Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks
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Flow Graph Isolated Nodes


I have an application which takes a video input and then outputs these to different destinations. For this I am using TBBs flow graph API.

My graph looks something like this:

broadcast_node (input0)
                        function_node (encoder0) - function_node (output0)
broadcast_node (input1)
                        function_node (encoder1) - function_node (output1)
broadcast_node (input2)

Now this works fine (note that this is a simplified example). However, if one of the encoders fails and throw an exception then everything stops working.

Is there any way I can isolate the encoder and output parts of the graph so that if any of these nodes throw an exception it is simply removed/ignored from the graph while the rest runs as if nothing has happened? 

Basically what I want is that if encoder1 throws then encoder2 should just keep on running.

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1 Reply

Is it possible to create edges between nodes that have different parent graph objects? If so, what is the semantics an life time management of that?

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