Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16808 Discussions

Using constants from package on bdf

New Contributor I

There were some questions on this forum about constants on  *.bdf, e.g. 

The main problem is that if I would like to use *.bdf as my top-level file and I would like to have the ability to change some parameters I use generic/parameter to make it appear on top-level.


Imagine  I would use vhd-file as top-level. I can write such code:



library work;

entity process_test is
    generic (
        CCC : INTEGER := work.my_pack.myPar





where my_pack is a package with constant myPar defined. During compilation, Quartus will create a proper scheme with the value of CCC equal to the value of myPar from the package.

While using *.bdf-file I can try to use the same approach:



But while compiling it gets an error.

I can't truly understand why it doesn't see my constants, because it definitely uses work library. However, I can't use any package with constants so they can be assigned to these parameters. Notice, whenever I generate *.vhd-file from any good *.bdf I see one important line:



library work;


which tells me that this file must get all information from work.

Of course, I can use the solution with set_parameter ( but it doesn't really well for modelling in Modelsim plus it keeps constants only for top-level file, so with deep hierarchy, I can't set values for deep files.


Now, the question: is it normal behaviour for *.bdf? Why does it see work library but still doesn't see constants from work? Is there any way to add package on *.bdf?

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5 Replies

Have you tried the KDB below?  You can try to use the param primitives and constant primitives.

What is the error shown during the compilation? 

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New Contributor I

Dear @RichardTanSY_Intel,

Thank you for your answer. Yes, I tried this solution, but it is uncomfortable:

- it is a graphical info which I can't store in a separate file

- It is hard to keep in git

- I can't use same constant in different layers of files - I have to duplicate this param inside of another bdf


The error from the option I showed on image in my question is:

Error (275082): Illegal values "work.my_pack.myPar" for parameter "CCC". The type is "Signed Integer".

I guess that means that the compiler doesn't see my constant myPar from the package my_pack

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Could you share your design and package so that I could duplicate it from my side? 

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New Contributor I

Yes @RichardTanSY_Intel , the project attached to this message

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Sorry for idling for sometime. The BDF is weak in handling this kind of situation.

My best bet is to write the design in VHDL in the first place. 

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