Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16604 Discussions

Tcl command update_content_to_memory_from_file

Honored Contributor II



I wish to update a memory instance within a command prompt, instead of using the In-System Memory Editor. I'm not too familiar with Tcl scripts. I've tried : 


quartus_stp --tcl_eval begin_memory_edit -hardware_name "USB-Blaster \[USB-0\]" -device_name "@1: EP3C25/EP4CE22 (0x020F30DD)" 


which doesn't complain, then : 


quartus_stp --tcl_eval update_content_to_memory_from_file -instance_index 0 -mem_file_path "prog.mif" -mem_file_type mif 


which gives me ERROR: A memory edit sequence has not been started. 


When I disable the JTAG connection and try again the begin_memory_edit command, I get an ERROR: The specified hardware is not found, which indicates me at least it is detecting the JTAG device. 


Any idea what I am doing wrong? 




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1 Reply

Did this problem get fixed?

I have the same issue, tested this on windows as well as linux and got the same result:


$ ./quartus_stp --tcl_eval get_editable_mem_instances -device_name '{@1: EP3SL340 (0x021050DD)}' -hardware_name {USB-Blaster [1-10]}

{0 512 1 RW ROM/RAM OTP0} {1 512 1 RW ROM/RAM OTP1} {2 512 1 RW ROM/RAM OTP2} {3 512 1 RW ROM/RAM OTP3} {4 512 1 RW ROM/RAM OTP4} {5 512 1 RW ROM/RAM OTP5} {6 512 1 RW ROM/RAM OTP6} {7 512 1 RW ROM/RAM OTP7} {8 16384 32 RW ROM/RAM ROM1} {9 16384 32 RW ROM/RAM ROM0} {10 8192 32 RW ROM/RAM RAM2} {11 32768 136 RW ROM/RAM FLAS}


$./quartus_stp --tcl_eval begin_memory_edit -device_name '{@1: EP3SL340 (0x021050DD)}' -hardware_name {USB-Blaster [1-10]}


$./quartus_stp --tcl_eval update_content_to_memory_from_file -instance_index 9 -mem_file_path "/home/rom.mif" -mem_file_type mif


Also if I retry the begin_memory_edit command after this I get:

$ ./quartus_stp --tcl_eval begin_memory_edit -device_name '{@1: EP3SL340 (0x021050DD)}' -hardware_name {USB-Blaster [1-10]}

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 0 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 1 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 2 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 3 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 4 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 5 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 6 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 7 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 8 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 9 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 10 had been accessed by another program

Error (261020): The modifiable node at index 11 had been accessed by another program


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