Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks
Ask questions and share information about adding parallelism to your applications when using this threading library.

Very, Very new to Intel TBB

459 Views please be kind... I am a programmer with 25 years of experiance but clueless in here. I'm going to take the dive but what O.S. should I focus on? I have a Vista Ultimate machine, XP Pro machine, Windows Server 2003 and Linux. I would prefer to start on XP because the contract I am working on uses that environment. I may have to switch them to Linux 2.6 possibly down the road but that would cause a much longer development cycle and require my ultimate solution to involve changing over all systems in the field. Client has a multiple application app running on a quad core cpu system under XP at the moment. He is having throughput problems. Will applying TBB under XP kernel make any sense? Sorry if this has been addressed before and question is redundant, I havn't learned how to look around here yet but will do better soon. Thanks, Dennis in Camarillo CA.
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3 Replies
Quoting - softrite please be kind... I am a programmer with 25 years of experiance but clueless in here. I'm going to take the dive but what O.S. should I focus on? I have a Vista Ultimate machine, XP Pro machine, Windows Server 2003 and Linux. I would prefer to start on XP because the contract I am working on uses that environment. I may have to switch them to Linux 2.6 possibly down the road but that would cause a much longer development cycle and require my ultimate solution to involve changing over all systems in the field. Client has a multiple application app running on a quad core cpu system under XP at the moment. He is having throughput problems. Will applying TBB under XP kernel make any sense? Sorry if this has been addressed before and question is redundant, I havn't learned how to look around here yet but will do better soon. Thanks, Dennis in Camarillo CA.

Tbb is programming library in C++.

What thoughput problems? Is he running a single-threaded application or multithreaded application?

Tbb can help the application run faster if you can rewrite his application and it is single threaded and it is suitable for making it multithreaded. Or if the application is multithreaded but not well programmed.

Also, you need to have access to the source code of the application and to rewrite it using tbb library, it needs to be written in C++.

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Thanks for the reply... I am a contract programmer. I have all of the source code. There are several applications. All are currently single threaded. One is a user access module running under a windows version of Apache. Another is a IP sniffer application. Another is a encoder/ decoder of VoIP packets. And also someSQL database stuff. Actually the system is a bit overloaded. The throughput "jitters"and missies packets, among other things.

I want to run the disjoint process/applications on isolated cores of the 4 available. Then thread the ones that have to share the same environment according to good TBB practices. All is in C++ except the Apache Http stuff that I want to isolate.

The question is: Will TBB work well on XP?
Thanks in advance

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Valued Contributor III

Have a look at a related example in James Reinders' book, and see for yourself whether you find it convincing.

P.S.: The subject of this thread is very, very useless: please be more specific, next time.

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