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quartus prime pro 20.3.0 build 158 09/24/2020 SC Pro Edition
Host Server info : Linux plxc25098 3.0.101-108.87-default #1 SMP Fri Feb 22 16:42:57 UTC 2019 (10e85a8) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Cannot move p-tile pcie gen 4 2x8 example design location from default p-tile 1 to p-tile 2
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Hi Lorne,
Can you try to click on the show report and paste it here, probably there are some useful insights can get from there.
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Has there been any resolution to this issue?
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I know this is old but I'm still seeing issues with interface planner in Quartus 22.3 crash when trying to place serdes/GXB. This is on any Stratix 10 design. I've cut and pasted debug info below but I'm going to hazard a guess that gui windows only really work in Microsoft window and it struggles with Linux based systems for something in the planner.
I'll initiate a new case on premire support if that is better.
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More debug
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<callstack>*** Fatal Error: 0x7f9f924b24ea: ccl_err + 0x174ea (_Z14err_terminatorv + 0x16e)
0x7f9f8c3780f6: stdc++ + 0xa60f6 (_ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE + 0x6)
0x7f9f8c378161: stdc++ + 0xa6161
0x7f9f8c3783b4: stdc++ + 0xa63b4
0x7f9f7d42819c: periph_pdp + 0x6919c (_ZNK3QTL10DENSE_HASHIii7QTL_OPSIivEE2atERKi + 0x3c)
0x7f9f7d49583e: periph_pdp + 0xd683e (_ZNK10PDP_DESIGN20filter_visible_cellsERKSt6vectorIiSaIiEE + 0x7e)
0x7f9f7d49645c: periph_pdp + 0xd745c (_ZNK10PDP_DESIGN22filter_autoplace_cellsERKSt6vectorIiSaIiEE + 0x3c)
0x7f9f7d4c1fcb: periph_pdp + 0x102fcb (_ZN19PDP_PLACEMENT_CACHE68update_placement_info_cache_non_toplevel_cell_with_unplaced_toplevelEiP10PDP_DESIGNP14PDP_FPP_FACADE + 0x8bb)
0x7f9f7d4c2c6f: periph_pdp + 0x103c6f (_ZN19PDP_PLACEMENT_CACHE27update_placement_info_cacheEiP10PDP_DESIGNP14PDP_FPP_FACADEP10PDP_DEVICEP24PDP_REGISTERED_CONTAINERI15PDP_DEVICE_VIEWE + 0x51f)
0x7f9f7d422c61: periph_pdp + 0x63c61 (pdp_get_placements + 0x171)
0x7f9f8f9fe942: tcl8.6 + 0x4c942 (TclNRRunCallbacks + 0x42)
0x7f9f8f9ffe7b: tcl8.6 + 0x4de7b (TclEvalEx + 0x68b)
0x7f9f8faa5f0e: tcl8.6 + 0xf3f0e (Tcl_FSEvalFileEx + 0x25e)
0x7f9f8faa5ffe: tcl8.6 + 0xf3ffe (Tcl_EvalFile + 0x2e)
0x7f9fad8c58fb: comp_qexe + 0x2a8fb (_Z24qexe_evaluate_tcl_scriptRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE + 0x3de)
0x7f9fad8c8d72: comp_qexe + 0x2dd72 (_ZL11qexe_do_tclP14QEXE_FRAMEWORKRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES8_RKNS1_4listIS6_SaIS6_EEEbb + 0x4c2)
0x7f9fad8cefdb: comp_qexe + 0x33fdb (_Z18qexe_standard_mainP14QEXE_FRAMEWORKPPK22QEXE_OPTION_DEFINITIONiPPKc + 0x961)
0x40ad4c: quartus_fit + 0x40ad4c (_Z10qfit2_mainiPPKc + 0x8c)
0x7f9f93e48886: ccl_msg + 0x4e886 (_Z15msg_main_threadPv + 0x10)
0x7f9f93e49aa4: ccl_msg + 0x4faa4 (_Z18msg_thread_wrapperPFPvS_ES_ + 0x8c)
0x7f9f92510468: ccl_mem + 0x1f468 (_Z18mem_thread_wrapperPFPvS_ES_ + 0x98)
0x7f9f924abf3a: ccl_err + 0x10f3a (_Z18err_thread_wrapperPFPvS_ES_ + 0x1e)
0x7f9f9221f7f5: ccl_thr + 0xb7f5 (thr_thread_wrapper + 0x15)
0x7f9f93e499c4: ccl_msg + 0x4f9c4 (_Z12msg_exe_mainiPPKcPFiiS1_E + 0xd8)
0x7f9f8bb70d85: c + 0x3ad85 (__libc_start_main + 0xe5)
0x406289: quartus_fit + 0x406289 (_start + 0x29)
<error>Program termination requested</error>
<date>Thu Apr 20 08:54:43 2023
<version>Version 22.3.0 Build 104 09/14/2022 SC Pro Edition</version>
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