Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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using lpm_counter to divide a clock by any No

Honored Contributor II

Greetings everyone, I want to divide a 50 MHz clock frequency by (2,3,4,5,6,7,8). I am using a Block Diagram Schematics. Can I do this by using a (Counter)?? I have tried using the (modulus) but I don't get any output in the Simulation. What can I do please?? I have been using VHDL for a long time, but now I want to accomplish the task using Block Diagram/Schematics because I don't want to go back to the coding. 


Your help means a lot to me, Thanks!
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Why dont you want to go back to coding? Block diagrams have many disadvantages over code: 


1. You cannot simulate a block diagram (it has to be converted to HDL first) 

2. Block diagrams are not portable between vendors 

3. Block diagrams dont work very well with version control. 


Using a counter is possible to do anything - but I suggest not using the mod function - it implements a divider which may complete in a single clock and be very slow. And you should not generate a clock with logic anyway. It is much better practice to create a clock enable so that all logic uses the system clock, only enabled when required (every other clock, every third clock etc).
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Honored Contributor II

Thank you very much indeed. But how do I use the clock enable input???? I mean there is the output from the pll that is connected directly to the clock of the counter. What do I have to connect to clk_enable input??? 


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Honored Contributor II

you would have a counter free running, and then use the counter to generate a clock enable: 


for example - to divide a clock by 16 - eg in VHDL: 


signal counter : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal clk_en : std_logic; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then counter <= counter + 1; if counter = 0 then clk_en <= '1'; else clk_en <= '0' end if; if clk_en = '1' then -- logic here is only switched on every 16 clocks end if; end if end process;
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Honored Contributor II

Thank you very much, that is really helpful.

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