Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Stratix 10 emif time-limited programming file


Good day,


I have intel Stratix 10 GX 10M FPGA

I have Intel® Quartus® Prime Software SW-ONE-QUARTUS license.

I am using Quartus Prime Version 21.4.0 Pro Edition.

In my design I use emif only. But i get time-limited programming file after synthesis.

I see next log:


Warning(18391): Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature is turned on for the following cores
Warning(18392): "Nios II Embedded Processor Encrypted output" will use the Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature

Warning(265072): Messages from megafunction that supports Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature
Warning(265073): Messages from megafunction that supports Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature Nios II Processor
Warning(265074): Nios II Processor will be deactivated when the evaluation time expires.

Warning(265069): Megafunction that supports Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature will stop functioning in 1 hour after device is programmed

Info(115017): Design contains a time-limited core -- only a single, time-limited programming file can be generated
Info(21726): Time Limited Core Name: Nios II Embedded Processor Encrypted output (6AF7 00A2)


What am I doing wrong?

I need in other license yet?


Thank you, 


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