Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16808 Discussions

Why does the Quartus fitter fail to pack any ALMs when it does not find a fit?


I have a design which is on the limit in terms of FPGA logic utilization. I've noticed that when the fitter fails to find a fit, the "[B] Estimate of ALMs recoverable by dense packing" component of the ALMs needed calculation is 0. When the fitter is able to find a fit, some ALMs are able to be recovered.


+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Resource Usage Summary ; +-------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------+ ; Resource ; Usage ; % ; +-------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------+ ; Logic utilization (ALMs needed / total ALMs on device) ; 32,157 / 32,070 ; 100 % ; ; ALMs needed [=A-B+C] ; 32,157 ; ; ; [A] ALMs used in final placement [=a+b+c+d] ; 30,284 / 32,070 ; 94 % ; ; [a] ALMs used for LUT logic and registers ; 13,292 ; ; ; [b] ALMs used for LUT logic ; 11,471 ; ; ; [c] ALMs used for registers ; 5,521 ; ; ; [d] ALMs used for memory (up to half of total ALMs) ; 0 ; ; ; [B] Estimate of ALMs recoverable by dense packing ; 0 / 32,070 ; 0 % ; ; [C] Estimate of ALMs unavailable [=a+b+c+d] ; 1,873 / 32,070 ; 6 % ; ; [a] Due to location constrained logic ; 0 ; ; ; [b] Due to LAB-wide signal conflicts ; 442 ; ; ; [c] Due to LAB input limits ; 1,431 ; ; ; [d] Due to virtual I/Os ; 0 ; ;

From the fitter report snippet above, I would assume that the 5,521 ALMs used only as registers [A.c] would be candidates for packing with the 11,471 ALMs used only as LUT logic [A.b].


Is there a reason that the fitter fails to pack any ALMs in no-fit cases?

Is there a Quartus option that would force the fitter to attempt to pack ALMs?

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1 Reply
Try a different seeds, every seeds will have different type of packing and routing, You can refer to for explanation of packing of AL<
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