Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16604 Discussions

VHDL code P2, Is anybody who can help me ?

Honored Contributor II

Hi guys, 

I have some code for this "project" (photo). I have no idea hot to pair this. Can You help me with port map and signals ? This code is correct ? 

library IEEE; 



entity projekt is 

port(Up,Down, : in std_logic; 

A0, A1, A2, A3: out std_logic); 

end projekt; 


architecture projekt of projekt is 


s1 <= up  

s2 <= 













entity component is 

port (T: in std_logic 

Clock: in std_logic 

Out: out std_logic); 

signal tmp: std_logic; 

end component; 




Architecture Behavioral of component is 


process (Clock) 


if Clock'event and Clock='1' then 


if T='0' then 

tmp <= tmp; 

elsif T='1' then 

tmp <= not (tmp); 

end if; 

end if; 

end process; 

Out <= tmp; 

end przerzutnik; 






T_FF: T1 port map(T 

T_FF: T2 port map 

T_FF: T3 port map 

T_FF: T4 port map
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You appear to be missing all the port maps, plus I assume a copy paste error as the code is a little odd (there is a begin after the end) 


Please re-post correct code and state what problems you're having
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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You appear to be missing all the port maps, plus I assume a copy paste error as the code is a little odd (there is a begin after the end) 


Please re-post correct code and state what problems you're having 

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I replicated only code for T flip-flop. Succession is not important bcs i know hot to sort this code. I don't know how to attribute signals and where they must be. Any suggestions?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

What do you mean by "attribute signal"? 

The code is full of syntax errors and incomplete. So without a reasonable code example, and a specific problem, it is hard to understand what you want....
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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What do you mean by "attribute signal"? 

The code is full of syntax errors and incomplete. So without a reasonable code example, and a specific problem, it is hard to understand what you want.... 

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My teacher said : Later, you declare a component for the main unit, signals to connections, components and porting mapping ( with no logic describing how works flip flop) 

I know its uncomplete but want to know how it works, what is it ? And maybe i wll find code in the internet,I need it now rly, I don't asking for much, only to help with that.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

The template is something like 

<libraries> entity name_of_module is <generic and port lists> end entity; architecture name_of_architecture of name_of_entity is <all aliases, signals components and constants> begin <processes, signal assignments, port maps etc> end architecture;  

a generic/port map looks like  

label : name_of_component generic map( some_gen => 0 ) port map ( clk => higher_level_clock );
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

The template is something like 

<libraries> entity name_of_module is <generic and port lists> end entity; architecture name_of_architecture of name_of_entity is <all aliases, signals components and constants> begin <processes, signal assignments, port maps etc> end architecture;  

a generic/port map looks like  

label : name_of_component generic map( some_gen => 0 ) port map ( clk => higher_level_clock );  

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Finally good reply:) Thank You o much !
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