuck in the BUSY state waiting for data_valid.


I have tried adding synchronization to wait for the external signal to stabilize, but it seems to not resolve the issue:




		data_valid_sync1 <= data_valid;
		data_valid_sync2 <= data_valid_sync1;




@anonimcs wrote:

2) What is DATA in A4 ? data_in or data_out ? If it's data_in, it could be the same as 1), getting the data_valid transition to 0 in another state. But if it's data_out, it should be stuck in the BUSY_1 state indeed, but that shouldn't be the case given that the data_valid is wide enough for the clock to catch.

My idea is that you're stuck at the reset state for the most of the time, and when it's out of that, the FSM barely has time to do anything (I assume A4 is data_in)

-> I'm sorry for the confusion. DATA is the signal sent by this FPGA to another FPGA using the Tick_FPGA signal to drive the ADC's SPI DATA.

This FPGA's data is transmitted in parallel (originally, I intended to use serial, but the code I wrote didn't meet expectations; that's another issue). Due to the large number of channels required for 12 bits, I used SPI's DATA for confirmation.



	input wire [11:0] data_in,
	output reg [11:0] data_out,




I really can't find a way to solve these two problems, so I'm hoping to get some help.

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Honored Contributor I

we see that unexpected state enters on DIO_Tick edge. Where is this signal originated? Guess it's also asynchronous and needs synchronization.


@FvM wrote:

we see that unexpected state enters on DIO_Tick edge. Where is this signal originated? Guess it's also asynchronous and needs synchronization.

DIO_Tick comes from the DIO card of the PC.


I found that both of these issues may stem from errors in receiving external signals. I suspect that the data_valid is causing the FSM to jump to an illegal state, leading to the incorrect Tick_FPGA signal. 


In designing the FPGA to receive external signals, I'm not experienced enough, which has led to unexpected errors even in simple state machines.

Currently, I have resolved the timing issues related to external signal processing.

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

@Scarlet wrote:

Here, the Tick_FPGA signal suddenly goes low.

According to the FSM's LEDs I set for each state, it has jump to an illegal state.


It's always good to add a default state to prevent (and more importantly recover from) these as much as possible. In your case statement, just try adding a state such as:

default: state <= IDLE; // and maybe re-set the LEDs

And with different clock domains considered, it might help to widen the data_valid pulse, I can see that it is one clock period wide in the current implementation. Not sure if that's sth you can adjust tho

0 Kudos

@anonimcs wrote:

It's always good to add a default state to prevent (and more importantly recover from) these as much as possible. In your case statement, just try adding a state such as:


default: state <= IDLE; // and maybe re-set the LEDs


I tried adding a default state, but it didn't seem to make much difference, so I decided not to include it later.


@anonimcs wrote:

And with different clock domains considered, it might help to widen the data_valid pulse, I can see that it is one clock period wide in the current implementation. Not sure if that's sth you can adjust tho

It can be adjusted. Initially, the data_valid pulse was only sent after the data was confirmed.

To avoid having a data_valid pulse that was too narrow, some changes were made.

Currently, the local FPGA sets data_valid to 0 upon receiving the Tick_FPGA signal, and it returns to 1 only after the data transmission is complete, like this:



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Honored Contributor I

Hi Scarlet,
it's quite simple, any signal originated outside the FSM clock domain and used to advance state must be synchronized to FSM clock.


@anonimcs wrote

It's always good to add a default state to prevent (and more importantly recover from) these as much as possible. 

Unfortunately, a default state will not help to recover from illegal states. If there's no condition advancing to a certain state, it will be simply discarded in synthesis.

To achieve this, you need to specify safe state machine encoding by synthesis attribute

type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3);
signal state : state_type := s0;
attribute syn_encoding : string;
attribute syn_encoding of state_type : type is "safe";

Review "State Machine HDL Guidelines" in Quartus Design Manual for details.



I have a question: why can the FSM jump to an illegal state if the input changes simultaneously with the clock edge?

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Honored Contributor I

Good question. Main reason is clock and data path delay skew for multiple state variable registers so that one registers "sees" old and other new input state. A state transition from "1000" to "0100" can result in either "0000" or "1100" illegal state. Depending on the implemented logic, the state machine can only recover by a reset. Above mentioned safe state machine logic enforces a transition from illegal to legal, usually initial state.


I have another question. Originally, I had a Tx/Rx transmission module receiver, but I encountered a deadlock issue during testing, so I switched to parallel transmission. This time, I deeply realized that when receiving external signals, it’s important to process and wait for stability first.

I modified the module receiver using the same concept, and although it doesn't lead to illegal states causing deadlock, it sometimes fails to correctly receive data from Rx.

I am currently testing and inferring that the issue is also caused by the input changing simultaneously with the clock edge. 


My Tx/Rx architecture:



My Tx transmission format is:

Start bit + 12bit data(LSB to MSB) + Stop bit = total 14bit, refer to:



My Receiver Code:

module receiver.v



On the left is the SPI data, which is sent through Tx after reversing the MSB, and on the right is the data received by Rx:



I have confirmed that the timing and state are both normal:

First data:

Start bit Tx DataStop bitRx Data
00110 0000 001010x406


Sixth data:

Start bit Tx DataStop bitRx Data
01110 0000 001010x007


Observing the execution time of the shift_reg based on the changes in GPIO.


			if(current_state == RECEIVE) begin
				shift_reg <= {RX_sync, shift_reg[11:1]};
				bit_count <= bit_count + 1;
				gpio <= ~gpio;



Due to the use of a synchronization register, the GPIO will be delayed by one clock cycle.


	//* ----- Synchronization Register ----- *//
	reg [1:0] rx_sync;

	// Registers are updated on every rising clock edge
	always @(posedge clk) begin
		 // Synchronize the external signal step by step to the FPGA internal clock
		 rx_sync <= {rx_sync[0], rx};

	// Sync Signal
	wire RX_sync = rx_sync[1];




I initially had no way to solve this issue, but referring to a recent discussion[1], if I use oversampling during Rx reception, it should help avoid the problem of the input Rx changing simultaneously with the clock edge.




So generally, when designing a receiver, oversampling is used to solve this issue?



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