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The memory manager cannot access sufficient memory to initialize; exiting

Valued Contributor II
Idetected a problem with 'scalable_allocator' and a complete test-case ( ~ 110 code lines )will be provided.
The 'scallable_allocator' also fails to allocate a memory for a last block ( see Tests 4 and 5 ).

[EDITED] Please see a Post #3 for updated descriptions of theseproblems:

Here are results of a stresstest-case (32-bit / Release configuration )for a preliminary review:

>> Test 1 <<

Number of Memory Blocks: 4192
Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes
Total Amount of Memory : 0.13 GB

[ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 31 ticks
[ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 16 ticks
Press ENTER to continue...

[ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 31 ticks
[ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 0 ticks
Press ENTER to exit...

>> Test 2 <<

Number of Memory Blocks: 8192
Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes
Total Amount of Memory : 0.25 GB

[ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 63 ticks
[ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 15 ticks
Press ENTER to continue...

[ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 46 ticks
[ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 0 ticks
Press ENTER to exit...

>> Test 3 <<

Number of Memory Blocks: 16384
Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes
Total Amount of Memory : 0.50 GB

[ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 141 ticks
[ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 31 ticks
Press ENTER to continue...

[ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 94 ticks
[ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 16 ticks
Press ENTER to exit...

>> Test 4 <<

Number of Memory Blocks: 32768
Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes
Total Amount of Memory : 1.00 GB

[ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 406 ticks
[ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 78 ticks
Press ENTER to continue...

[ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 94 ticks
[ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 16 ticks
Error: [ TBB scalable_allocator ] Failed to allocate a memory block #32768 - SysError: 0
Press ENTER to exit...

>> Test 5 <<

Number of Memory Blocks: 49152
Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes
Total Amount of Memory : 1.50 GB

[ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 609 ticks
[ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 94 ticks
Press ENTER to continue...

[ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 62 ticks
[ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 16 ticks
Error: [ TBB scalable_allocator ] Failed to allocate a memory block #49152 - SysError: 0
Press ENTER to exit...

>> Test 6 <<

Number of Memory Blocks: 65536
Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes
Total Amount of Memory : 2.00 GB

[ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 1328 ticks
[ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 234 ticks
Press ENTER to continue...
The memory manager cannot access sufficient memory to initialize; exiting

0 Kudos
32 Replies

Could you please provide us with the reproducer?

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Could you please provide us with the reproducer?

A short answer: Yes.

( a couple of minutes... )

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Hi everybody,

Quoting Sergey Kostrov
Idetected a problem with 'scalable_allocator' and a complete test-case ( ~ 110 code lines )will be provided.
The 'scallable_allocator' also fails to allocate a memory for a last block ( see Tests 4 and 5 )...

I decided to change definitions of these two problems:

>> Problem #1 <<

TBB 'scalable_allocator' doesn't outperform CRT 'malloc' when an application needs to
allocate more than ~1.54GB of memory in total ( not as one large block! )

>> Problem #2 <<

TBB 'scalable_allocator' fails completely after ~1.97GB of memory was allocated and
then released (!) by CRT 'malloc'. An application exits with a TBB error message:

The memory manager cannot access sufficient memory to initialize; exiting

I'd like to note that ~1.97GB of memory is currently needed for some algorithm on a 32-bit Windowsplatform.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
I delayedrelease ofthe test-case since I detected one issue( not TBB related ).I needed some time to changecodes and
to completere-testing. So, here are the source codes:

[cpp]// Stress Tests for CRT 'malloc' and TBB 'scalable_allocator' { ///* #if ( defined ( _WIN32_MSC ) || defined ( _WIN32_ICC ) ) #define _TEST_CRTMALLOC // Configuration Macros for Tests #define _TEST_TBBSCALABLEALLOCATOR /* Notes: // #define _TEST_CRTMALLOC // Case 1 // #define _TEST_TBBSCALABLEALLOCATOR #define _TEST_CRTMALLOC // Case 2 // #define _TEST_TBBSCALABLEALLOCATOR // #define _TEST_CRTMALLOC // Case 3 #define _TEST_TBBSCALABLEALLOCATOR #define _TEST_CRTMALLOC // Case 4 #define _TEST_TBBSCALABLEALLOCATOR */ // Attention: Results are for the Case 4 // ( Win32 / Release configuration ) #define _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK 8192 // CRT TBB // malloc scalable_allocator // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 4192; // 0.13GB - OK OK // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 8192; // 0.25GB - OK OK // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 16384; // 0.50GB - OK OK // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 32768; // 1.00GB - OK OK // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 65536 - 16384; // 1.50GB - OK OK // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 65536 - 8192; // 1.75GB - OK Failed on 6996 mem blocks const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 65536; // 2.00GB - Failed on 929 mem blocks
// The memory manager cannot access // sufficient memory to initialize; /* exiting Notes: These results are for the Cases 3 and 4 ( Win32 / Release configuration ) Total amount of memory that could be allocated with CRT 'malloc' ~1.97GB Total amount of memory that could be allocated with TBB 'scalable_allocator' ~1.54GB ( ~0.43GB less ) */ #if ( defined ( _TEST_CRTMALLOC ) || defined ( _TEST_TBBSCALABLEALLOCATOR ) ) CrtPrintf( RTU("Number of Memory Blocks: %ldn"), ( RTint )_NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS ); CrtPrintf( RTU("Size of Memory Block : %ld bytesn"), ( RTint )( _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK * sizeof( RTfloat ) ) ); CrtPrintf( RTU("Total Amount of Memory : %.2f GBnn"), ( RTfloat )( _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK * sizeof( RTfloat ) * _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS ) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ); #endif RTfloat *pfData[ _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS ] = { RTnull }; RTbool bErrorM = RTfalse; RTbool bErrorS = RTfalse; RTuint uiNumOfMemBlocksNotAllocatedM = 0U; RTuint uiNumOfMemBlocksNotAllocatedS = 0U; RTuint uiSysErrorM = 0U; RTuint uiSysErrorS = 0U; RTint t; while( RTtrue ) { #ifdef _TEST_CRTMALLOC // Case 1 - CRT malloc g_uiTicksStart = SysGetTickCount(); for( t = 0; t < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; t++ ) { pfData = ( RTfloat * )CrtMalloc( _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK * sizeof( RTfloat ) ); if( pfData == RTnull ) { uiNumOfMemBlocksNotAllocatedM += 1; // uiSysErrorM = SysGetLastError(); bErrorM = RTtrue; continue; } } g_uiTicksEnd = SysGetTickCount(); CrtPrintf( RTU("[ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - %4ld ticksn"), ( RTint )( g_uiTicksEnd - g_uiTicksStart ) ); g_uiTicksStart = SysGetTickCount(); for( t = 0; t < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; t++ ) { if( pfData != RTnull ) { CrtFree( pfData ); pfData = RTnull; } } g_uiTicksEnd = SysGetTickCount(); CrtPrintf( RTU("[ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - %4ld ticksn"), ( RTint )( g_uiTicksEnd - g_uiTicksStart ) ); if( bErrorM == RTtrue ) CrtPrintf( RTU("[ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate %5ld memory blocksn"), uiNumOfMemBlocksNotAllocatedM ); CrtPrintf( RTU("Press ENTER to continue...n") ); CrtGetChar(); #endif #ifdef _TEST_TBBSCALABLEALLOCATOR // Case 2 - TBB scalable_allocator g_uiTicksStart = SysGetTickCount(); for( t = 0; t < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; t++ ) { pfData = scalable_allocator< RTfloat >().allocate( _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK ); if( pfData == RTnull ) { uiNumOfMemBlocksNotAllocatedS += 1; // uiSysErrorS = SysGetLastError(); bErrorS = RTtrue; continue; } } g_uiTicksEnd = SysGetTickCount(); CrtPrintf( RTU("[ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - %4ld ticksn"), ( RTint )( g_uiTicksEnd - g_uiTicksStart ) ); g_uiTicksStart = SysGetTickCount(); for( t = 0; t < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; t++ ) { if( pfData != RTnull ) { tbb::scalable_allocator< RTfloat >().deallocate( pfData, _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK ); pfData = RTnull; } } g_uiTicksEnd = SysGetTickCount(); CrtPrintf( RTU("[ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - %4ld ticksn"), ( RTint )( g_uiTicksEnd - g_uiTicksStart ) ); if( bErrorS == RTtrue ) CrtPrintf( RTU("Error: [ TBB scalable_allocator ] Failed to allocate %5ld memory blocksn"), uiNumOfMemBlocksNotAllocatedS ); CrtPrintf( RTU("Press ENTER to exit...n") ); CrtGetChar(); #endif break; } #endif //*/ }
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

Some small modifications in the source codes of the test will be needed, like:

CrtPrintf-> _tprintf or printf
CrtMalloc-> malloc
CrtFree-> free
CrtGetChar-> _gettchar or getchar
SysGetTickCount-> GetTickCount

RTtrue-> true or TRUE
RTfalse-> false or FALSE
RTnull-> NULL

RTbool-> bool or BOOL
RTint-> int
RTuint-> unsigned int
RTfloat-> float

RTU-> _T

or use a set of macros, like:

#define CrtPrintf _tprintf

Two global variables 'g_uiTicksStart' and 'g_uiTicksEnd' are declared as follows:

RTuint g_uiTicksStart = 0U;
RTuint g_uiTicksEnd = 0U;

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

Here are updated test results for the Case 4 when both configuration macros are defined:


>> Test 1 <<

[cpp] Number of Memory Blocks: 4192 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 0.13 GB [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 32 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 15 ticks Press ENTER to continue... [ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 31 ticks [ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 0 ticks Press ENTER to exit... [/cpp]

>> Test 2 <<

[bash] Number of Memory Blocks: 8192 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 0.25 GB [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 62 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 16 ticks Press ENTER to continue... [ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 47 ticks [ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 0 ticks Press ENTER to exit... [/bash]

>> Test 3 <<

[cpp] Number of Memory Blocks: 16384 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 0.50 GB [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 141 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 31 ticks Press ENTER to continue... [ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 94 ticks [ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 0 ticks Press ENTER to exit... [/cpp]

>> Test 4 <<

[cpp] Number of Memory Blocks: 32768 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 1.00 GB [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 328 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 78 ticks Press ENTER to continue... [ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 750 ticks [ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 16 ticks Error: [ TBB scalable_allocator ] Failed to allocate 15144 memory blocks Press ENTER to exit... [/cpp]

>> Test 5 <<

[cpp] Number of Memory Blocks: 49152 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 1.50 GB [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 594 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 109 ticks Press ENTER to continue... [ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 1594 ticks [ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 0 ticks Error: [ TBB scalable_allocator ] Failed to allocate 37891 memory blocks Press ENTER to exit... [/cpp]

>> Test 6 <<

[cpp] Number of Memory Blocks: 57344 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 1.75 GB [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 703 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 156 ticks Press ENTER to continue... [ TBB scalable_allocator ] All memory blocks are allocated - 2016 ticks [ TBB deallocate ] All memory blocks are released - 5 ticks Error: [ TBB scalable_allocator ] Failed to allocate 52547 memory blocks Press ENTER to exit... [/cpp]

>> Test 7 <<

[cpp] Number of Memory Blocks: 65536 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 2.00 GB [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 891 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 234 ticks [ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate 929 memory blocks Press ENTER to continue... The memory manager cannot access sufficient memory to initialize; exiting [/cpp]

My Development Environment:

OS : Windows XP 32-bit SP3
IDE: Visual Studio 2005 SP1
TBB: Version 4 Update 3
TBB: Version 4 Update 1

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Here is a screenshot of the Windows Task Manager:

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

I decided tostress-test a CRT 'malloc' function again. I wanted to understand if itwould experience a problem
similar to TBB 'scalable_allocator'. Here is output for 3 tests with CRT 'malloc' & 'free' functions executed one after another:
[bash] ...
Number of Memory Blocks: 65536 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 2.00 GB // Sub-Test #1 [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 890 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 235 ticks [ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate 929 memory blocks Press ENTER to continue... // Sub-Test #2 [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 687 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 235 ticks [ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate 931 memory blocks Press ENTER to continue... // Sub-Test #3 [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 688 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 250 ticks [ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate 929 memory blocks Press ENTER to continue... ... [/bash]

As you can see CRT 'malloc' worked well andallocated all available memory for a 32-bit test application:

in 'Sub-Test #2' after it was released in 'Sub-Test #1'

and allocated all available memory

in 'Sub-Test #3' after it was released in 'Sub-Test #2'.

A screenshot is enclosed:

'Sub-Test #2' and 'Sub-Test #3' allocated all available memory faster then 'Sub-Test #1' in ~1.30 times and it isexpected.

Note: Pillars are different because the Windows Task Manager was lagging when rendering graphics during the test.

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Here are results of amodified test with a CRT 'malloc' function( tested 4 times ) and TBB 'scalable_allocator':
[cpp] ... Number of Memory Blocks: 65536 Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes Total Amount of Memory : 2.00 GB // Sub-Test #1 [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 1546 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 250 ticks [ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate 929 memory blocks Press ENTER to continue... // Sub-Test #2 [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 672 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 234 ticks [ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate 931 memory blocks Press ENTER to continue... // Sub-Test #3 [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 672 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 235 ticks [ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate 929 memory blocks Press ENTER to continue... // Sub-Test #4 [ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 672 ticks [ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 234 ticks [ CRT malloc ] Failed to allocate 931 memory blocks Press ENTER to continue... // Sub-Test #5 - TBB 'scalable_allocator' The memory manager cannot access sufficient memory to initialize; exiting ... [/cpp]
A screenshot is enclosed:

0 Kudos


Thank you for the report! I able to reproduce the issue locally, and belive it's 3rd party problem. I.e., it seems allocator from Microsoft Visual Studio failed to de-fragment memory when it got out of memory condition. As result, after system allocator failed and despite it released all the memory, subsequent allocation of 2MB via malloc or VirtualAlloc failed, but this is how TBB allocator finds memory to work with.

We are thinking about possible workarounds.

[cpp]#include #include const size_t SZ = 8192*4; const size_t NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 2*1024LU*1024*1024/SZ; // 65536 void *ptrs[NUM_OF_BLOCKS]; int main() { for (size_t i = 0; i = malloc(SZ); if (!ptrs) { printf("%u blocks, and can't allocate moren", i); break; } } for (size_t i = 0; i) break; free(ptrs); } printf("all mem releasedn"); void *p = malloc(1024*1024); if (!p) { printf("Can't allocate 1MBn"); exit(3); } return 0; }[/cpp]
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Thank you for the report! I able to reproduce the issue locally, and belive it's 3rd party problem...

Thank you, Alexandr! Did you do the investigation with the latest version of TBB v4 Update 5? Please confirm me.

I'll domy own investigation because I believe that there is a problem with TBB. I'll report my results as soon as
investigationis completed.

I'd like to note thatI'm still using TBB v4 Update 3.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Thank you for the report! I able to reproduce the issue locally, and belive it's 3rd party problem...

Thank you, Alexandr! Did you do the investigation with the latest version of TBB v4 Update 5? Please confirm me.

Attached isolated test case I created based on your code is not dependent on TBB or TBB allocator, system malloc/free are in use.
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Thank you for the report! I able to reproduce the issue locally, and belive it's 3rd party problem.

[SergeyK] Alexander, Did you debug tbbmalloc_debug.dll? Since my investigation is already in progress
I hold a neutral position and I don't blame any side until the investigation is completed.
Please take a look atmy next posts.

I.e., it seems allocator from Microsoft Visual Studio failed to de-fragment memory when it got out of memory condition.

[SergeyK] "Allocator" fromMicrosoft Visual Studio is not responsible for defragmentation of memory on any Windows platforms.
It is a responsibility of aVirtual Memory Manager ( VMM ). Please take a look at MSDN topic:
'The Virtual-Memory Manager in Windows NT'

So, first of all about your test-case. Youmodified / simplifiedmy2nd version that I haveposted ( see Post #4 ):

At the beginning I had a processing until 1st error and there were'break' statementsinside of all 'for'-loops.
As you can see now I changed it and replaced all 'break' statements with 'continue' statements. It allowed to see
how many memory blocks 'malloc' or 'scalable_allocator' could not allocate.

Your "isolated" test-case reproduces all my numbers but in a different way ( see Post #6 ):

Source codes of your modified test-case provided:
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Here is Alexander's modified test-case ( see Post #12 ):
[cpp]... // Sub-Test 10 - Stress Tests for CRT 'malloc' const size_t _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK = ( 8192 * sizeof( RTfloat ) ); const size_t _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 65536; RTfloat *pfData[ _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS ] = { RTnull }; // Sub-Test 1 CrtPrintf( RTU("Sub-Test 1n") ); for( size_t i = 0; i < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; i++ ) { pfData = ( RTfloat * )CrtMalloc( _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK ); if( pfData == RTnull ) { CrtPrintf( RTU("Allocated %ld Memory Blocks. Not Allocated %ld Memory Blocksn"), i, ( _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS - i ) ); break; } } for( size_t i = 0; i < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; i++ ) { if( pfData == RTnull ) break; CrtFree( pfData ); } CrtPrintf( RTU("All Memory Released - Press ENTER to continue...n") ); CrtGetChar(); // Sub-Test 2 CrtPrintf( RTU("Sub-Test 2n") ); for( size_t i = 0; i < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; i++ ) { pfData = ( RTfloat * )CrtMalloc( _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK ); if( pfData == RTnull ) { CrtPrintf( RTU("Allocated %ld Memory Blocks. Not Allocated %ld Memory Blocksn"), i, ( _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS - i ) ); break; } } for( size_t i = 0; i < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; i++ ) { if( pfData == RTnull ) break; CrtFree( pfData ); } CrtPrintf( RTU("All Memory Released - Press ENTER to continue...n") ); CrtGetChar(); // Sub-Test 3 CrtPrintf( RTU("Sub-Test 3n") ); for( size_t i = 0; i < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; i++ ) { pfData = ( RTfloat * )CrtMalloc( _SIZE_OF_MEMBLOCK ); if( pfData == RTnull ) { CrtPrintf( RTU("Allocated %ld Memory Blocks. Not Allocated %ld Memory Blocksn"), i, ( _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS - i ) ); break; } } for( size_t i = 0; i < _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS; i++ ) { if( pfData == RTnull ) break; CrtFree( pfData ); } CrtPrintf( RTU("All Memory Released - Press ENTER to exit...n") ); CrtGetChar(); ...
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Here is a screenshot:

Once again, 'malloc' allowed to allocate ( 3 times )all availablememory ( ~1.97GB ) on a 32-bit Windows platform:

allocated -> released
allocated -> released
allocated -> released

without any errors.

Now, you mentioned some "workaround" in one of your posts. What did you mean?
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Here is a small update for my test-case ( see Post #4 ):
[cpp]... const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 1; //32768 B // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 16; // 0.5KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 32; // 1KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 64; // 2KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 128; // 4KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 256; // 8KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 512; // 16KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 1024; // 32KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 2048; // 64KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 4192; // 128KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 8192; // 256KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 16384; // 512KB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 32768; // 1.00GB // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 65536 - 16384; // 1.50GB - OK // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 65536 - 8192; // 1.75GB - OK // const RTint _NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS = 65536; // 2.00GB ... [/cpp]
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Please take it into account:

Quoting Sergey Kostrov
Here is a small update for my test-case ( see Post #4 ):
  1. ...
  2. constRTint_NUM_OF_MEMORYBLOCKS=1;//32768B

If that case is selected than amount of total memory allocated in GB is displayd as '0.00 GB'. Please don't pay attention because
this is aformatting issue of a'printf' CRT function used in the test-case.

This is how it looks like:
Number of Memory Blocks: 1
Size of Memory Block : 32768 bytes
Total Amount of Memory : 0.00 GB

[ CRT malloc ] All memory blocks are allocated - 0 ticks
[ CRT free ] All memory blocks are released - 0 ticks
Press ENTER to continue...

0 Kudos

Once again, 'malloc' allowed to allocate ( 3 times )all availablememory ( ~1.97GB ) on a 32-bit Windows platform:

allocated -> released
allocated -> released
allocated -> released

without any errors.

Now, you mentioned some "workaround" in one of your posts. What did you mean?

Hello Sergey,
Why memory spikes are different there in case the same memory size is allocated and there is the same limit of the memory showed? It looks strange.
0 Kudos
Now, you mentioned some "workaround" in one of your posts. What did you mean?

I mean that when system allocators heap became fragmented and we cant allocate an object with size we want (say, 2MB), we still can allocate a smaller object that might be enough for TBB allocator bootstrap and some limited operations. I dont know is it useful for real-world applications or not.

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
Hi Vladimir,

Quoting Vladimir Polin (Intel)
Why memory spikes are different there in case the same memory size is allocated and there is the same
limit of the memory showed?
It looks strange...

[SergeyK] Absolutely agree.

I'm not sure for 100% but it looks like a rendering issue of the Windows Task Manager. Please take a look at
my primary test-case for the problem and you will see that there is no pausebetween a sub-test that allocates
memory blocksand a sub-test that releases memory blocks. I would add a call to 'Sleep' Win32 API function
with a delay at least 1 second.

In a pseudo-code it would look like:

//Allocation of memory blocks

::Sleep( 1000 ); // Delay to allow the Windows Task Manager to display a graph properly

//Release of memory blocks

Best regards,
0 Kudos